Life's Journey

Story by Drailsin on SoFurry

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It's been a while since I posted and story has been coming along rather slowly cause I hit a block. I'm currently 300+ miles away from my home town but still in the state of Alaska. I had this poem in mind cause I have been thinking about my mate Liki Wolfspirit. I wouldn't be so far away from home if it wasn't for him. I'm trying to make as much money as I can so that I can go be with him. <3

I'm hundreds of miles away from start

All I do is because of you

We all have to play our part

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

I look at the stars and think of you

Not much else to do here

I'm sure you think of me too

And being so far apart brings me a tear.

I'm so far away from home

Doing all of this to have you with me

Inside of a library and reading a tome

I just want it to be you and me.

I look at the world and see it turning

I have a life I am giving to you

My love for you is always burning

And I know you are giving yours to me too.

I have a lot that I need to make

I have to make a lot of money

So all the hours I can I'm going to take

So that I can make a life's journey

To go be with you.

My loving and sweet wolf.