Spirit Bound: Chapter 134

Story by plainwalk on SoFurry

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#136 of Spirit Bound

This chapter was edited by Lycanthromancer

Today is the day of Donny Markham's funeral, and Liam has dragged Betty Chan along to see firstpaw the results of her on-line labours. Dragged her, and forced Nathanial to stay home. Other than her first grossly egregious crime of intentional tardiness, the vile bitch had restrained herself to most annoying bouts of eye rolling, sighing, and a single, short argument with Faelen. Truly, she was better behaved than expected. Yet, the afternoon was not entirely...calm, for as they were about to enter the facility, Liam noticed two Hunters from Cork watching the spoiled Pekinese.

Chapter 134: Hunter's Time

Faelen followed Liam out of the Halifax Metro Centre and preceded Betty. The Pekinese smelt genuinely grieved and remorseful at some points during the service, but as soon as whatever it was that upset her ended, she began to revert to normal. He really didn't know if the lessons from today would stick. Still, they were limited in what they could do short of breaking the law. Or her, for that matter. Faelen knew he'd kill her if she threatened Geoff, but what about Nathanial? Was she a real threat to either of them? Physically, no, she wasn't, so at what point did his duty as Geoff's bodyguard end? Did it extend to psychological harm? How much harm was 'permissible' before he had to remove the threat, even if it meant breaking the law? Still, the afternoon wasn't a complete waste. He'd gotten a good look at the arena, and he saw, albeit from a distance, the box seats Geoff would be watching the game from...without him. Faelen managed to keep his ears and tail from drooping, but not his heart. At least he could tell Da what he saw and give his impressions.

Liam glanced over his shoulder and met Faelen's eyes as they stopped by the curb. The Rottie's mouth quirked onto a quick, sympathetic smile, but he spoke to Betty instead. "Chan, your father will meet you at his office. Wait for him in his reception room." She kept her eyes downcast and nodded. Liam's ears twitched. "You are fit to make your own way there, yes?" Another silent nod was his only response. "A reminder: we will be meeting this evening to go over my selection of music. It will be at quarter to seven at your father's house. Perhaps you should consider a nap and a warm shower. It appears the afternoon has been suitably difficult for you. I do wish you had taken Deidre Markham up on her offer, though; it is not one I would have extended." The Pekinese said nothing but turned and walked north along Brunswick Street toward Scotia Square Mall.

No, Faelen was pretty sure neither of them would have made that sort of offer. Nathanial, on the other paw... The Mist Spirit flinched at the thought; the Mage might have, or maybe he would've razed the entire city to the ground looking for Nick, Micah, and whomever took them. Razed or made those 'ghost galleons,' the things that the mere thought of scared the shit out of Agent Jay. He glanced down the long hill to the harbour. The water was still choppy from the storm, and Faelen imagined he could hear the clanking of chains, the groaning wood, and the song of the walking corpses like that night they looked for Jezebel's corpse. 'A pirate ship full of ghosts firing Dark-powered cannons into the city.' He fought of a shiver from the sudden chill.

The amber crosswalk lights began to flash over the street, stopping the traffic, and Faelen stepped out to cross over to Citadel Hill before noticing Liam hadn't moved. The Rottie waved at him to go on. "I shall meet you by the clock tower. Give me a moment." The Ancient One turned his attention back to Betty; he smelt concerned about her. Liam gazed after her as if debating whether he wanted to follow before he pulled out his phone.

Faelen was tempted to turn back, but he decided to listen to Liam. Besides, the sun was bright over there; he could stand out of the chill wind and maybe soak up some of the meagre warmth remaining in the light. He was just about to ascend the stairs when he heard a voice talking in Irish Gaelic in the distance. He cursed silently for not learning more of the language, but he caught enough of it to fill in most of the blanks. He pressed himself closer to the retaining wall and slipped up the stairs while staying out of sight of the tower; it sounded like the speaker -- speakers -- were in there.

There were two of them, and Faelen would kiss Betty if they weren't the Hunters. <<Gorm, you saw him cross the road, too?>> Whomever this was sounded like a Canid -- probably the Bulldog.

<<What of it, Oisin?>> Gorm sounded bored. If they hadn't been joined by others, this guy would be the grey Horse. <<If the Dark Demon isn't with him, I don't give a damn where he goes.>>

Oisin snorted. <<Then why did we stick around? What if he sees us? We don't want word getting back to-->> Faelen couldn't understand the next bit, but it sounded like some curses got thrown in there, too.

The Horse whickered. <<Move away from the window if you're worried. He's never seen us, so he won't recognise us even if he looks up here. He's probably there to get out of the wind while he waits for his friend.>>

Faelen stood up; no point in hiding if they knew he was there. He rubbed his arms as if chilled and began walking up the rest of the stairs. Liam had stopped watching Betty and now waited at the corner for the lights. The Mist Spirit fetched a fog-bomb from his pocket with his left paw, just in case. A surreptitious look at the clock tower didn't show the Hunters at any of the main floor windows, so Faelen 'checked the time.' There was a flicker of movement in a window at the base of the tower, right above the main floor. The Horse was an indistinct shadow at the edge of the frame; Faelen would've missed him if the Dog hadn't suddenly moved away.

Oisin whispered, <<Get back!>>

Gorm dropped his voice a touch. <<Sudden movements draw the eye a lot more than standing still. You should've stayed where you were. Now be quiet; this monster is supposed to have good ears, even for a Demon.>>

The Bulldog's voice was so quiet that Faelen wouldn't have been able to hear him if he wasn't getting closer to the building and farther from the busy road. <<Who is the Rottie? Didn't Gary mention him?>>

The Horse began whispering, too. <<Gary's girlfriend's son.>>

Faelen's breath caught in his throat. 'What!?'

<<He's an odd one. Gary thinks he has something to do with the Monks, and he's in tight with the Key. He was there when the Mages captured Gary's brother, too, so no matter who he is, he's part of the Hidden World.>>

<<Brother? You mean Joseph? The guy Yuke had in the new high school?>> There was no answer, so Faelen couldn't tell if Gorm confirmed or denied it. But if it was true, then that would mean...Joseph Harper -- the teacher that essentially accused Geoff of raping Nathanial -- was almost Liam's step-uncle? Liam's mom was dating a Hunter?

The crosswalk signal began beeping. Faelen glanced back and saw Liam trotting across the street, while in the tower there was the sound of hoof on wood. Gorm must've moved away from the window, too. The Mist Spirit stopped where he was to 'wait' for Liam, but he actually hoped he was still far enough away that the Hunters would keep talking.

The Bulldog grumbled a bit, like he was thinking. <<Smith, Smith. He's not in the-->> Faelen couldn't understand the next bit. <<He's in the class list; Liam is his name. Now, what about that bitch?>>_Some more grumbling. Liam began climbing the stairs. _<<Chan, Betty. Think she's involved somehow?>>

Gorm sighed. <<How the fuck should I know?>> Faelen was surprised he was following the conversation this well. He'd barely paid any attention in school, and the majority of the younger Spirits -- the under one hundred-fifty crowd -- spoke English most of the time; he'd rarely ever heard anyone under fifty speaking in Irish. <<She's probably just a classmate. They may be toying with her, one of them might be dating her -- it'd have to be the bodyguard; Gary said Liam is a poofter -- or maybe the Dark Demon is planning on eating her or something. Normally, I'd care a bit more, but shit, she's a vicious bitch. Let them have her.>>

Oisin growled. <<I agree. Maybe pass word off to the Knights, but I'm here to hunt, not baby-sit. I haven't killed any monsters in weeks. Fuck, we have a clean shot. Let's take it.>>

Faelen's muscles tried to tense, but he forced himself to stay still. He'd hear them ready their guns before they could shoot. Liam came trotting up. Faelen muttered, "Hunters. In the clock tower." The Rottie twitched his eyebrow in acknowledgment, but that was it. The two turned and continued up the hill.

There was no sound in the building. No scuff of hoof or hindpaw to bring them closer, no flicker of movement in the window as they prepared to fire, nothing at all to say whether or not they'd attack.

Liam seemed at ease, but Faelen could see faint signs of heightened awareness. The Rottie turned his head to look up at the Wolf and the tower. "We can catch the bus on Quinpool Road if we cross the South Commons." Faelen nodded, and they began to jog along the dead grass.

They cut along the slope of the hill in a more or less direct line to the Halifax Commons and soon had the clock tower at their backs. Faelen whispered, "Are we catching the bus at Quinpool? I thought we'd be going all the way to the Mumford Terminal to catch it."

"We are not catching it at Quinpool, nor are we walking along that street. We could catch the bus there if we wanted to sit on it for a very long time, or to have our enemies easily corner us, or to put many innocents in jeopardy. We will cross the Commons and proceed up Chebucto Road; it is more direct."

They were quickly moving away when Oisin snarled. <<Fuck, Gormghiolla, why aren't you letting me shoot him?>>

Gorm sounded pissed when he answered. <<Because he's not worth it! The Dark Demon and his father have no reason to suspect we're here, and we need to keep it that way! Let them keep their guard down until we can take advantage of it. He won't be a problem; it's his father and the Dark Demon's da that will. We need to get rid of them before we have a chance at eliminating our target; that, or we need more muscle and better weapons.>>

Oisin growled. <<The Knights here are too cowardly. They're licking the boots of the Society and don't care about killing the Demons. We need to stoke the flames, Gorm, and that means striking a few sparks. That's the only way to remind them why we're here. The Key killed off most of the local Hunters, not that those rookies deserved the title, so we need the Knights to get the muscle or the firepower. I can strike some sparks right now.>>

<<No. That's an order. Let's get some food.>>

Liam sighed. "I think this Gormghiolla has his paws full. The other one is trouble."

They rounded the hill and passed beyond the sight of the clock tower. Faelen felt his muscles relax, and he slipped the fog-bomb back into his pocket. It was a very uncomfortable feeling hearing someone talking about shooting you in the back. He was bloody grateful Conor made him wear the vest; he just never thought he would be that close to needing it. "The other guy, the Bulldog, is Oisin. Gorm is the Horse, and he sounds like the brains as well as the boss. They have a list of Geoff's classmates, as well as one -- I think -- of the local Monks. Your name wasn't in the latter, but...uh, they knew who you were. Your mom's..."

Liam slipped into the pause. "Gary Harper. Yes, my mother's boyfriend. I had no proof he was a Hunter but strongly suspected it. He was the one spying on Geoff from the café. And, yes, he is Joseph Harper's brother."

Faelen felt close to exploding. "You let your mom date a fucking Hunter!?"

He could feel Liam's emotions roil. "Yes. She is happy with him and...he appears most reluctant to involve her in Hidden World matters. She knows I do not like Gary, and she knows he does not like me. I had little more than intuitive suspicion of his allegiance before this school year, and by that point she was most involved with him. I...will let matters be as they are until he places her in jeopardy; once that happens, I will take great pleasure in killing him."

Faelen frowned. "I understand what you mean, Liam, but you shouldn't take pleasure in killing even then. It's your duty as her son, no more and no less."

The Rottie's tone sounded like he was teasing and his scent confirmed that he was trying to pester Faelen or rile him up the same way he did Geoff. "Should I not take pride in my work? I do enjoy doing a job well."

Faelen didn't find that amusing at all and didn't want to fight. "Stop it. This isn't a joking matter, or something to squabble over. He's too close to Geoff. Through his relationship to your mother, and my relationship to you, we now have Hunters sworn to murdering Geoff just a few steps removed from him. We also have to operate under the assumption that _everything_you've told your mom is now in the paws of people trying to destroy my clan. Does she know about us? About Geoff?"

Liam waited to answer. They were getting close to another intersection and a small crowd of people were at the corner waiting for the walk light to change. They were about to cross the very busy Robie Street and cut through a small section of a residential area to get onto Chebucto. The smell of the donair shop kitty-corner to them made Faelen's stomach ache with hunger. Once the light changed, the two Canids jogged around everyone and switched back to their fast lope once they hit the far sidewalk.

"I..." Liam sighed heavily. "...kept the details to a minimum. I could not avoid telling her about us, not without alienating her, as I had already told Dad. I made her swear not to tell Gary anything, including your name. I told her it was because he is homophobic -- which they have argued about before -- and that he knows members of your family, members that would not approve of us dating. She, of course, said he would not tell anyone if she told him not to, but I would not relent. Mom was...not pleased with me; she feels I am being petty and trying to provoke a fight between Gary and her. I told her nothing about Geoff other than that he is a friend, nor have I told her of your heritage."

So Liam got into a fight with his mom because of Faelen and Faelen's duty to Geoff. That made him feel like shite. If Conor were around, he'd probably think Faelen stank like Geoff frequently did. Hopefully, she didn't get too mad at Liam, not that Liam would say so if she did. Faelen wouldn't have if the situations were reversed. Liam smelt emotionally distraught, too, with nervousness, fear, and despair overpowering many other emotions.

Faelen's own feelings kept him from saying anything to comfort his boyfriend. He had no idea what to say, and his mind kept circling through what all this could mean for Geoff and the clan, what this might mean for his relationship with Liam, and how his duty would screw over anyone he might want to date if he was forced to give Liam up. Maybe Da did do the right thing by throwing himself into his work and avoiding personal relationships, though to be honest, Faelen was certain there would be no relationships -- no serious ones -- after Liam.

After several blocks of silence, Liam said, "Dad understands, sort of, but he is also a little miffed that I kept so much back from her. I told him my fears pertaining to Gary, but he believes I am being paranoid. He is not all that friendly with Gary, as they have so little in common, and Gary has made a few...less than polite comments about Dad's orientation, but he still holds great respect for Mom." Faelen could smell Liam's emotions solidify, though his near-despair remained strong. "I will understand if you say we must keep our distance; your duty is to Geoff, not me."

Faelen knew Liam would understand, and only Liam and Da would. Even Conor would probably have issues with what might need to be done. Geoff...would go ballistic. Faelen rubbed the vest he wore and wished he could get something to protect his metaphorical heart like he could his physical one. "I don't know, Liam. I just don't know. We can't just stop seeing each other. Nathanial needs you. You need Nathanial to see our family. I need you so I can learn kung fu, which is also necessary for me to have any chance at being a competent bodyguard. Fuck, there are so many ways you're tied with Geoff, but...gods, Liam. A fucking Hunter?" And not just a Hunter, if there was such a thing as 'just a Hunter,' but one that seemed to be a close ally to the Cork Hunters. They were suspected of killing fifteen Spirits in the last five years alone. Granted, ten of those were clanless, but it still got the clan royally pissed. Rolph and his friends started a bit of a killing spree in revenge, which brought more Hunters to the area, and... Faelen shook his head to break off the train of thought. That's why he was in Nova Scotia. But even with the escalating violence in Ireland, nothing had ever gotten so close to Geoff so often. Faelen had never faced off with Demons, Hunters, or Demon Mages before September, and he'd never had a Hunter three steps removed from his boss. What was in Geoff's best interest, and what was in the clan's? Should he try to convince Da and Conor to go home? Would that just start things escalating there? And...what of Nathanial? The whole thing was moot if the Hunters got him. If they were right, and they did sacrifice the pup, then it was game over for _everyone,_no matter where they were.

Liam's phone rang. The Rottie pulled it out of his pocket and checked the screen. "It is Nathanial." He swiped the screen. "Hello, my friend."

Nathanial sounded like he'd been crying. "H-Hi." The pup sniffled. "I was wondering where you were; I was expecting you to call when the funeral was over so I could bring you home. You said you had a lot of things to do, and I know you can't get here quickly during rush hour. Um, Nanny said she'll be here in about an hour to continue her tests, too." In the background, Faelen heard the sound of meat sizzling in a pan, and Da asking for the oregano and basil.

The Rottie reversed directions and began running back down the block. "There is a tae kwon do facility beside a church about a half-block back, just on the other side of this cross street. We can return from there; I know the owner." In short order, they descended a few steps to enter the basement door to the martial arts centre. Liam spoke a few words in another language -- possibly Chinese -- to a muscular Amur Leopard inside, who bowed deeply in response, before raising the phone again. "If you please, Nathanial."

The portal swirled open in front of them, and the pair stepped through to the kitchen. Nathanial and Da stood by the island and stove, respectively, working on dinner, while Geoff, Nick, Micah, and Conor sat on the far side of the island. The three younger ones had text books in front of them; Conor had his laptop out. Nathanial and Nick smelt pretty distraught, and both looked like they'd cried a lot. Geoff, Conor, and Micah were obviously worried. Da was keeping himself busy again and treated Nathanial pretty much like normal, but Faelen could hear an extra level of tenderness in his voice.

Liam stepped over to the oldest Akita. "Stop for one moment, if you please, Nathanial." The healer began checking his patient.

Faelen sighed as he washed his paws at the sink in preparation of helping. "Conor, Da, we've got a problem. It affects pretty much all of us, so we can talk about it here." His boyfriend's ears drooped.

Conor looked over at Liam curiously but remained silent while Faelen quickly sketched out the events: what the Hunters said, Mary Smith's relationship with Gary Harper, and how that all tied in to Geoff. He was one of the few that stayed quiet throughout; Faelen had to pause a few times while people -- mostly Geoff -- cursed or exclaimed loudly in surprise.

Strangely, it wasn't Conor or Geoff that spoke first, but Nick. "Well, that's simple." Everyone looked at him in shock. Nick put his elbow on the island and propped his chin up on his paw. He continued drily, "Sensei, how's about you tell your mother the truth? Tell her about Gary, about Gary's brother and how he wanted to kill us, about the Hunters' plan for Nats." He waved his other paw in an all-encompassing gesture. "You know, everything? Grow up and stop treating your parents like children. Keeping them in the dark isn't keeping them safe, as your problem with Gary and your mom should prove to you without a doubt."

Liam felt close to bubbling over in fury, and Faelen found it difficult to control the spill-over crossing through their link. Yet, once more, an unexpected voice chimed in, and this time it was Nathanial. He put his paw on Liam's shoulder and stared into those blazing brown eyes kindly. "I know it's hard, Liam. You want to keep those you love safe, and you feel some information is just too much for them to deal with." The elder Mage glanced over at his brothers guiltily. "I-I, um, I'm probably not the best person to say this, but Nick's right. You don't need to tell them everything-everything, just the relevant stuff, and Gary and the Hunters are about as relevant as you can get. What she does with that information is up to her, and then you'll have to deal with that when it comes. You can't make her decisions for her any more than she can make yours."

The Ancient One calmed down some as his friend talked -- those eyes seemed to work as well on him as his fur worked on Nathanial -- but he still glared at them, and Micah, too, when the Changeling nodded in agreement. "I do think I know what I am doing. I have lived longer than the rest of you combined."

Geoff interrupted with a loud snort. "And you're falling into the same mistakes that other old people fall into: thinking that experience makes them infallible, and forgetting what it's like to be young. Try putting yourself in their place, pup, and think about how much you'd hate it." So much for calming Liam down.

Conor slipped in with a placating tone. "That wasn't worded the best way, Liam, but the points they're making are sound. I also understand your reasons. Stepping away from those for a moment, ask yourself, 'what are the alternatives?'" The Water Elemental shook his head. "I can't let Hunters be that close to Geoff, so I'll have to base my actions on your decision. I may be forced to move again, whether it's back to Ireland, to Prince Rupert, or even somewhere else like Australia. I don't know if I'd feel it was safe to let you know where, if things are left as is." Faelen suspected, based on Conor's scent, that part of that was a bluff. Geoff didn't know that and looked absolutely stricken, as did Nathanial. The diplomat kept his eyes on Liam. "If you tell your mother, what may happen? She could break things off with one of you, or -- at the outside -- both of you. She may elect to keep things as they are and stay out of it, but she'll be warned about who Gary actually is and will keep a closer eye on him. She may discover some of his plans and give us warning, too. You know her better than I do, so you can judge the likely scenarios better than I can. However, it all comes down to one thing: we know who Gary is for certain, and we can't pretend to be ignorant and keep things going on as they were."

Liam's eyes practically spat sparks, but that was about the only visible sign of his anger. He addressed the two O'Conalls. "And what of you two? Will you also say I must draw my mother into the Hidden World?"

Dirk stirred the pot of pizza sauce and shrugged. "She already is,_Poppy Liam; she just doesn't know it yet. Her son is an Ancient One, a very important figure in the Monks, hated by one of the most powerful gods, and a personal foe of the leader of the Knights. Her future son-in-law is a Spirit and a bodyguard to the Dark Elemental. Her boyfriend is a Hunter sworn to _kill_that Elemental. How can she be _more involved in the Hidden World without being magical herself?"

Faelen grabbed the block of mozzarella Nathanial had on the counter and began shredding it. "I'm sorry, Liam, but my duty is to Geoff. We discussed this on our way back from the funeral. Either something happens to remove Gary from your life, or I somehow have to cut you off without putting us all in jeopardy. I can't let Gary be that close to Geoff or the clan. This isn't an ultimatum or me telling you what to do, it's just...what I have to do."

Geoff's temper flared to surpass Liam's. "Fuck that, Faelen!"

Da snapped back before Geoff built up a head of steam. "Sir!_This isn't something we want to do, or _anything you have control over! If we, that's Faelen and I, feel Liam's association with a Hunter -- even at that distance -- is a hazard to you or Conor, we will act. Not even your_father_ will stop that! Not even the alpha can override our judgement!"

Conor leant back at Da's initial outburst, but he closed his laptop and held up his paw. "Now, Dirk, I don't mean..." He trailed off when he met Da's eyes. The Water Elemental looked at his angrily quivering son and tried again. "You're in charge of our security, Dirk, and I trust you completely, but as a point of order, I can--"

Da's lips curled back from his teeth. "You can say all you want. If Geoff is in danger, and I believe a course of action is necessary, I will_act. You'd have to kill me to stop me." For some reason Conor met Nathanial's eyes in a _'I told you so' kind of way. Da turned the full weight of his wrath back onto Geoff. "I don't give a damn how you feel about this, Geoff. We swore an oath, and we will uphold that oath. This is our choice. It's not just because you're a McDougal, or the Dark Elemental, it's also because we love you. No matter what your da says, he'd do the same. If I came to him and laid out why I feel the course of action was necessary, then I can almost guarantee he'd side with me." Faelen could smell some of the stress leave Conor; he had just acceded the point. "Alpha McDougal would, too."

The Markses -- all three of them -- looked like they wanted to slink out of the room. They didn't like the tension in the room or the subject; Nathanial in particular seemed to be taking it poorly. Liam was still pissed, but he obviously agreed with Da. Faelen stepped between the Bone and Dark Spirits, met Geoff's eyes, and tipped his head toward Nathanial. Geoff looked past them to his boyfriend, cut off what he was about to say, and flipped his ears back. He trotted around the island and hugged the poor Mage. Faelen shook his head. "Liam, think about it, maybe while you give Nathanial a massage."

The Ancient One put a paw on Geoff's and Nathanial's shoulders. "I shall." He nudged them toward the stairs. "Come along. Geoff, let us continue your lessons on massages, yes?" The three of them walked down the stairs.

Nick watched his brother go and whispered, "Why isn't Sensei's medicine working? Can't we do anything?" Micah looked at his older brother and then back to the door his eldest vanished through; judging by his scent and body language, he was thinking the same thing about both of them.

Conor stood up. "Can I do anything to help? I want to eat and be gone by the time Mrs. Marks arrives."

Da grimaced. "That makes two of us, Sir. No, there isn't. Once the cheese is shredded, Faelen and I will dress the crusts and throw them into the oven."

The Water Elemental's lips tightened, and he nodded shortly. "All right." He shifted on the stool; Faelen knew that if he'd been sitting in a chair, Conor would've leant back and steepled his fingers in front of his face. "Faelen, fill us in." Conor glanced over at the two pups. "Why don't you two go downstairs for a bit?"

Nick's expression darkened, but he rose and stalked down the stairs, trailed by the Changeling. Micah didn't seem upset, but he did look like something heavy occupied his thoughts. The way he moved actually reminded Faelen of Gwen. That level of seriousness looked wrong on the normally carefree child.

Faelen put the mozza away and picked up the Monterey Jack. He took a few more seconds to try to order his thoughts. "I think he'll talk to his mom. He'll meditate on it tonight after he calms down and realizes his paws are pretty much tied on this. Nick's comment pissed him off a lot, but it may have been the most effective; everything else built off that. What Da said hit home, too. Appealing to Liam's sense of duty may have been the best way to start in order to keep the discussion calm, but pointing out that he's treating his parents in the exact manner he hates, and how it's not viable anymore, will...eventually strike home. As for how that talk will go, I can't say. I don't know Liam's mom. From what Liam says, she's very sensible, but if she's in love and not thinking straight, or if she feels that Liam is trying to manipulate her..." He trailed off and finished shredding the last bit of Jack. "I just can't hazard a proper guess. I can come up with dozens of reasons for any scenario. From the side I do know, Liam won't allow Gary to jeopardise his mother's safety or ours, especially Nathanial's. Liam loves me, but he's as protective of Nathanial as Geoff is. I think Gary would be removed from the picture before he became a problem. The only thing I really worry about is if Mrs. Smith promises to keep Gary in the dark but is a bit careless about what she says around him. In that scenario, Liam would keep a guard on what he says, but not too tightly, and he'd leave Gary alone. That leaves potential for damaging information to get around."

Conor watched him for another minute in obvious deep thought; both Da and Faelen kept silent. "That's not the only thing you worry about."

Faelen shrugged and helped his father add the toppings to the pizzas. "No--" It was the only coherent worry though. "--but it's the only relevant one I can really pin down enough to analyse."

How likely was it that Mrs. Smith would go ballistic and try to kill Liam like Lily did to Nathanial? Or that Liam would be so surprised by her attack that she succeeded? Or that, beyond all reason, the Grand Inquisitor would show up with an elite guard just as Liam walked through the door? Those worries should be so laughable that Faelen should be able to instantly dismiss them, but they kept drifting back into his imagination anyway. Events Faelen would once have shrugged off as ludicrously unlikely seemed to happen with worrying regularity these days. Was this what lovers or parents normally_went through? Faelen was used to worrying about Geoff whenever he was out of sight -- that was his _job -- but this was getting really annoying. He tried to focus on relevant issues. "The vests were a good idea. They're not very comfortable to start with, but I think we'll get used to them before long. I don't know how they'll feel for long durations, but I think we should wear them on trips into town. School...? No, probably not." He flipped through their school rotation in his mind, and how Geoff acted. The way the Elemental fidgeted during several of the subjects -- and every class right before lunch no matter the subject -- particularly the way he hunched over or twisted in his seat. "No, definitely not. Geoff would find them too restrictive and uncomfortable, and then he'd resist wearing one on more crucial outings." There was also the issue of Phys. Ed. and how the other students would notice they were wearing ballistic vests. The vests may look normal when worn under other clothes, but it was obvious what they were when they were off.

Da pointed out an obvious issue. "But school is one place they know where you'll be. I assume they know where we live, and even if they don't, it's safer to make that assumption, so they'll know what routes you're most likely to take. They'll also know when you come and go."

Conor raised a paw. "That's very true, Dirk, but they have Nathanial and Sensei with them then. Those two won't mean they're invulnerable, but with Nathanial's expanded senses and Sensei's experience and abilities, they're probably as safe -- or safer -- than they would be if we escorted them every day, or if Agents Ella and Jay did."

Da slid the finished pizzas into the oven and set the timer. "We can't rely on Nathanial, sir. He was already off school today, and I suspect he will be tomorrow, too. His appointment is at one, so he'll miss _some_school anyway." Appointment? That must be the one with his family doctor; Liam said she'd be calling today to set something up. "His health is too uncertain for us to depend on him. Sensei is scarcely better with the amount of chi he needs to use so frequently and his many duties." Da tried to adjust himself surreptitiously, but his scent would've given him away regardless. He was obviously thinking of all the help he'd provided Liam in the chi department.

Conor rolled his eyes jokingly. "I'm starting to think Da was right. Being gay seems to provide a lot of sex." Faelen could smell his da feel uncomfortable, hurt, and a little offended. The Water Spirit picked up on it and the cause right away. "I'm sorry, Dirk, that was a joke. I know you were essentially celibate for many years, after Faelen was born, in the course of your duty. You didn't have to, but I still appreciate everything you've done and don't begrudge you for taking advantage of the opportunity now." Conor smiled teasingly. "So, is anything developing between you and Walter? How did you enjoy playing with him and Nick last night?" Faelen hadn't known that Nick had sex with Da and Walter last night. How did that happen?

The Bone Spirit boned up even more. "Walter and I are just friends with benefits and won't be anything more. We share sexual interests, and our sons are together, but we really have nothing else in common. Nick...has interesting abilities, but no experience in playing. It was enjoyable, but I don't see it becoming a regular thing, any more so than Jay, especially since Nick wants to bottom. I won't let any of this interfere with my duty, sir; don't worry."

He was answered with a half-growl. "Taking care of yourself isn't an interference, Dirk, and I want you to enjoy yourself. If the timing is appropriate, take advantage of what's offered. It's a pity about Walter; he seems like a very nice guy, but I still would like to see you find someone to love."

Da shrugged and smelt even more uncomfortable. "It isn't possible, Conor, and you know that. How long will we be here? How can I have a committed relationship with that sort of uncertainty? How could I bring someone back to Ireland, or date someone there? It just isn't workable." He shook his head and turned to check dinner unnecessarily. "Don't worry about me, sir. I'm happily married to my duty."

Faelen felt tempted to look for Geoff when the emotional tsunami assailed him, but he knew the scents came from Conor. He sneezed explosively four times before he could stagger over and grab a tissue. Once his watering eyes cleared enough to see, he noticed a sheepish Elemental and a bemused Bone Spirit staring at him.

Conor shrugged apologetically. "Sorry." His temper started building again, though, and he glared at his bodyguard. "Dirk. I don't care what it takes, but we'll make it work. I care about you, and I honestly want you to find someone to make you happy. Work shouldn't be the entirety of your life, and you can't live vicariously through Faelen, either. You need to live for you."

The muscles along Da's jaw tightened as he deadpanned, "Then get Avery to have Aoife move in so they can play on the side, and that'll leave you free to fuck me." Faelen had no idea if his father was joking or serious, and it looked like Conor was just as stunned. Da's scent provided no certain answer, either. The heavily muscled Wolf laughed, but it wasn't completely convincing. "I'm joking, sir. I thought it would've been obvious since you're my boss." He paused, his ears wilting. "I'm sorry, though; that was completely out of line and inappropriate. I know you're straight and would never have feelings for another guy."

The light grey-blue fur in the Elemental's ears didn't hide the reddening skin beneath. He cleared his throat. "Mostly straight, as you well know, Dirk. How many of the Markses have I had sex with? Ah, but, yes, I don't love you like that, and I'm afraid I never will. That's why I want you to find someone for you. I don't think it'd be fair for you or Aoife, otherwise."

Da nodded. "First off, as a point of order, you may have had sex with the pups, but those were all due to extenuating circumstances. You filled a 'prescription' for both Nathanial and Nick, and Micah used Nick's magic to influence you. Those hardly count, if there was a reason to count. As for finding someone for myself..." He sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle. "I'd like to find someone I could call 'husband,' but until the clan changes, that won't happen. It's not just Geoff and Nathanial that need those laws scrapped and the culture to become more inclusive. Until then, I'll just have to leave my fantasies in my dreams and stay married to my duty."

Conor smelt guilty but merely nodded and turned his laptop back on, signalling the conversation was over.