As Different As Night, And Day.
#1 of As Different As Night, And Day.
An unlikely love story, centered around a Husky who has never really loved himself, and someone who has watched the boy from a distance wishing he could tell the husky he loves him.
Three in the morning, such an ungodly hour. Why this illusive dream wakes me up I'll never know. Its just too real for me to like it, I mean its me, and some guy, and were hugging. I can feel his warm breath on the nape of my neck. Just when I think it can't get any better, he talks. His voice just makes me melt, right there in my dream I feel my knees go weak, my heart starts to beat faster, and faster, then he tells me. "Show me how much you love me." That's all it takes, and I'm awake. I've had this dream ever since I came out to the whole school, all summer long. I really can't take it any more. I can feel him, hear him, and touch him, but I cant see his face. His body is just, perfect, he is as tall as me, and just a little smaller than me. Now I'm no Greek God, but his body, I can feel his wash-board abbs. I don't want to stop rubbing them, but the tent in my basket ball shorts wakes me up.
Its only three hours before I have to get up for school, its the first day back. I don't want to go really, I came out to my friends on the last day, last year, but I'm sure some one overheard, and by now my post on Fur-Book has, no doubt, acquired some heat. I refuse to log in, to look at it. My worst fear is that my old friends will resent me, even hate me, but I cant help it. I didn't chose to be this way, it took some time to see it though. I first started liking guys better in the fifth grade, you know looking next to you when your peeing. When ever I would look at the other guys sheaths, mine would grow hard. I didn't know why though. If only I knew what I know now maybe things would be different.
I role over onto my left side, close my eyes, and begin to drift off into the sea of darkness that clouds me in comfort.
I wake. Its not pleasant what I wake to, and I want to go back to sleep, but that isn't on the fate chart today. I will have to face the people sooner, or later, might as well be today. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling in the dark, just to rest for a little while longer. I can hear my mom get out of bed, and walk to her shower. The water starts, she steps in. I now know that I only have about half an hour to be ready to leave the house.
My phone reads 8:10, I panic, jumping out of bed, almost tripping on a t-shirt in the floor. I race up the stairs, into the hallway, and into the bathroom. I look in the mirror, I wish I wouldn't have, I've never liked what I see. An all black husky, with sapphire blue eyes, standing at about six foot, weighing 225lbs, some fat some muscle. I'm not as weak as I look, just all the fat on my body makes me want to never take off my cloths.
I slide out of my basketball shorts, taking my boxers with them. Stepping into the shower I close the sliding glass door, turning on the water getting it to the temperature I like. The hot water flows over my head fur sliding down my back, taking all my stress with it. I love showers, water in general. I reach for my shampoo, and begin lathering up my purple, and black head fur. Washing out the day before. Forgetting what I did, I was a little high. I take the conditioner, run it through my hole body, making sure my fur is as soft as it can be. The water washes off the conditioner, and I turn off the water. Opening the door I step out onto a towel that has been there for days, reaching under the sink I grab another towel to begin drying off.
Walking down the stairs it gets colder, but that's what you get for having you're bedroom in the basement of you're house. I like it though, the cold is comforting to me, just like the dark. Stepping into my walk-in closet I take a pair of purple and black plad boxers. Taking a pair of ripped jeans, and a black and purple shirt, I put on my sox and vans. Now its time for me to do my hair. I'm looking into the mirror again, still don't like what I see, but that's ok its my second to last year at school. Taking my blow dryer I make my bangs stand up, combing all the rest of my hair to the right. This is my look I found it at the end of last year, and I really like it.
Walking back upstairs I hear my mom singing Adele, Rolling In The Deep.
"We could of had it all, rolling in the deep, you had my heart inside you're hand.
and you played it, you played it to the beat." she sang perfectly.
"You know, you could do that professionally, right?" I ask.
"I could. But what would I do with you?"
I think and then I have it. "Let me sing with you."
"We could make a good team." Her and I have always loved to sing, and were kinda good at it.
"So. Are you ready for you're first day back to school?" she asks slowly
"Maybe, I don't know yet."
"Well you better be, 'cause were leaving, right now go, go, go."
I grab my bag not saying anything, and begin to walk out to my car. My mom and I leave at the same time she works at the Jr. High next door to the High school. Opening the drivers side door I throw my bag in the back seat of my black 2013 Ford Mustang. Unlike my sister and brother I got to pick whatever car I wanted. I guess not letting rich daddy see you high or drunk pays off. My father is a truck driver, he knows how to make more money so we, my mom and I, have what ever we want. I love both of my parents, especially since they don't hate me 'cause I'm gay.
Feeling the rumble of the car I race to get a good parking spot. I'm good friends with a teacher who parks at another building, and gave me her parking spot, I love her. If I was straight I would try my best to get her to like me. The two story building is all brick, and looks really rundown, but its my school I've gone to this school since I was five. Its a big town, but its in the middle of a bible belt, and its in the south. So now I'm gonna have to deal with Rednecks who want to burn me, and Jesus freaks who want me to "pray the gay away", but what ever.
It always smells like a hospital in here, never liked that fetcher. Off to the right is the office, and the Business hallway, straight back is the Social Studies hallway, and off to the left is the English hall. In the middle of all these halls is a round room with a half wall up covered in lockers, this is known as the commons. Its where you can eat not the café, but you can eat here. Their are six vending machines here three for drinks and three for snacks, but most of them are on lock down during lunch.
One more reason I hate this school, the food sucks. Although I guess that's the same everywhere. I walk down the English hallway, as I enter my favorite teachers room, I see her standing there. A big cat, short and chubby, with bright green eyes, and redish fur.
"Ms. Sea!", I scream.
"Sean Blake, how did I know you're first stop would be my room?"
"First and only stop."
We hug tightly, I love her she was just as supportive of me as my parents, and she really helped me see that I wasn't a freak.
"How was your summer Sean?" She asks.
"Fine I guess. It didn't have you in it." she smiles as I say that.
"Well you're life has me back in it now." We begin to talk and laugh about the previous year talking about good memories and all the fun we had. When her room starts to fill with her students I tell her I'm going to talk with some friends, we hug one more time, and I go back to the hall.
"HEY FAGGOT!" I know that voice. I don't have time to think about it though. I turn around to a fist strike my maw.
"Aww!! Fuck that hurt. You son of a bitch." This guy is my size maybe a little bigger. He swings again, but before he can hit me, I grab his wrist with my right paw, slamming my left into his elbow. I feel it pop as I slam him into a wall.
He screams in agony and curls into a ball on the floor.
Great first day back, and I'm in a fight, but who is this guy I know his last name is Masters.