A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 32-A Long Day
#32 of A Dragon's Tale
The year is 1999. Retried Marines John Alex Mason,friend Hudson James Weaver and brother Issac Tyler Mason,have stepped back into the Corps to rescue their fellow Marine and brother in arms Wyatt Nolan Clarke. The friends are overjoyed to get the team back together. Little do they know that this is 30 year old John's last mission.....as a human anyway....
I was stirred from my sleep hours later as the V-22 touched down on the RBS Draco. As we stepped out,a cool gust of wind struck us. The wind carried with it the sent of the ocean. The sound of the waves hitting the ship and the wind high in the sky sent a calm feeling over me. Feeling the metal on my paws reminded me of the nightmare I'd had about a rescue mission on the Draco a few days prior.
"It's not going to go down like that,I thought to myself,"it can't."
"I love that smell Vez said,it reminds me of home."
"Do you see how BIG those guns are?" Ator asked exitedly.
I turned in Ator's direction. There were six turrets stacked on top of each other,each one had six guns,fifty inchers by the looks of them.
"Let's fnd the commanding officer of the ship and report to him."
"That'd be me." A female's voice came.
I turned to see a blue and white Anthro approaching us. She looked a lot like Tess,minus her crest.
"I'm Captain Artimus Carolth",she said,"I take it you are the commanding officer of Strike Force Raven?"
"Yes mam,I said,"I'm Major Tyro Serelath,this is Adelind,mymate,Sozenn,Ator,Valstrath,Vezoth,Syralth,Tesselth,Mnerloth,Hudson,Issac,Wyatt,Trent,Logan and Nina," I said introducing the others.
"Nina",Artimus said walking to her,"something wrong?"
"Hunter's been killed Artimus",Nina said with a few tears rolling down her muzzle.
Artimus's smile dropped from her face. After a few minutes of silence,she turned to Mnerloth,
"You going to be okay,she asked quietly.
Mnerloth met the question with an empty stare.
"Come",Artimus said,"we've got breakfast for you guys."
We followed Artimus to the mess hall. As we entered,the cooks gave us each the usual slab of deer and half gallon of water. After we ate,we followed Atrimus to the deck.
"Can I ask why were here",Adelind said.
"To plan the mission",Artimus said bringing up several holograms.
"Okay,I said,"looks like there are multiple ways to go below deck,so we'll have to split into teams. "Adelind,Sozenn,Ator,Nina and I will take the scafolding on the left side." "Hudson,you and the humans will take the bridge tower." Syralth,you and the Anthro's will take the scaffolding on the right side,Val,you Vez and Rolland go in from the scaffolding on the back of the ship. "Once inside,you will meet with Syralth and his team to destroy the power plant and plant explosives on the transmission shaft."
"Hudson,you and your team will destroy the communication's equipment and recover any weapons vests from the armory." "Adelind,Sozenn,Ator and Nina,we are going to rescue Shadow,Taro and any other prisoners onborad." "If we play this right,we can pull this off and be in and out in under an hour."
I saw Nina open her mouth to speak a few times,but she had cut herslef off.
"Nina",I said turning to her,"if you have something,you need to tell me now."
"I was based at the Draco,Nina said,I know when all the guard shifts change,I know who's where,when and for how long."
"That's good Nina,I said,we'll need it then."
Nina gave us everything,shift changes,when the gunboats come and go and even what dragon teams were where,when and for how long.
"When do we go,Nina asked afterwords.
"Nine PM,that seems to be the optimal time."
"I have no doubt that Wei knows this and will either try to escape,or kill us,so that brings us to task number two. Hudson,I want you and your team to disable all vehicles on the flight deck".
"Rolland,you and your team are to destroy any vehicles in the wet dock."
"One way or another,Lung doesn't leave the Draco alive."
"That's all for now,go get some rest,I said.
As my team left,I stayed behind with Artimus. As soon as the door closed behind them,she threw herself into me and burst into tears. She didn't say anything,she just cried. After around thirty minutes,she stopped crying,wiped the tears from her muzzle and looked at me.
"You make sure Shadow,Taro and Nina comeback alive Tyro."
"I will,I said,I give you my word."
I turned and left the room,only to find Nina standing there. Both her ears were perked up.
"How much of that did you hear,I asked.
"I heared enough",Nina said,'she'd never admit it,but she loved Hunter,it's sad because they could have been so happy together."
Nina and I walked to the barracks. As I entered my room,I found Adelind laying on the bed,her gear piled in the corner. I shrugged mine off and lay beside her.
"What kept you",she asked shoving herself against me. I lay a wing over her.
"Artimus had a breakdown",I said,"apaenrantly,she loved Hunter,but never told him,a pride thing geuss."
'Why would she do that to herself,Adelind asked looking into my eyes,"I don't see the reasoning behind it."
"I don't either,I said licking her snout,"I guess she's just one of those females who wants the male to act first and that Hunter was the kind of male who want's the female to make the first move."
I pulled Adelind close,I was glad that we weren't like that. I'm at the point in my life when most other Mountain Dragons start looking for mates. Sure,other's have scoffed at us with things like"your only twenty nine and twenty seven,too young for it to last",and stuff like that,but here we are,twenty five years and five kids later,still strong,and war fighters at that.
"I love you",I said pulling my mate close.
"I love you too",she said kissing me.
After kissing for a bit,we fell asleep. Artimus woke us a few hours later,she was standing in the door way,dressed from her head to the soles of her paws in black combat gear.
"Get ready,she said,were moving out right now."
Adelind and I stood,stretched out and then helped each other into our gear and then walked out to our waiting gunboat. Ator met us,his bright yellow eyes glowing in the dark.
"Let's get this done and get home",he said smiling.
"One of the things I love about you brother,I said,your always in a good mood."
We stepped on to the gunboat and found places to lay as it began to move out. I glanced over at Mnerloth,she was cleaning her G3.
"Mnerloth,I asked,"are you okay?"
"I miss my Dad,she said quietly,"I miss him so much."
"I miss my Dad to,I said,"but i'll see him again."
Mnerloth smiled and went back to cleaning her rifle. I smiled too,glad that I could be like a step father to her.
"Five mninutes untill we hit the Draco,Issac called from the head of the boat,"check your equipment."
The nightmare replayed in my head as I ran through my vest. The Draco stood as a red and blue flashing spot in the darkness,like had in the nightmare.
"Keep a hold on yourself Marine,I told myself","everything's going to be fine."
"let's do this,Hudson said.
We began to ascend the sides of the carrier.
"Talk to me Hudson,I called as we reached the sacffolding,"were not seeing anything,what do you guys have?"
"No contacts,Hudson replied.
"We have negative",Tess called.
"Nothing so far",Rolland called.
"Let's keep it that way,if you have claws,use them,if not,knives only."
The door began to creek open,two men began walking across the scaffolding.
"Right on time,Sozenn said,"let's do this."
Sozenn and I pounced,throwing all of our weight onto the men and crushing them.
"Flawless",Nina said,"let's move inside."
We slipped inside the carrier. It was quiet,except for the sounds of the engines and a little bit of chatter a few floors above. We crept along the hallway,Nina infront,acting as my guide and Sozenn behind. As we neared a four way intersection,Nina stopped.
"Back up",she whispered into the headset,there's a guard."
Nina moved behind me as we slipped back. A lone guard was slowly walking by,staring into the screen of his phone.
"Let him pass",I whispered.
Slowly,the guard past and we once again continued to descend into the gut of the ship. My heart was pounding the whole time. I was usually very calm on my missions,but the night mare was replying in my head,it could very easily become reality if I made one slip.
"Check in guys",I called,"were almost to the detention block,what's your status?"
"Explosives planted",Rolland called,"waiting for the go."
"Communication's destroyed",Hudson called,"armory secured."
"Talk to me Tess,I called,what's your status?"
"Right here",Tess' soft voice came from behind me
. I turned to see three,seven foot tall forms
. "Stack up on the door,ready for breach."
We stacked on the door,Fearls on one side,Anthro's on the other. Tess took a charge from her vest and set it on the door.
"Rolland,I said,"ready your detonator,there was a click over the radio,"armed",Rolland said,'give me the go ahead."
All fell quiet,the sounds of the Anthro's clanking the chambers of their weapons closed were all I could hear.
"3,2,1,blow it."
The sounds of the breaching charge and the C4 that Rolland had placed going off echoed through the carrier,I felt it lurch a bit from the concussion. Everything slowed down as I came through the door and let off a round from my 105. The recoil waved through my body and sent a chill up my spine. The area filled with gunfire as Raven exchanged fire with the other dragon team.
"Lung Wei is here!" Nina called,"I've got his sent!"
"Then we gotta move!"
Two shots rang from Adelind's 20mm,the two dragons we were fighting crashed to the ground,but I could see they were still alive.
"Good shot's Adelind,I said,now let's go!" We sprinted through the hallways. As we ran,I began to get the smell of blood.
"Hudson",I called,"what cell is Shadow being held in?"
"Cell 38,Hudson called over the crack of his FAL,"Hurry up and get them out,Artimus' battleship is about to rain hell down on this carrier!"
"Rodger!",I called. We ran down the halls,"36,37,38,"I found it,I called.
As I swung the door open,My heart dropped into my stomach. Taro had been ripped open,much the way Shadow had done to Mark. Shadow held his father's lifeless body in his grip. Taro's eyes were bloodshot.
"MEDIC",I screamed running to Taro's side,"WE NEED A MEDIC NOW!"
"Don't die Dad,Shadow pleaded,"please don't die!"
I ripped open my IFAK and began trying to close the wound on Taro's abdomen. I worked his insides back into his body as gently as I could and then breathed a soft flame on it to close it. Fear set in when Taro didn't even grunt at the pain it should have caused him.
"Look at me soldier",I said staring into his gold eyes,"you are going to get out alive!"
Taro only moved his bloody head so he was looking into my eyes.
"Don't you die on us Taro",I said starting to cry,"don't you dare!"
Taro weakly put his paw on my chest,then let it go limp. I looked down to see two sets of dog tags in one of the webs of my vest.
"Don't you dare,I said,"don't you even think about it!"
Taro looked at me,and closed his eyes.
"Dad,Shadow said sobbing,"please don't leave me again."
"He's gone,I said crying,"he's gone."
"We have to go Shadow,I said heaving Taro's body to my shoulders. As we were leaving,I heard a voice.
"Hey,don't just leave us here!" Rolland and the others had now joined us and I handed Taro's body off to Rolland,who went pale when I did so.
"Shadow and I will free the others and then meet you at the gunboat!"
"Understood",Rolland said,his color coming back.
Shadow and I went down the rows of doors,releasing the captive Ferals,Anthro's and Drakes held within them. I came to a door at the end of the block labeled with a 0.
"Prisoner Zero,Shadow said,"Wei mentioned him a few times,only calling him zero."
"Guess were about to find out what's so special about him then,I said bashing the door in.
It was so dark in the cell,I couldn't see anything,so i turned on my flashlight to find a blue and white female with over grown claws and horns laying in chains in the corner.
"Prisoner Zero,I said,"I'm Major Tyro Serelath and this is Captain Shadow Salanth,were here to rescue you,I said ripping apart the chains.
"Captain",The female said pulling herself to her feet,"that has a nice ring to it."
"MOM!!",Shadow yelped,running to her and warping her in his wings and starting to cry,"your alive,he sobbed.
Shadow's Mom nuzzled him.
"Tyro",Shadow said quickly turning to me,"This is my mother,Faline."
Mom,this is Tyro,my CO and a great friend."
"It's an honor mam,I said,"your son is one of the best soldiers under my command."
"Happy to hear it,Faline said weakly.
"Can you still walk",I asked.
"Doubt it",Faline said,"I can hardly stand."
"Then I'll carry you,I said heaving her to my shoulders.
"Shadow,let's get while the getin's good."
"Yes sir",Shadow said. We eixted the cell and the dragon's we'd freed led us out,gunning down anyone who was foolish enough to get in our way. When we reached the flight deck,there were several V-22s waiting for us.
"Come on Tyro",Hudson yelled,"Artimus is starting her assault!"
The first shell smacked into the Draco,throwing it almost to it's side.
"This carrier won't survive much more of that!" Shadow screamed,"we have got to move!"
Another shell struck the back end of the carrier,ripping it off and sending Shadow and I to our stomachs. As I smacked into the runway,I lost my grip on Faline and she went skidding across the runway,coming to a stop near the edge of the carrier.
"NO!",I yelled climbing to my feet and running for her. A third shell slammed into the bridge,the shock wave throwing me to my side. I scrambled to my feet and heaved Faline to my shoulders and ran for the V-22. A fourth shell slammed into the side of the carrier,putting a giant split down the middle. The carrier began to fall apart around us. Everything seemed to slow down as I closed the final ten yards to the V-22. I panted as I set Faline down and we took off.
"Like a stroll through the park huh",I said sarcastically as I pulled ,my black mask off.
After panting a bit,I lay beside Adelind,who leaned against me lovingly. I nuzzled her.
"So Shadow,Faline said,"how's Nina?"
"Fine,Shadow said,"she's fine,shadow paused,a wide smile crossed his muzzle.
"Were mates Mom,we have a son."
Faline's eyes grew wide,"Are you serious?"
She asked in a shocked voice.
"Yep,"Shadow said smiling,"he just hatched a few days ago."
"What's his name?",Faline asked. Shadow's smile grew wider,"Taro."
"I honestly wondered how long it would take,Faline said laughing.
"So how's you father been?" Shadow's smile vanished as fast as it had come. He looked at me,a look of desperation in his eyes.
"Faline",I said,"I am going to tell it to you as it is,Taro is hurt very,very badly,there is a very high chance he won't...."
Faline's smile dropped.
"Where are we going",Faline asked as Shadow lay beside her.
"Romeo HQ",I replied,"The Resistance base."
"What's the Resistance,Faline asked.
"I'll explain later",I said,"try and get some sleep."
Thank you Tyro,Faline said,"for saving me".
"Nothing to it,I said smiling and placing my head between my paws. Shadow and Faline fell asleep almost instantly. Adelind placed her head over my neck and then we fell asleep as well. Adelind and I were stirred hours later by the V-22 touching down at Romeo. As we stepped off,Nolan was waiting for us.
"Damn fine job Raven,Nolan said putting a hand on my shoulder,"go get cleaned up and the get some sleep,your cubs are in your room waiting for you."
"Thank's Nolan,Adelind said.
"It was no trouble,Nolan said.Adelind and I left our gear at the chopper and then went to get baths,after which we returned to the barracks. The kids were laying on their beds waiting for us.
"Tell us what happened!",Tyson commanded.
Adelind and I lay in our bed so that we were facing them and I began to tell the story. The kids listened with perked up ears and wide eyes,falling asleep before I could finish. Adelind leaned against me and I warped a wing around her.
"They just fall asleep without warning",I said nuzzling her,"it's cute."
Adelind laughed as she pushed me on to my back and lay across my chest,warping her tail around mine. I put my fore paws around her and enfolded her in my wings as I rolled back onto my side.
"I love you,"I said kissing her.
"I love you too,"Adelind softly replied. As we were drifting off,Syralth appeared in our door way,tears rolling down his muzzle.
"Tyro",he said crying,"Taro passed."
I felt my heart stop.
"Were on our way,I said.
Syralth turned and left. Adelind and I stood and walked down to the infirmary. When we came to Taro's room,Faline and Shadow were desperately trying to get in.
"Let them in,NOW!" I snarled at the guard in the deepest voice I could muster.
The guard went pale and stepped aside,letting us in. Taro's fore paws were warped in medical tape and one of his back legs was in a splint. A hose disappeared into his throat and his snout was loosely warped with gauze. Trent was covered in sweat,he'd clearly fought with everything he had to save him,but,as good of a medic as he was,even he had fallen short.
"Taro",Faline whispered walking to her mate's side.
After looking at him for a minute,she began to cry. Shadow put his wing around his mother as she sobbed. I walked up beside them.
"I'm sorry Faline",i said,"it was my job to protect him,and I failed."
Faline didn't answer,she only kept crying. After she pulled herself together,she leaned down so that the tip of her snout was less than an inch from her mate's forehead.
"Goodbye my love,she said in a whisper.
She kissed Taro on his forehead,and the most amazing thing happened.