A Love Like Ours- Ch.2: Delivery!
#2 of Literature
Second chapter of my SoraxKairi fanfic! I wonder if I should keep writing these...opinions?
I awake the next morning feeling happy and refreshed. It was beautiful outside as apposed to meteors and planets, so we must've arrived in Traverse Town last night, I stretched and tried to sit up but something was holding me down. I looked down and saw Sora laying across my stomach, his head on my chest. I instantly blushed. He fell asleep with me! ON me! I tried to get myself together and get out of bed without waking him up. But of course that plan failed miserably.
**"Mmm...wha?" mumbled sleepily, opening one of his eyes.
I looked down at him and smiled uncomfortably. "H-Hey"
Sora blinked and began to take in the situation. He blushed deeply and quickly sat up. "I-I'm sorry!", he stuttered.
"It's fine..." I looked down shyly. It was kind of surprising...but I actually liked him being there...I felt safe and warm.
"S-So, uh..." Sora said, averting his eyes.
I tried changing the subject. "Want breakfast?"
I walked out of the hanger and into the small dining area of our Gummi ship and began making us some cereal. As Sora sat down at the table, Riku walked in, rubbing his eyes and trying to fix his bedhead. "Morning", he said groggily.
"Hey, Riku. Sleep well?" Sora asked.
Riku grinned devilishly. "Oh yeah, I slept fine. How'd you sleep, Sora? Or more importantly, WHERE'D you sleep?"
I froze and Sora halted in mid-bite of his cereal. Both of us were wearing matching tints of red.
"W-What do you mean?" Sora stammered.
Riku walked over casually and sat down next to him. "Oh, I dunno. You just never came into our room last night so I figured you fell asleep somewhere else". Riku turned towards me and smirked. "Kairi, would YOU maybe know where Sora was last night?"
I tried to act as though his question had no effect on me, but sadly, I couldn't hide the blush heating my face. "N-No, I have no clue where he could have been..."
Riku laughed and leaned back, catching both our heads in the crooks of his arms and holding us there. "Come on, you guys don't have to lie. I peeked in last night and saw you two all over each other."
I blushed angrily. "We were not all over each other! He fell asleep!"
Riku laughed again. "Alright, alright, whatever you say. Now come on, we've gotta meet Cid."
We all finished our breakfast, got dressed, and headed out to Cid's shop. Cid's a pretty cool guy and he's wicked with mechanics. We saved Travers Town from the Heartless a while back and we've been friends with him ever since.
We walked into Cid's shop and found him stocking the shelves with new parts and gadgets he'd recieved. He turned and greeted us. "Well, if it isn't my hired help. Right on time. I appreciate you making these deliveries for me. I've been so busy lately and I haven't found time to make the trips."
"No problem, Cid. Happy to help" Riku told him.
"I like that attitude" Cid said with a smile. "Those boxes over there on the floor need to be delivered to that cooky wizard in the Third District."
"Merlin! Wow, it's been a while since we've seen him" I said.
Riku nodded. "It'll be good to visit him"
Cid gave a small laugh. "He's an alright guy. A few spells short of a spellbook if you ask me."
Sora walked over to the packages and tried lifting one, wobbling as he brought it into his arms. "Dang! What are we delivering? Bricks?"
Cid shook his head. "All kinds of things. Potion bottles, spell books, magic wands."
I picked up a slightly smaller box and walked towards the door. "Welp, let's go" I said.
"Lead the way" Said Riku, picking up the last box.
We walked up to the Third District and came to the giant red door leading to Merlin's hut. I opened the door, struggling to hold the box in one hand, and we walked through the doorway. The whole scene past the door morphed from being an allyway in Traverse Town to a giant swamp around Merlin's hut, with enchanted moving stepping stones leading up to it.
"Great" said Sora, "We get to hop across moving rocks while carrying these giant boxes."
"Well, we have to cross, so we may as well get it over with" I said, holding the box tightly against my chest and hopping onto the first stone. I made my way carefully across the swamp and reached the hut, setting the box on the ground. "Come on over guys! It's not that hard!"
Riku and Sora followed across the rocks, Sora almost losing his balance on the last one.
We walked inside and found Merlin conducting a group of teacups, making them dance with each other in circles upon the table. We set the boxes on the floor and approached him.
"We have your delivery, Merlin" Riku told him.
Merlin let the teacups have a five minute break and turned to us, smiling brilliantly. "Oh, good! Thank you." He flicked his wand and the boxes burst open, all the items pouring out. With another flick of his wrist, the enchanted supplies began to put themselves in their proper places around the room.
Sora stared in awe. "Dude...I so need one of those for my room."
Once Merlin had gotten all his supplies nestled away in their proper places, we told him goodbye and returned back to Cid's shop. "Wow, that sure was fast" he said with a smile. "Since you did such a great job, I'll upgrade Star Gazer for ya"
"Oh, wow, thanks Cid!" I said happily.
"It may take a day or two so make yourselves at home at the Traverse Hotel. It's on me."
"Sweet!" Sora and I shouted.
"Thanks, Cid. That's nice of you" Riku said.
Cid smiled. "No problem"
Later that night, we all got comfortable at the hotel. This place was SWEET. There were giant TVs, and arcade room, a kitchen full of all our favorite foods, and anything else we may want. If there was something we wanted that wasn't there (which was almost impossible), all we had to do was ask and it was given to us.
Sora flopped down onto the gigantic couch. "Man, we need to move in here!"
"Seriously" I agreed, about to beat Sora's highscore on a videogame in the arcade.
Riku was looking out the window at the view of Traverse Town. "It would be nice", he said."But our job isn't to goof around and act like children all day."
Sora hopped up. "Dude. We ARE children!"
I smiled, walking into the living room. "He's got a point, ya know. Sure, we have responsibilities, battling Heartless and whatnot, but that doesn't mean we can't have some down time between battles. And where better to have that down time than here?" I smirked and stood next to Riku. "You gotta admit...this place is pretty sweet"
Riku looked down. "...yeeeah it's awesome." He looked over and found Sora and I making puppy-dog eyes.
"Pweeease, Riku?" I begged.
"Pwetty pwease?" Sora chimmed in.
Riku laughed and raised his hands in surrender. "Haha, alright, I give. We can stay for a bit."
"YES!" Sora and I yelled, tackling Riku to the floor.
After a few hours of checking out the perks of our new place, I yawned.
"Oooh, sounds like someone's tired" Sora said.
I smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Heh, yeah I'm pretty beat"
"Why don't you get some sleep?" Riku suggested. "I'm about to go break in my new bed too"
"Thanks, I will. Night, guys" I said as I walked back to my room.
My room was across the hall from the guys, and let me just say, it was amazing. The room was a light blue color, the air smelling or tropical flowers, and it had a breath-taking view of the moon and night stars. My bed was a waterbed (which I loved), and the closet was stocked with awesome clothes. I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes as I swayed back and forth over the water. "This is wonderful..." I said, sighing happily. A few short minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. "Come in"
The door was pushed open and Sora walked in. "Delivery. Wow, cool room"
I grinned. "I know, right? What's up? What delivery?"
Sora blushed lightly and walked over to me. As he sat next to me on my bed, he slowly pulled a small black box out of his pocket and handed it to me. I held the box closely. "What is it?"
Sora smiled a little. "Open it and find out"
I did as he said and slowly opened the lid of the box. Inside was a deep blue saphire gem in the shape of a heart, and inside the stone seemed to be a small flame flickering about.
I stared, mesmerized by it. "Sora...it's beautiful...where did you get this?"
"Merlin gave it to me when we went to give him the magic items he ordered. I didn't really want it so I thought I'd give it to you. It holds a protective magic that shields the wearer and..." He blushed a bit more. "...I thought it'd look really cute on you..."
My eyes widened as my face started to heat up. Sora carefully picked up the necklace by its golden chain and fastened it around my neck. I touched the pendant lightly with my fingertips. "Thank you, Sora...I love it"
"You're welcome" he said, smiling some.
At that moment, without even thinking, I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the cheek.
Sora blushed deeply. "K-Kairi..."
When I pulled away, all I could think to do was smile shyly.
Sora smiled back. "I'm glad you like it. Sweet dreams, Kairi." he said as he stood and walked out of the room.
I stared at the door, then layed my head on my pillow. What am I doing? I thought. I say I want him as a friend and then I go and-I stopped and started to smile. I giggled and cuddled my pillow. "Oh, who am I kidding? I loved it! I love him!" I smiled brightly, looking out the window. "I love Sora!" I giggled more and snuggled under my covers, still smiling as I drifted off to sleep.**