A Final Curse
#8 of A Long Forgotten Past
I looked down at my chest, where, until recently, it had been pierced by that cursed sword.
I immediately tried to summon a fireball, and to my relief, I was able to conjure one, but I was disturbed by how dim it was.
All of a sudden, it went out, and I tried desperately to re-ignite it, but to no avail.
I screamed in frustration, and tried to lift the bedclothes off me with my kinesis ability, but it wouldn't work either.
I looked desperately for Mitch, and saw he wore an expression of great sadness.
"Krystal had a look in your mind after you collapsed again, and she saw the whole thing. She said she couldn't see a single spark of power in you after it,"
I struggled to get out of bed, when Mitch pushed me back down again.
"You need to rest," he said gently, "Maybe your powers will come back,"
"H-how long was I-I-" I started.
"Out for? Three days, but enough of that, now rest!" he said, exasperated.
I sighed, and rolled over, and tried to sleep.
"Chloe?" Freyja said, hesitantly, "You do realise that you haven't lost all your powers,"
I bolted upright, startling Mitch beside me, and I held up a hand to quiet him.
"What did you say?"
"Well, you have lost all your powers, but I haven't lost mine, and you can use them, through me,"
"And what powers do you have?"
"Well, I am a dragon, so there's your fire powers back, and since I am the goddess of protection, you can cast wards on or around people and things,"
"Ok, so can you walk me through it?"
"Not right now, little one, the wolf is right, you need to rest,"
The next day, Freyja started to teach me how to use her powers. To my amazement, it was actually easier to use her powers than it was to use my own. And because she was a dragon, her fire was ten times stronger than anything I had ever cast before; the first time I lit a fireball with her powers, I nearly burnt the house down.
I had never felt so good before, but there was a deep foreboding in my heart. If I no longer had my powers, would I soon die, because of my age, which had seemed so insignificant at the time? Eifie tried to assuage my fears, saying that she was also the same age as me, and she didn't have any powers, but it didn't really help much.
Then came the day when Freyja showed me one of her greatest secrets: how to change my form, and I don't mean just making it look like my form had changed, but actually transforming my body, or other things, into something else.
It was impossibly intricate, and even the slightest detail could seriously maim or kill me, but I was finally able to transform myself into a non-anthro fox and back.
And thus, days turned to weeks, weeks into months, all the while, with Krystal, Sally and Nik occasionally visiting.
Then, one day, there was a loud pounding at the door.
Mitch went to answer it, and as soon as the door opened, he was flung to the back of the entryway, a deep gash on his cheek.
I turned to see the same dragon who had chased me in the Shadow Realm standing in my doorway, and instantly ran out of the house, changing my form to that of a mountain wolf for greater speed. I was worried about Mitch, and if the dragon was anything like Might Dragon, my fire wouldn't do anything against him.
It was also then that I realised that all of my Cerillian powers were gone, including portals and telepathy. I was utterly alone in the wilderness of the forests that surrounded my house, with only Freyja for company. I slipped and stumbled my way for leagues in search of food and water, when I chanced upon a pack of wolves, like myself, who were camped by a flowing river, with several carcasses beside them.
Wolfish heads turned to face me, and I was instantly alert for any attack.
The alpha-wolf padded over to me, and touched my nose with his.
"If you are tired, you may rest. If you are hungry, you may eat. If you are thirsty, you may drink," it growled (this has been translated).
"Thank you," I replied, and walked over to one of the carcasses and tore off a piece, chewing silently, before taking a long, hard drink from the cool forest stream.
It wasn't until later when I though how disgusting that would have been, under normal circumstances. But these were obviously not normal times.
The wolf pack accepted me as one of their own, and soon, the next day, we left in search of more food and water.
And thus, even more time passed, and before I knew it, it was already several weeks after I had been attacked.
I kept my wolfish form, as it was safer anyways, and Freyja was always keeping tabs on where others were.
It surprised me, then, when I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me, and I turned to see Krystal struggle out of them. She was making a lot of noise, but she instantly quietened when she saw me, and turned pale.
I was confused by this, when I realised that Krystal didn't know that I could change my form.
I thought that she could see through, into my mind, but she didn't try to connect, and because I couldn't use my telepathy anymore, I couldn't tell her that it was me, either.
I then smelt a familiar smell behind her, and saw Mitch struggling through the bushes behind her.
"Hey, Krys, why'd you stop?" he asked her, but instantly quietened when he saw me.
He tilted his head, and looked into my eyes.
"You look familiar," he said, puzzled.
I instantly tried to transform again, and to my relief, I was able to do it without much difficulty.
"Chloe!" Mitch called out, relieved, "Thank god! I was about to give up looking for you,"
"Shh," I whispered, "Follow me,"
I transformed again, and led the two of them into the pack of wolves
The wolves were instantly alert when they saw them following me, but I explained to them that they were my friends, and as such, were under my protection.
I smelled smoke on the air, and turned to see a huge pillar of black smoke waft up from a couple of kilometres away.
Suddenly, there was a huge slamming sound, and the dragon was back.
"Chloe!" Freyja called out, "Can you undo the binding spell?"
"Yes," I thought back, "And more!"
I immediately uttered a counter spell, and before I knew it, Freyja was hovering in front of me, before she re-took her true form, as the Dragon Goddess of Protection
She ran over to the other dragon, and swatted him with one of her massive paws.
"Freyja!" I called out, "Get back!"
She retreated a couple of steps, and I started to invoke a spell of transfiguration.
"Verða austrvegr dýr líta hlutr!"
Within seconds, the once mighty dragon that was my opponent was significantly less of a threat. The rabbit looked around, surprised, and shook one of its fuzzy paws at me, before hopping cutely off, his fluffy, white tail flapping in the breeze.
"So, we've been travelling in the presence of a shaman," the alpha-wolf, in obvious awe of me.
I nodded, before turning to Mitch and Krystal, who were in hysterics.
I looked at them questioningly.
"Of all the things that you could have turned him into, why'd you choose a rabbit?" Krystal managed to gasp in between the odd hiccup of laughter.
I shrugged my wolfy shoulders.
"Sally," Krystal said into a walkie-talkie, "We've found her, and we're about to bring her home,"
"Ok," Sally replied, "We'll be ready,"
I looked around, seeing, for what would probably be the last time, the wolves who had helped me, and I gave them a sad farewell, and before I knew it, I was back in the house that I hadn't even dared to hope to see again.
"What the hell!" I heard Sally yell from somewhere behind me.
I realised that I was still a wolf, and quickly transformed back into my old self.
"Ok, now I've seen everything," she commented.
"Chloe!" I heard Eifie squeal behind me, and I found myself in the warm, pink embrace of my sister.
"You should have seen how Chloe took on that dragon," Krystal commented.
"How'd she manage it?" Eifie asked, idly, while swinging me around.
She whispered it into her ear, and she was instantly rolling on the floor, laughing.
"Aren't I always?"
"B-but a rabbit???"
She collapsed into a fit of laughter, and didn't come out of it for quite some time.
"Well, what do we do now? And what the hell is going on?"
"We save the universe, and to answer your second question, I have no idea,"
The world around me shimmered, and I found myself back in the Shadow Realm, or what was left of it.
There were deep gashes in the space of the Shadow Realm, and I could see other dimensions through them. None of them looked good, though.
I turned to see a massive, blue, white and silver dragon walk up to me, sorrowfully.
"Now you see what has happened?" it asked, whose voice sounded strangely familiar.
"D-Dialga?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Once, this place was a perfect mirror of your dimension. No, not a corrupted one, like you see now, but a place full of a beauty that could never be found, in any dimension, in any universe, save here,"
"B-but this place is evil!" I exclaimed.
"In a way, yes, in a way, no. For you see, when there's light, there's always some measure of darkness, and where there's darkness, light will always be close by,"
"So, what's causing the destruction of everything?"
"You are,"
"You are the fulcrum that has unbalanced the universe. You and you alone, have caused the shift in all the dimensions. And it is you that has to fix it,"
"But how?" I almost screamed in frustration.
"This isn't the first time this has happened, and it was exceptionally painful for him as well," he replied, cryptically, while at the same time, sending me an image of a volcano, suspended above the ground, with magma streaming from the crater.
I gasped.
"The White Rose!"
Dialga nodded, sadly.
"Yes, and so, you too must go to the volcano,"
At first I was horrified, then, I was relieved.
Finally, finally, my ordeal was coming to a close.
Dialga noticed my expression, and looked at me questioningly.
"Are you not concerned?" he asked.
"To be honest, no," I replied.
There was a brief silence.
"Can I tell everyone?" I asked.
Then I was back home.
I walked into the lounge room, calling everyone over.
"Everyone, there is something that I have to tell you,"
After I had told everyone what had to be done, Mitch approached me.
"Chloe, are you sure about this? Are you certain that this is the only way?"
I looked deep into his eyes.
"I'm sorry, but I have to," I whispered, and hugged him for what was probably the last time.
As I pulled back, he gave me a weird look.
He then kissed me more passionately than he had ever kissed me before, and whispered back just as softly.
"I'm coming with you,"
I just nodded, as tears started to drop from my eyes, staining the fur beneath them.
"Dialga!" I shouted with my mind, and I was at the crater of the volcano, with Mitch beside me.
It was just as well that the both of us controlled fire, powers or not, or we would have been fried by the intense heat coming off the magma below us.
I walked over to a rocky outcrop, and looked down.
The orange, swirling magma looked almost welcoming, after all that I had been through.
As I looked down, however, I thought back, over my life, about all the friends and family that had died.
I started to sing a lament, in the ancient Eevee dialect:
Hvíla friðr, skuldalið, hvíla friðr
Njóta gras langr eða villieldr
Eða aldrnari eða vatn jafnan, kykr verstr
Hvíla friðr, skuldalið, hvíla friðr
Njóta gras langr eða villieldr
Eða aldrnari eða vatn jafnan, kykr verstr
Hvíla friðr, skuldalið, hvíla friðr
Njóta gras langr eða villieldr
Eða aldrnari eða vatn jafnan, kykr verstr
As I sung, haunting melodies arose from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, lending an ethereal aspect to the whole thing.
I stepped forwards.
"May this sacrifice not be in vain," I whispered.
I jumped, my body turning into a streak of pure flame, before plunging into the magma below.
Mitch just looked on, with a great weight in his heart, when he heard a single note, a pure, heavenly sound, and with it, a plume of light shooting into the heavens. He heard a whispering sound behind him, and saw me, both there and not there.
"Oh, Mitch," I exclaimed, rushing over to him, engulfing him in arms that were both real and not real at the same time.
"C-Chloe, what the hell?" he stammered.
"I died," I said, with an odd sense of relief.
He started to sob, to which I hugged him even tighter then before.
I looked around, surprised to find myself surrounded by my friends and family.
"Come on, Chloe," Glaceo said with a warm smile, "It's time to move on,"
I just nodded, and gave Mitch one final kiss, before leaving with them, starting on the journey that I had been so cruely denied for all these years.
Mitch looked around, again, and saw that he was back home, though how homely it was after Chloe died was still to be found out.
He never forgot me, you know. Whenever he got the chance, he would always tell the story of Chloe, the Firefox, and how she saved, not only this dimension and universe, but every other one as well, and every world that laid in between.
We would see each other again, whether it be here or not, but we would see each other again. And I looked forward to the day.
* * * * * *
Didn't expect that, now, eh? For all those die-hard fans of Chloe, read the last line carefully. It will give you a hint about my next story series. Secondly, this is going to be the last chapter of this series, it's just getting a bit too repeditive for me, and I hate repeating myself, sorry. Thirdly, if you like Chloe, check out the pic of her that I submited.
Chloe, Eifie and Freyja are copyrighted to me, ChloeTheFirefox
Mitch, Krystal and Sally are copyrighted to SPAMZZKRR
Nik is copyrighted to Sonic Fox