The King and The Pawn [Poem]

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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A poem I did out of boredom :x Enjoy!

Your eyes,so easily blinded by desire and greed,

Your heart,so easily fooled with a single word,

You fear the truth and you take refuge in the lies,

What are you,but a pawn in my eyes.

Oh how eagerly you rush to my defense

How eagerly you devote yourself to me,

But you are a fool to believe it is all true,

One who has harmed me in the past,

Pain unending and Pain still lingering,

You made me your pawn but now the tables have turned,

For you are the pawn and I am the King now.

You played me like a fiddle and blinded me to the truth,

but now it is my turn,to make my move

I assure you,it will be slow and agonizing in the end...