
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Poem, poetry, slice-of-life views, opinion

Reflecting on my actions, I feel no doubt

Anger & frustration, I live without

Happiness is timing only to me

Feeling & being happy is different you see

I have done so much in so little time I can say

I crossed over & returned the same day

Only a glimpse of what can be

Forever enough for me

For now & all eternity

All that happens next I'll take with stride

Not knowing the next step, no fear or regret I hide

All is well & forever shall be

In my eyes, only lies possibility

Show me not something you wish to find assurance from

I give no guarantee, only hope, & only some

For if I gave more, it would surely be a lie to some degree

It's your choice to some extent, think for yourself, what's good for you, not anyone else, not me

Find what matters to only you & see past it, see more

Succeed in dreams, look past your paradise island, & see what lies beyond the shore

See the world you never left behind

Find yourself, find your own "peace" of mind


---Thanks for reading---

--- Always---