Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 9/10: Raid Of Revenge

Story by KibouKumara on SoFurry

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#16 of Beast Omega Galaxy

Sorry it's a little late, been busy with family stuff all weekend, but I finally did them. Ok so for this one I went with two chapters in one because their both a bit short so I put them together. Also don't worry about Kate's backstory. I got a origin chapter in progress so next week. So I hope you guys enjoy :)

Chapter 9: Raid and Rage

*Down in the lower portion of the undersea base, screams and explosions ring throughout the entire complex. Miles and crew have found Soulka and are now rampaging, throughout the base, taking down anyone in their path. One by one the army of crocodile soldiers charged the group with spears and clubs, but was quickly overwhelmed by the group's teamwork. Kate is smiling and laughing, enjoying each punch she lands and the sound of enemies hitting the ground. Vance is wielding his twin pistols along with grenades, laying down cover fire from the near, never missing a shot. Soulka and Miles are covering each other's backs, knocking out anyone who dare approach them with swift combos*

Miles: Wow Soulka never knew you could fight like that!

Soulka: Well I couldn't! It's all thanks to Hesh! He taught me how to fight.

*Miles stops in his tracks and looks forward at Hesh who is alone ahead of the group, knocking down crocodiles one by one with quick, precise strikes to their weak points. Miles couldn't help, but think about how strong Hesh was and how much he wanted to become just as strong to protect the ones he cares for. With a grin on his face Miles howled and charged ahead into the packs of crocs. Chuckling to himself, Soulka quickly followed suit along with Kate and Vance close behind*

Hesh: Vector should be at the top point of this base! Our first priority should be to take him out before he can escape!

*Just then a loud laugh could be heard throughout the hall, causing everyone to stop in their tracks*

Vector: Escape? Haha!!! Don't make me laugh! This is my base! I'll wait right here in my comfy chair, so get to me if you can, but first you'll have to get through my elite guards...get'em boys!

*Vector's voice disappeared and was replaced by two loud roars bursting through the hall getting louder and louder. Soon screams could be heard coming from the crocodile soldiers in front of the team as their bodies flew out of the way hitting the walls. Finally the two massive forms came into view causing the whole team to get into fighting stances...all except Kate whose calm expression slowly turned into one of pure rage. Vance who had been in the back stood in place, sweating from nervousness, not from the beast heading for them, but from the aura coming from his teammate*

Vance: H...hey...Kate? Are you...

Kate: That monster...I'm going to rip it apart.

*The fact that Kate was so enraged, but speaking calmly and not yelling made Vance even more concerned. He watched as Kate slowly walked to the front of the group and stood there, waiting for the beast to arrive*

Kate: ...I got guys go take down Vector.

Soulka: What!? Are you crazy!? I've seen those things fight we should...

*Soulka didn't even finish his sentence. He couldn't form the words as Kate now had her gaze fixed on him. She didn't have to say anything. Soulka understood to shut up just from looking into her eyes...the eyes of a demon ready to rampage. Miles put a hand on Soulka's shoulder and shook his head, telling him it was no use*

Miles: there another way to Vector?

Hesh: Hmm...maybe if we back tracked...

Vance: No need.

*Vance raised his guns and fired two shots in front of the group, both hitting the beast, locking their legs in ice*

Vance: Elemental shots! Evan made these. You three go ahead as the lady says. We got this

*Reluctantly Hesh, Soulka, and Miles nodded then quickly ran past the beast and down the hall*

Kate: ...Vance...

Vance: Hold your breath. Nothing you say is gonna make me leave, so let's take these two down already.

Kate: Tisk...annoying cat

Vance: Stubborn deer.

*A cracking sound could be heard as the beastmen finally broke fear from the ice. With a booming roar the two proceeded to charge straight for Kate and Vance. Vance quickly reloaded and Kate got into her fighting stance*

Kate: It's both will pay for what you did!

*With a kick start Kate charged at the beastmen and Vance readied his pistols for cover fire. Kate tilted her head down pointing her horns straight ahead. The beast didn't stop, it raised its claws ready to slash at Kate, but with its bulky body it was to slow as Kate ran straight into its chest with her horns sending the beast back a bit. Just then the other raised its first ready to pow Kate into the ground, but with some quick fire shots to the face, Vance was able to catch its attention. He winked at the monster and smiled, causing the beast to become enraged and charged the tiger. Vance quickly emptied his clicks into the beast causing it to be covered in flames, but it did little damage as it burst through the fire and brought its fist down on Vance. Vance quickly back flipped twice gaining space from the beastmen, allowing him to reload. Meanwhile Kate is using her speed to dodge the beastmen's swipes at her, landing some quick strikes as soon as she spots an opening*

Kate: Ugh...this things body is so bulky. I don't think I'm doing any damage!

*Vance dodges another punch and lands behind Kate panting*

Vance: These things are tough...we need a plan and fast.

Kate: We just need to keep pounding them, I'm sure they'll start to feel it.

Vance: oh yeah? What happens if we tire ourselves out before then? Kate what's up with you? You're not fighting like you usually do.

Kate: don't don't know what these two did.

Vance: So you do know these monsters? What did they do Kate?

Kate: *pauses and squeezes her hands into tight fist* These monsters...are the ones who massacred my homeland.

*Vance became wide eyed as he turned and stared at Kate in shook. "So these are the two...the beastmen of the forest massacre..."

Chapter 10: Power Of Revenge

Kate: I need to kill these two...make them pay for all the lives they took!

Vance: Kate...I understand, but you're not fighting like you usually do, which is clouding your judgment. You need to focus and stop charging in or do you want to end up like them and throw away the life they saved?

Kate: ...but...

Vance: Look...if we keep our cool we can take these two brainless beasts down. Are you with me?

Kate: *Bites her bottom lip and slowly nods* Alright...I get, getting a lecture from you is annoying.

*Vance begins to chuckle, but stops when he notices a strange light coming from Kate's horns. As he stares at them, he notices that not only are they emitting a mysterious blue light, but also sparks*

Vance: H...hey Kate...your horns!

Kate: Huh? What!? *Looks up at her horns* Wha! They're glowing!

Vance: It looks like...lightning? Hm...

*Vance slowly approaches Kate and pushes her head down pointing it at one of the beast*

Kate: H...hey!? What are you doing!?

Vance: Hm...hehe let's go on a date sometime ok? *winks*

*Kate's blood starts to boil and her expression becomes one of anger. As her anger grew so does the light and sparks from her horns until finally lightning burst from them striking the beasts in front of her. In a roar of pain the beastman was pushed back onto the concrete ground*

Kate: Whoa! Did I just shot lightning from my horns?

Vance: Hehe yep I knew it! When you get angry the light on your horns charge up and you're able to shoot lightning!

Kate: Wow! That's so awesome!

*Vance and Kate began to jump and cheer excitedly, but their cheers were halted by the sudden roar coming from the fallen beastman, who was now getting up. Both beastman slowly approached the two, their fist and claws growing more and more*

Vance: I have an idea! Follow me!

*Nodding to Vance's instruction Kate followed Vance as they ran down the hall away from the beastmen. With a roar the two beasts ran after the two, but with their bulky bodies it was hard for them to catch up. Vance quickly looked back and stopped turning around to face the beast*

Vance: Get behind me and charge up as much lightning as you can!

*Kate immediately stopped and faced the beastmen, her expression slowly grew into one of angry and pure rage as she stared ahead at the two monsters heading for them. The memories from the massacre of her home flowed throughout her mind increasing her rage and the light from her horns. Seeing that Kate was ready Vance aimed both of his pistols at the ceiling and emptied both clips into it, creating a hole. After a few seconds water came pouring into the hall, spreading on the concrete floor. Watching the water flow in Vance began to smile as he reloaded his pistols, but this time with blue and white bullets. Closing one eye he aimed both barrels at the water as the two beastmen drew closer*

Vance: Wait for it...ok Kate hit the water with everything you got!

*On Vance's order Kate tightened her fist and let out a loud yell as a large burst of lightning rushed from her horns. At the same time Vance fired off multiple rounds, striking the water just as the beast ran through it. The lightning from Kate and the bullets coursed throughout the water and followed into the beast, causing them to stop and roar in pain. Seeing that the attack was working Kate let out one more burst of lightning and Vance fired the rest of his clips into the beast creating a large flash of light and an explosion of lightning. The two covered their eyes, shielding them from the bright light until finally the light dissipated. They slowly removed the cover from their eyes to reveal the beast still stand, but unable to move as lightning was still flowing through their bodies. Finally the two beastmen grunted and fell to the ground, creating small creators*

Vance: Phew...that actually worked...

Kate: *panting heavily* weren't sure if that would beat them? I poured all my energy into that attack!

Vance: Haha yeah and I'm out of bullets. *smiles wide and laughs*

Kate: That's not funny! What if it didn't work!?

Vance: Well...then we'd be in a bad position huh? *continues to laugh*

Kate: You...idiot cat!!!

Vance: Hey be mad at me later *offers his paw to help her up* We still gotta find the guys and help them beat down that oversized crocodile.

Kate: *Reluctantly takes his paw* Whatever fine let's go.

*Vance smiles as he pulls her pull and the two proceed to run after Miles and the others. Meanwhile far ahead, Miles, Hesh, and Soulka finally reach Vector's office and stand outside the door readying themselves before pushing the doors open. As they walked in Vector slowly turned his chair around to face them and begins to laugh to himself*

Vector: Well, finally made it here. It's pretty disappointing that it's only a bunch of mutts though.

Hesh: It's over Vector. You're going to pay for all your crimes once and for all.

Miles: There is no escape this're finished.

Soulka: I'm going to pay you back for the smack you gave me at the base!

Vector: *snickers and gets out of his chair* It's over huh...for a bunch of mutts you all sure are cocky. Well...guess I'll have to put you all in your place!