Beginnings: Xero & Hunter

Story by Halfwolf102 on SoFurry

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This is part one of an unfinished series of character origins. Samantha is planned to be next, however, all progress has halted on that project and it's basically in limbo.

**NOTE: This is an introductory for the characters Xero, Hunter, and Izzy, with Eli coming into the picture briefly at the end.** -NOTE FOR SF: I'm uploading all the chapters in this one document for ease of uploading and reading-


The Zaltar tribe is the only anthro tribe known to humans that still practice the art of ancient magic. Their village, if it could even be called that due to size, is called Tenra, and is situated next to a river that is about a quarter-mile wide. It is also divided in half by a creek that runs into the river. The houses are wooden structures made with thin wood sheets and wood poles made from the surrounding forest. There largest ones were the library and the town hall, which also served as their leader home. His name is Elgin. There was also a small trading post in town offering goods to travelers who happened to be passing through, which happens more often that one would think because it's isolation in the forest.

The people of the tribe practice what is known as white magic, black magic having been banned two centuries ago. Its association with the demonic arts causes it to be highly frowned upon. However, books containing the dark spells are preserved and housed in their library. They are stored in the library's unguarded cellar, who's only entrance is outside of the building. This means that it wouldn't be hard for someone to steal them, but thought highly unlikely because of the negative public opinion about them. There has only been one person who has come anywhere close to the door besides the librarian, and his name is Xero. He is the son of a well-respected family of the tribe, his father being a very skilled warrior. They only have one other son, Ian, who's more commonly known as Hunter for his exceptional hunting skills.

Hunter and Xero are twin wolves, about fifteen years of age. Xero is the only one in the tribe under 18 to have tattoos and piercings, causing him to be somewhat of an outcast. His brother, on the other hand, is shy, and consequently doesn't have many friends despite the fact everyone likes him. Both of them are identical, with matching light-green eyes as well. The only way to tell them apart, without looking at their personalities, is Xero's tattoos and piercings. The tattoos are on his upper arms, both are similar tribal tattoos that wrap around his arms, but in opposite directions. He has three piercings, two industrial in his right ear and a nose ring.

Their personalities are contrast like day and night. Xero is antisocial, stubborn, arrogant, and laid back. He's quick to reply to and insult, but avoids conflict, and he cares about his brother a lot. Hunter is outgoing, withdrawn, shy, ethical, well-behaved, and pretty smart. He also cares about his brother and is always worried about the choices he makes. Hunter, unlike Xero, always thinks things through beforehand, which keeps him out of trouble except when he does something with Xero that goes against his better judgment. This happens quiet often because he looks up to his brother and doesn't want to disappoint him. What he doesn't know is that this will eventually be his biggest downfall and cost him everything except his life.


"Ian," said his father, "have you seen your brother? He's been gone four and a half hours." "No, I haven't." he replied. "And can you call me Hunter instead?" he asked quietly, knowing the response to follow. "No, haven't we discussed this already?" said his dad in an agitated tone. "I'm going to call you by the name I've given to you, your real name. Now, please go find your brother." Hunter quivered slightly. His father can make any shudder for no reason, he was just that intimidating. He's a six-foot two wolf that's 289 pounds of pure muscle. His warrior skill makes him a great to fight with, but a nightmare to be against.

Outside, there was something going on at the library. A large group was gathered around it. They were all talking amongst each other, but it was too loud to make anything specific out. Hunter decides to start his search there and find out what happened. He sees a raccoon outside of the large group who wasn't talking to anyone, so he goes to ask him about his brother and what was going on. "Hey, have you seen my brother?" "Xero, right? Saw him walking home rather slowly about five minutes ago." "Thanks. What happened here? "Someone snuck into the library cellar and stole the black books." "Really? Weren't they supposed to be safe there?" "Yeah, but apparently they weren't." "Okay, thank you." Hunter, excited to hear his brother went home, leaves quickly and runs back to tell everyone the news.

Back home, Xero has returned, but he was the only one there. Their father had left and their mother died several years ago. "Where's dad, I have something to tell him." Hunter asks. "He was called upon by Elgin, the messenger never said why though. What were you going to tell him?" Hunter didn't expect this because it was an unusual occurrence for Xero to show any interest in anything like this. It left him puzzled for a moment, but then he finally replied. "Someone stole the black books from the library, why?" "No reason." He replied. "I'm only surprised it didn't happen earlier." "Really, I'm surprised. Everyone is surprised." "I'm not. If someone hadn't beaten me to it, I may have taken them out of curiosity." "What?! I hope you're joking." "No, I'm serious." And with this, a horrific truth dawned on Hunter. "I--It was you, w--wasn't it?" he asked, fearful of the answer. "No, I..." "DON'T lie to me!" Hunter, startled by the yell that forced its way out, began to tear up. This unseen side of him made Xero fearful of hurting his brother. "I--cannot --answer you." Hunter gets up and starts to the door, tears quietly flowing down his face. "Wait!" called out Xero. Hunter stops and turns his head slowly toward his brother. "Yes, I did. You're right," he says, "but please don't tell anyone." Hunter reluctantly agrees and nods his head. He then walks off to his room looking very downhearted, his ears down and his tail hanging limply.


An hour has passed and nothing has changed. Hunter was still in his room, Xero in the living room trying to think of how to get Hunter out of his room, and their father was still gone. He walks to the door of Hunter's room. "You okay in there?" he asks. There's no response, so he decides to walk in. Hunter was face-down on the bed. "I'm sorry." Xero says. Nothing again. Xero starts for the door, but then Hunter finally replies. "That doesn't change the fact that you stole the black books." Xero froze, taken off guard by this. He slowly turns his head to see his brother sitting up and looking straight at him, his face still in a sad expression. Their eyes met for only a second, and Hunter continued to speak. "But, you are my brother, so I--" he hesitates for a moment. "I forgive you" Expecting anything but forgiveness, Xero questions this, "W--what?" "I forgive you," Hunter repeats. "but you have to put them back." He adds. "But I haven't even opened one yet, let alone read any of them." Hunter sighs, "You have two days, but you have to promise you won't use any of the spells in them, they're too dangerous." Xero promised in an insincere tone that Hunter didn't pick up on, and he left his brother's room. He quickly comes back to the room to ask if Hunter wanted to go with him, fully knowing what the answer would be. "Nah, I'm not that curious about those books. Where are you going?" "That cave, the one a mile northeast of here." "Radon Cave?" "Yeah." "Okay, but don't be gone too long, I don't know when Dad will be home." Xero leaves after saying goodbye and that he wouldn't be gone longer than a few hours.

After an hour, curiosity has taken hold of Hunter, not of the books, but of his brother and what he was going to the cave for. He decides to go there and see for himself. Outside, the crowd around the library has dissipated except for a guard and a few investigators. He heads on the trail north of the village. This trail isn't a direct path to the cave, but goes closer than any other trail, leaving a quarter-mile of forest to walk through. It's very isolated and if you didn't know about it, chances are you wouldn't find it.

When Hunter arrived, there was a glowing from within the cave. He decides it best to not make his presence know, so he moves quietly. The cave bends to the right into a room-like chamber, allowing him to peek around the corner. There was Xero, candles lit around him. On the floor, to his horror, was a pentagram, and his brother was in the center with one of the black books. "No" said Hunter to himself, that being all he could do in his disbelief. He watched, paralyzed, as his brother takes a dagger and cuts the palm of his left hand. He then begins to read, "Invoco te, o spiritus tenebrarum, et offer pro sanguine vires." All of a sudden, a wind began to swirl around the perimeter of the pentagram, and it began to glow red. The candles were blown out, leaving only the ominous red glow of the pentagram to give light. Then, five shadows appeared from each point of the pentagram and began to float around in the vortex. As they did so, a sort of lightning began to strike the surrounding area. Hunter finally gathered enough strength to try to stop the events now unfolding. He ran within a foot of the edge of the pentagram and yells to his brother. "ZERO STO--" but is cut off as he is struck by the lightning. He stumbles backwards and falls, stunned. All he could do now is watch as one of the shadows from broke from the vortex and pass into his brother, knocking him back. As he passed the edge of the pentagram, the wind stops, the shadows disappear, and everything is quiet.

After what seems like an eternity, Hunter is overcomes the shock of the lightning and hobbles over to his brother. He was on his side, facing away from Hunter, obviously unconscious. Hunter drops to his knees beside him and feels for a pulse. To his relief, his brother was still alive. He rolls him over on to his back. As he did this, Xero's eyes opened. Hunter jumped back, not from this fact alone, but what he saw. Two visible changes had happened to his brother. Xero now had an "X" shape of darker fur on his forehead, and his right eye, no longer light-green, was now glowing a red-orange color.


Against the wall of the cave, Hunter is trapped as Xero walks directly toward him in slow, but threatening manner and an evil smile plastered on his face. In his panicking, he remembers a binding spell his mother taught him. "Natura hoc obligverit" he yells in fear. Vines crash through the floor of the cave and take hold of his brother. Xero grew at first angry at this, but it faded quickly. "Why did you do this brother? Please let me go." he says innocently. "You are NOT my brother and I will NOT release you!" replied Hunter in a manner that was unlike him. "Why you insolent--" began Xero, but he changed his tone quickly. "I mean, yes, I am your brother. Please release me." "You're not fooling me, tell me who and what you are." The being that was once Xero looks at him intensely, and spoke condescendingly to him. "Only smart enough to get half the answer, huh? Heh heh heh. Your ignorance is amusing. I am a demon known as Shard. Now, I command you to release me, do so and I shall let you live as my pet. If not, you will feel the full extent of my wrath." "No, I will not take orders from a demon!" Hunter says in a nervous but fierce manner. "PEST!" the demon snorted. "Your uselessness has cost you your life." Hunter leaves the cave. He now knows that to help his brother, he's going to need help. The only way to do this, though, is to break his promise not to tell that Xero stole the books. But to him, his brother's life was more valuable than any promise, so he runs back to the village to get help.

It was starting to get dark out by the time he returned to the village. He ran home, only to find that his father was still away, so he began to ask around. The first people knew nothing, but he found a little fox cub who said his father was with the chief. He ran to the town hall, and his father was outside. "Dad!" he yells and runs over to him. "Dad, I have to speak with you, privately." "Ian, I'm busy. They have me escorting suspects to be interrogated." "Wouldn't that be a guard's job?" "Normally, but Elgin wanted someone 'More intimidating that ten of any of the guards' for this" "Oh, well--" Hunter shakes his head realizing he got sidetracked. "--still, I need to talk to you." His father replies hastily, "Okay, but make it quick, I have a job to do." They go away from the building and Hunter tells him the whole thing.

When He was finished, his father was looking down in disappointment. "I see" he says. "Please, don't tell anyone else, I don't want to see him get punished" begged Hunter. "Son, I'd normally agree to something like that, but this isn't something that should be kept secret. I will, however, pretend I never heard this. Now, I have no idea what to do, but I know someone who may know. Go find Sasha, the high-priestess and tell her everything you told me. I cannot promise she won't tell Elgin, but she's very sympathetic and kind, so it's very unlikely. Now go and find her." "Okay, thanks Dad." "Remember this, I know nothing of this and if Elgin finds out, there's nothing I can do. And no matter what happens, you two will always be my sons" "Alright, I'll remember." And with that, Hunter runs off in search of the priestess.

She wasn't too hard to find, being that she was the only human in the tribe. She originally was a missionary who was sent to study the tribe, but she became so fascinated that she never left. She was officially accepted into the tribe as an emissary and began learning some spells. Before she knew it, she was the apprentice of the last high-priestess, and replaced her when she passed away. She is highly regarded for her kindness and treats everyone with respect, even at times they don't deserve it. She is a peaceful person, and once has she ever been known to become angry. When Hunter found her, she was teaching her possible apprentice Izzy. Only the tradition of waiting until the high-priestess is old stops her from officially being her apprentice. Her real name was Elizabeth, but she prefers Izzy. She is a beautiful, female ocelot, and was about the same age as Hunter and Xero. She has icy blue, almost white eyes. She was, like Xero, and outcast by choice and had what could be described in modern society as a somewhat gothic personality. She doesn't act as most girls do, but she probably couldn't be considered a tom boy. Once, she told Hunter that she had a crush on his brother, and asked that he told no one because two people from to different species loving each other isn't favorable to most people. Unknown to her, Xero likes her slightly. Hunter does to, only he can't decide whether it's as a friend, or something more. He becomes a little nervous that she was around. "S--Sasha, I need your help." "What's wrong?" she asks, quietly worried by the tone of his voice. Hunter explains everything that has transpired in the past few hours.


"Well, that isn't good. Fortunately, I know what to do. Izzy, go get--"she disappeared while Hunter told Sasha what happened, but returned with a book in hand as Sasha called to her. "yes, that." And she hands over the book. "Thank you. Now, let's go and fix this problem." Sasha said, and all three set off for the cave.

At the cave, the being that was once Xero still struggled with the vines that bound him. He looks toward the group, realizing he is no longer alone. He lets out a small chuckle. "Well, you've returned pest, and you've brought friends." He looks at Sasha and notices the book in her hand. "Heh!" he says, condescendingly. "Good luck, you'll need it."

Moments later, Sasha was prepared to try to banish the demon for Xero. She stood about a foot away from where he was bound, book in hand and open to the page of the spell she needed. She begins to read from it, "Lumen hoc emundet spiritum ab omni malo." This began as the dark ritual performed earlier with the exception of the pentagram being white instead of red and no spirits appeared. The surrounding area was illuminated by the bright light from the pentagram. Shard began to roar as the light engulfed him.

Just as quickly as it began, it was over. Everything was dark, quiet, and still. Xero was still bound by the vines and his head hung down, as if unconscious. He opened his eyes and looked up slowly. Then, a sinister smirk grew on his face, and he laughed. "You can't get rid of me that easily. Your friend's soul and mine are intertwined; to kill me is to kill him too." Hunter looked a Sasha with despair and desperation. "Don't worry, we'll fix this." she assured him.

Within a few minutes, she had a new plan and was ready to execute it. She read a different spell now from a different page. "Lux et conscientiam ligant hoc daemonium." This had a similar effect as the last, but the white light was less intense. But then, a dark shade came from Xero. It was Shard, and he began to yell, "NO! You cannot suppress me, my will is too strong! Now, you all will feel my wrath!" He shot a red bolt of dark energy. Izzy and Sasha were barely able to dodge it, but Hunter wasn't so lucky. As he turned to jump out of its path, Shard shot another bolt that struck him on his back. The attack leaves Hunter in agony, as the attack had left a burning feeling all across his back. Shard shot off several more bolts that all miss his target. He then shifts his attention to Xero. "If I cannot use this mortal as I choose, He shall not live!" and he began attacking Xero, clawing his flesh, catching his muzzle below his right eye and landing two slashes on his lower back. But then, the spirit dissipates. Everything returns to being calm once more.


Xero, after being released, was still unconscious, with a relaxed look on his face. Hunter was still plagued with the burning on his back. It was discovered that a pentagram was now visible, made up of darker fur like Xero's "X" on his forehead. The main concern at this time, though, was Xero since he has yet to wake.

Several hours pass before finally, he regains consciousness. "Stand back just in case the spell didn't work." Sasha told Hunter, who reluctantly obeyed. Xero let out a small moan. "Wh--what happened?" Hunter, bursting with relief, ran over and hugged his brother, tears of joy on his face. "It's you! It's really you!" he said softly between sobs. Izzy spoke up, "We have a lot to tell you" she said shyly, and the explain everything that has happened.

"So you got rid of him, right?" Xero asked Sasha. "Well, not exactly." This startled Hunter, and with fearful curiosity, he asked "What do you mean?" "Well, he couldn't be banished without harming Xero, so I had to bind Shard's soul within his." "What?!?!" said both Hunter and Xero, Hunter in a more worried and upset tone than his brother. "Shard is still within you, Xero, but he is in a dormant state and cannot think, act, speak, or anything else for that matter. There still is, however, the chance that he'll one day have the power to break free." "No! You cannot leave this as it is!" yells Hunter. "So what you're telling me is that I'm a demonic time bomb, awesome!" said Xero, upsetting his brother even more. "No, it isn't!" Hunter snapped back, "Sasha, you can't leave that demon within my brother." he pleaded with Sasha. "Hunter, I've done all I can, the souls cannot be separated without risking major damage to both." "But--" he pleaded again. Sasha walks over to him and hugs him as he begins to cry on her shoulders. "Look, it'll be okay." she says reassuringly, and he picks his head up to look at her. "There's no need to cry, everything will be fine. You know I wouldn't lie to you." he stops crying. "Come on now, let's go back home." she says, and everyone heads out toward home. "And don't worry, Izzy and I'll keep this quiet." says Sasha to the two brothers. "Thanks," says Xero, "the last thing I need is for someone to find out.


"How much longer will they keep me here?" Xero whispered to himself in his cell. The jail was the only building on tribal ground that was constructed with stone. The cell had an iron-barred window in the back wall and the front was an iron-barred door. The only thing inside the cell was a wood bench attached to the wall.

Several hours later, a guard came to get him. He was a tall, well-built gecko. He wore chainmail, leather boots, and had a sheathed sword on the right side of his belt. "Come with us," he said, "Elgin is ready to see you." Accompanying him was a slightly shorter, female fox-tiger hybrid. She too wore the same outfit, but instead of the sword, she had a rifle. They brought him out of his cell and escorted him to the town hall, where he was to be given his sentence. All the way there, one thought plagued him. How did they know?

At the town hall, the first person Xero noticed was Elgin. He was a tall, large, muscular wolf who appeared tough as stone. He had a scar across his left eye and two fangs from his upper jaw that hung out over his bottom jaw. This was the kind of person people would turn and walk away from out of pure intimidation. Also present there were Hunter, his father, and Izzy. Hunter was deeply upset and Izzy was doing the best she could to comfort him, but his father had a stern look of disappointment. Within his eyes, though, there was a slight hint of sadness.

A few moments pass, and Elgin finally speaks. "Xero," his voice was deep and loud, "you have been found guilty of stealing the black books. And worse, you've offered yourself to a demon. I have conferred with the counsel; do you have anything to say before I tell you your punishment?" Xero asks, "May I know my accuser?" "No, they've wished to remain anonymous, anything else?" Xero put his head down and shook it to answer no. "Very well, the counsel has deemed the only appropriate punishment for your extreme actions is exile. Before sunrise tomorrow, you must be off all tribal land." Hunter was now explosive with emotion, but Izzy keep him quiet. Xero stood with his head still down, but otherwise completely expressionless. "Understood?" Elgin asks. But just as he asks this, Hunter burst out. "No, you can't! Dad, do something, he's your son!" His father looks away, restraining emotion. "He--is no longer my son." Hunter fell silent, obviously hurt at what was said. A few tears ran down his face. "Then you leave me no choice," he replies softly, wiping tears from his face, "I--I'm leaving too." "No Ian, yo--" "It's Hunter, and yes, I going with my brother!" Elgin broke in "If you leave, you'll never be able to return. "That's fine," Hunter replied, "I have no family here." With that final stab, his father left. The only expression on his face was a complex one somewhere between frustration and anguish. "Then it is settled," Elgin continues, "you two are to leave and--" "I'm going to!" Izzy exclaimed out of nowhere, causing confusion in everyone. "Are you sure?" Elgin asks. "Yes." She replies firmly. "For what reason do you wish to go with these two?" She blushed slightly, but no one noticed. "That's a private matter that I'd rather not discuss." "So be it. You three are to leave and never return, be off tribal lands by sunrise tomorrow. And Izzy, be sure to let Sasha know your intentions to leave. Now, you're all dismissed." The three silently leave the building, and head over to Sasha's.

"Izzy, are you sure you want this?" Sasha asked in a motherly tone. "Yes, I'm sure." She replied. "Alright, I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too." "Stay safe, and remember what I've taught you" "I will. Goodbye Sasha." "Goodby Izzy. And goodbye to you two as well." Hunter replies "Bye Sasha." But Xero remains silent. After all's been said and done, the trio leave the village, never to return again.


Within a day and a half, they reached the nearest road. They probably could have reached it sooner, but they had no knowledge of the area outside tribal lands. They followed the old, abandoned dirt road to the nearest town. They arrived at a small, barely inhabited town. There, they found a motel to stay the night and figure out where to go from there. The next day, they were pointed in the direction of a larger city where they'd have a better chance of finding a new home. They found someone who was traveling to the city and were able to get a ride there.

Thanks to the knowledge shared at the trading post back home, they knew some of what to expect in the modern cites. Cars and lots of humans with few anthros was one of the few things that was said, but was discussed most often. Sam and Hunter were able to adapt very well to modern technology like the cell phone, computer, and television. Xero got the basics, but got frustrated a lot and lost interest. Hunter, the quietest of the three, was able to pick up on many social aspects of society and taught what he learned to Sam. After a week of going from place to place, the trio found a place where they could stay. They found an apartment for those with nowhere else to turn. There, they could stay for free until they're able to afford to pay to live there. Next door to them, they met a fox named Eli. Originally from England, he was framed for treason by people he didn't even know. He fled to America where he decided to hide out until he was either forgotten or could prove his innocence. However, he grew fond of living here and decided to forget the past and move on.