Erzhler's matinee chp1: Somethng in the dark
#2 of Erzhler's Matinee
Erzler's matinee chp1: Somethng in the dark
Annika Pershing sometimes thought someone was out to get her, but just thought it superstition.
Her world is about to change as something dark comes for her
Intro-chpt.0-something-short-story found here:
But you don't need to read it to follow the story.
Erzhler's matinee chp1: Somethng in the dark
Annika is a short rabbit girl teen with a chubby build. Her fur is cream coloured with a black fur around her right eye, also covering her left hand and her legs giving the look of wearing a glove and stockings.
Sometimes Annika thought someone was out to get her. A noise woke her up and she couldn't figure out what it was. When she got up to go to the bathroom the lights didn't come on, and she couldn't find her phone or lighter.
It has been 2 weeks since she woke up hearing voices. The worst about that event was her blanket was pulled off her. She didn't see anyone in the room or any sign of someone being there.
She was making her way back to her room walking slowly with one hand extended in front of her and one on the wall. She had a strange feeling while straining her eyes to see in the dark, a similar feeling to 2 weeks ago, a feeling that something was there. But unlike back then she didn't have a light to see if there was anything there. She actually felt afraid. Any moment she might run right into a shoggoth and she would never see it coming.
Though her fears peaked as she reached her bedroom door, she felt the skin on her back crawl as her mind imagined hands striking out to grab her rear. She quickly darted into her room and shut the door quickly behind her. She stood holding the door shut; she held her breath waiting for something to suddenly bang on the door.
When she heard nothing she let go of the door and gave a small sigh. She felt rather ridiculous panicking like that for nothing. She was sure this was all just a product of an overactive imagination and too many horror games. She slowly padded towards her bed and sat down on the side. She dropped over backwards and landed with her bare back onto something covered with slime. Her heart skipped a beat and she screamed "Fuck!" as she nearly jumped out her furr. She sprang up off the bed and ran straight into the door with a loud bang. She didn't stop to pay attention to the pain, she grabbed the door handle and pulled it but it didn't open.
"Fuck-Fuck-Fuck!" she yelled hysterically as she started to rattle the door.
"Please st-stop sc-sc-screaming..." said a soft, female voice, though Annika didn't hear it over the commotion she was making.
"Mom! Dad! Help!" She called for help. She could feel it approaching her. She needed to get out before it got her. She grabbed the door handle with both hands and tugged violently, hoping she could break the door open.
"No, please, you're going to hurt yourself," she heard it say right behind her. The door wasn't going to open. Her only choice now was to try fighting it until her parents came. She turned around and held her fists up in an attempt to look threatening, but it really wasn't working with how much she was shaking.
Whatever crazy thought that lead to her thinking she could fight it disappeared when she stared into the darkness and saw six red eyes watching her.
"Get the fuck away from me!" she screamed. She shut her eyes and swung her fist at where the eyes were. Her fist connected against something but it was as if she hit a block of rubber, her blow simply bounced off.
Then suddenly something engulfed her face and gripped her whole head tightly. She couldn't breathe or see, and it was slimy. She opened her mouth and tried to gnaw at it but only got a mouthful of slime. She felt sick and was starting suffocate.
"CALM DOWN!" boomed a voice so loud it shook her body.
It released her head and she dropped to the ground. She spat out the slime and gasped for air. As much as she might have enjoyed the idea that it let her go for good, she knew that it was probably toying with her. Her gasps turned into sobs as she started crying. She knew any moment now the thing would continue its torture.
"Merde!" it said. She didn't understand it but it probably didn't mean good for her. An object landed on her. She grabbed it and wanted to throw it away but noticed it felt like a lighter, it was covered in slime. She wiped the slime from her eyes and popped open the lighter. It was dry on the inside and after a few flicks it produced a flame that illuminated a small ring around her in warm light.
Annika immediately regretted lighting it, now that she had light she would be able to see her end coming. She kept looking down at the floor.
Looking at the ground she saw her phone lying a few inches from her, it was also covered in slime. Before she could inspect it a sudden noise of curtains rustling made her look up. She didn't see what it was, the light from the flame wasn't strong enough, and she also didn't see the eyes anywhere.
Did it leave? Or was it just at the edge of the light? She really couldn't tell. Her eyes kept darting about the darkness, looking on in anticipation of an attack.
She sat there waiting for what felt like hours. As the time passed she became more certain that it wasn't there anymore. She decided it was time to check the room. She slowly crept forward holding the light far in front of her. There was no sign of it anywhere, only large gooey paw prints and smears on the carpet and her bed.
It was gone, and it didn't kill her.
In the darkness of a cave is a black mass covered in slime, it had a shape similar to a serpentine dragon with 7 horns sprouting from its head. It sat in front of a computer batting away at the large keyboard and staring at the screen with its 6 red glowing eyes.
This is Mourir lit de Baise and lazing in front of a computer was what she did most days when she wasn't working. It was the only thing to do in this cave. She really didn't set up anything else for entertainment. Power line, fridge, kettle, internet connection, blankets and the computer was all she had.
She had a sudden idea, she popped open her notes on the computer and added a new line 'get television at site B-2' but after a bit of thought she removed it. She didn't have the cash for a television. The computer she was working on now had taken a large chunk out of her monthly budget, especially the custom keyboard and heliophobe friendly screen.
It's impossible for her to use a normal screen. Her extreme phobia of any light limited her options for a lot of things. She needed to find out how they built the screen to produce an image without any light, probably could save a lot by making it herself.
"Broyeur, there is nothing to do," she muttered. She had run out of things to do in here. Going outside wasn't an option as it was still daytime.
Her computer pinged and on the screen flashed a message 'You have one new mail.'
She felt excited. 'Something to do,' she thought. But that happy feeling died away when she read it.
'From: ERROR
Subject: recruitment delay
Arctre Mourir lit de Baise, it seems you have yet to do the recruitment of Annika Pershing. Do you have any excuse for this delay? The paperwork isn't just going to stagnate here for the next 1000mtu and the catalyst isn't going to last that long either. Erzhler himself is starting to get impatient. Hurry up before we're all grinded.
Hounte Roland'
Yes, she was procrastinating. She had to recruit a person to their group, the Matinee, but she couldn't get herself to do it. Whenever she got near the girl she started getting unfamiliar feelings.
"Mère..." she cried, a feeling of panic began rising in her. If she didn't do this sometime soon she would be in a lot of trouble. It's been almost 9 days since she was given this task and she was nowhere near to finishing it.
She began thinking of ways to get out of doing this but they mostly consisted of committing suicide or running away, and the first seemed less likely to work. There was no way out, she either had to accept death or do as she was told.
Maybe it would be better to just die. The thought scared her, a lot of thoughts and emotions she was having the last few years were unfamiliar to her. She couldn't stop thinking of the girl, all she wanted was to see her and know her. She wanted to confess to her, reveal herself, but was afraid of ever being discovered. Why was her mind being controlled by these emotions?
She needed help to work out her thoughts. They reminded her of an old feeling her body felt, one that she knew to supress, though these new ones were much harder to control and had already lead her to stalking the girl at night when she was asleep.
She brought up her e-mail program. She had to message her father. He would know what to do, he always did. She began typing but couldn't get past 'hello, I need help.' Her father would ridicule her for not controlling her emotions, a failure.
As she sat and thought about what to do another message popped up on the screen.
'From: ERR0R
Subject: !1@#0%%0^*!12
Seems you're having difficulties. I'll help you choose. Stop fucking around and go present our offer to her. If you don't she will die along with you.'
She got a terrible sinking feeling.
There was no name but she could tell who it was. She was stuck in trouble with no choices.
Later at night Mourir arrived at the home of Annika. She landed in the yard without a sound and approached the window of Annika's room. She could see her through the curtains by the light of the girl's soul, a small shimmering blue flame. The little light seemed so innocent.
Before she could do anything she needed to prepare some things. She already cut the power for the whole town to make it safer for her. What needed to be done now was to make sure no one would come if there was a commotion.
"Moort, slaap, brand, blind, gees" she chanted as an arcane symbol appeared above her head. She then reached out to the minds of everyone in the area except Annika and put them into a coma. Now whatever happened they wouldn't know until they wake up in a few days.
Now she reached for the window and squeezed her paw through the gap and opened the window from the inside. She squeezed through the open window.
Inside her room she started feeling anxious. She looked about the darkened room. There was a few stacks books and CDs, a computer on a desk and a nightstand. Then there was Annika sleeping peacefully in her bed, oblivious to Mourir's existence. Seeing the girl brought up uncomfortable thought, they tempted her to do unspeakable things. She needed to ignore them. She was here on a job and not satisfying her lust.
She needed to get rid of any other light sources before she revealed herself. She scanned the room and found a lighter and the girl's phone on the nightstand. She needed them out of reach and thought probably best to do what she usually did with small objects. She slipped them under her tongue.
While she did that her tail knocked over a stack of CDs. The resulting rattle cracked the silence and the girl jerked awake. Mourir froze and stared as the girl reached for her lamp, when it didn't turn on she began feeling about the nightstand. Mourir snuck out of the way, now paying careful attention to where she stepped.
The girl began peering about the dark room. Mourir made sure to watch her out of the corner of her eye to avoid accidental direct eye contact.
"Who's there?" whispered the girl. Mourir then remembered why she was here. She gathered her thoughts, took a deep breath and blanked. She couldn't remember the speech she prepared and when she tried to think back only fantasies involving Annika seemed to come up.
"Hello?" said the girl.
She kept thinking 'say something', but how could she? Anything she could say would mean ruin for the girl. She would lose her home, friends, family, everything. Her life would disappear and she could never get it back. The guilt would be too much.
'What a hypocrite' she thought to herself. She didn't flinch when she ruined the live of a good man and condemned a whole nation to civil war, nor did she feel guilt when she was handed the pay check.
At this point Annkia got out of her bed. Mourir felt a surge of heat in her when she saw the girl was only wearing her underwear. The girl walked past her to the door and left the room, with Mourir's eyes glued to her rear.
Mourir held a little hope that her mind would clear the moment the girl was out of sight and for a moment it was. "Merde, just get off before she comes back and be done with all this," she muttered. It was the only plan she could think of.
'But get off how?' Her eyes wondered about the room till she noticed the girl's bed. She placed a paw on it, she could feel a little warmth and it made her think of sunshine. She climbed onto the bed and lay down, enjoying the soft warmth under her. She had a naughty idea. If she could enslave the girl she could have this warmth whenever she wants. The thought captivated her for a long time and she didn't notice the girl return. Her thoughts were only interrupted when the girl bumped into her.
"Fuck!" yelled the girl .She jumped off her and ran straight for the door and crashed into it with a loud bang.
This was not good. She wouldn't be able to talk to someone that is running around in a blind panic. She needed to stop her fast and did so by casting a quick spell, locking the door. The girl tried to open it and then kept rattling the door while screaming "Fuck-Fuck-Fuck!"
Seeing Annika terrified and screaming was very unsettling for her. She needed to calm her down. "Please st-stop sc-sc-screaming..." she stuttered. Oh why did she have to stutter now? 'Control yourself' she thought. She got off the bed and padded towards her.
"Mom! Dad! Help!" she started calling for help and tugging violently at the door. If she kept this up she will hurt herself.
"No, please, you're going to hurt yourself," she tried talking to her. The girl tensed, Mourir thought she got through to her. The girl spun around to face her with her fist held up. She didn't have chance to react and ended up making eye contact with her.
There was no denying it. The girl could see her now and was staring at her filled with fear. The sight burned into her memory.
"Get the fuck away from me!" the girl shouted and punched her on the cheek. The hit simply bounced off doing nothing, but in her distraught state something snapped loose and reflexed. She raised a large paw and grabbed the girl's head. She kept a tight squeeze on the struggling girl until she sucked in a large gulp of air and shouted "CALM DOWN!"
Her outburst shook the girl and she stopped her struggle, it also made her realise what she was doing. She dropped her and pulled back shocked at what she had done.
How could she let herself snap? She stood there looking at Annika, her cries hurt her. She felt utterly shamed for what she just did. She could think of no way to fix this.
'Just leave' she thought to herself.
She spat out the girl's phone and lighter, then turned around to the curtains, swatted them out of the way and crawled out the window.
Annika kept fidgeting with her phone, swearing under her breath, even though it was clearly broken from slime that had leaked into it. Eventually she threw it away in frustration. She moved to her desk and looked for the keys for her door. Before she did anything she wanted to take a shower and wash the goo off her face, the stuff was really making her feel... strange... warm.
She shook her head and continued searching.
A sudden loud wail came from outside, the sound was a cross between a loud howl and a muffled cry of death. The cry rattled her and she dived under her desk. She sat curled around the flame of her lighter. All previous thoughts left her mind as she started praying to whatever god might be listening. There came another wail, it slowly went silent before there was a thud against the window. Annika stared at the curtains.
"Annika Pershing, are you there?"
Although the soft voice came from outside, for a moment she hoped the voice was of her mother. The best idea was to keep quiet and hope it went away, no matter how friendly that voice sounded.
"Annika, I can still see your there. I need you to listen to an offer. Is it ok if we talk like this?"
She gasped, how could it see her? And what was this offer? She wanted nothing to do with it.
"Go away!" she screamed.
"Sorry. I can't until you have listened. I am part of a group called The Matinee. We control everything from the shadows, and we do whatever a person desires for the price of their souls. I am not here to take your soul or offer any deal to do so. I am here to offer you a position amongst us."
She couldn't believe what she was hearing, a group that took people's souls? Was this some kind of prank? But it couldn't be, there was a monster just a few moments ago in her room. This was real.
"We offer you our power in exchange for your loyalty and assistance in claiming souls."
"... in claiming souls" Mourir finished. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. It was easier than expected, she managed to do it without any stuttering, and she didn't break down half way. She did it all by keeping her eyes closed and pretending it was someone else.
"Will you join us?" she asked. She knew Annika would say no, and she would leave and both of them would live.
A long silence followed before Annika said "Yea, fuck it."
Mourir opened her eyes and looked into the room again, checking if it was really Annika inside. It was indeed her.
"Are you sure? Don't you want to know more about us first?" She asked her.
"I guess so, what's your name?" asked Annika.
"Mourir lit de Baise."
"Um... ok. So what power will I get?"
"First, you will become invisible to mortals and certain supernatural beings, also immortality. Other powers you'll get..." now she wasn't sure what to mention. She guessed best to mention was what she used "... place people into a permanent sleep. Take control of people to make them start wars. Turn living things into bombs. There is a lot more, depends on what you can master, some of us can shape shift."
"Ok, I accept, so what now?"
Mourir didn't believe this girl was serious "Could you turn off any light first? I want to come in."
She stuck a paw through the window and poked it out under the curtain. She didn't feel any light, so she moved the rest of herself in. Inside was Annika sitting in a chair with a jacket covering up her body. She seemed scared, but not as much as she was earlier. She was looking at her eyes, their glow was probably the only thing of her she could see.
Mourir focused on what had to come next instead of Annika. It was a bit easier now she was covered. She spat out a box and opened it. Inside it was the catalyst she had to give to Annika. Inside was a single syringe filled with a grey substance. It had survived the journey in her gullet undamaged.
Now came the problematic part. She had to find a vein on the girl, disinfect it, and inject the catalyst. Something that was quite easy if you weren't permanently covered in slime.
"Merde..." she muttered
"Something wrong?" asked Annika.
"No. I am going to inject you with a catalyst. This will make you one of us."
Annika pulled up the sleeve of her jacket and presented her arm. Mourir wiped her paws off on the bed as much as she could. She then picked up the injector and the small sterilizer wipe that came with it.
She poked a digit against Annika's arm, she flinched but didn't move away from the touch. She felt further until she found a suitable vein. She parted the fur and wiped the spot and held the syringe tip against the skin. It did the rest by itself, deploying small arms that gripped the area and positioned itself before launching a needle deep in. when all of the substance had been pushed in the injector pulled itself out and fell off, dropping to the floor where it folded up on itself and melted.
She took hold of Annika's head with both paws and stared deep into her eyes and began chanting: "Maak oop die oë na die lig van oneindigheid."
Annnika's last memories after the injection was of her vision being filled with thousands of blood red eyes. More and more appeared and they kept getting brighter and brighter before they started bleeding into her eyes, pain shot through her body and she lost consciousness.
She awoke in a dream, or she thought it was a dream. It felt like one, but it also felt like she was remembering an old memory.
She was sitting on a floor, naked. Near her were two men sitting in chairs. One was dressed as a businessman and his head was a bright sun. The other had the head of a pig with no eyes, he wore doctor's clothes.
"Loki, could you tell me what one plus one is?" said the pig man
The sum floated up into her vision along with the answer. The pig man smiled and said "What is twelve plus twenty-five divided by ten?"
The question floated up, along with several other numbers. After the numbers danced with each other the answer appeared.
Again the pig man smiled. But now the sun man spoke "Impressive, you've turned it into a calculator. How does that help us?"
"Not sure. It does tell us it has some sort of intelligence, and it's calmer when given a series of math questions" replied the pig man.
"How much success have you had teaching it other things?"
The pig man curled up and held his head to his stomach.
"None, we're staring into the shattered remains of madness..." said the pig man before starting to giggle.
The sun man then asked "What is five-million-and-sixty-two-thousand times eleven?"
Again the numbers began appearing and dancing before the answer appeared. But she didn't receive a smile from the sun man, he simply asked another math question.
So it went on. Question after question was asked while the pig man slowly turned into a ball of hysterical laughter and then began bouncing along the walls. The sun man simply sat still and asked his questions, the light from his head getting brighter and brighter with each question.