A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 19-A Turn Of Events-Part 2
#19 of A Dragon's Tale
The year is 1999. Retried Marines John Alex Mason,friend Hudson James Weaver and brother Issac Tyler Mason,have stepped back into the Corps to rescue their fellow Marine and brother in arms Wyatt Nolan Clarke. The friends are overjoyed to get the team back together. Little do they know that this is 30 year old John's last mission.....as a human anyway....
I had let down my team,my family,and every one back at the camp when I surrendered. Now,I had little to look forward to but a needle full of Cyanide. I would almost certainly be put to sleep after what I had done on the flight deck. I shuttered at the thought of being killed. What would happen to Adelind and the kids? Taro,Shadow,and my team? Ator,Val,Syralth,Rolland and Sozenn are almost certainly going to be put down right along with me. Val and Ator have kids on the way. Sozenn already has kids. What would their mates and cubs do without them?
I was stirred from my thought by the sound of a door opening. The seals dragged me in and chained me to the wall.
"Fuckin traitor",one of them said,"I can't wait till they give you the needle."
I looked up at him and he kicked me in the face before leaving the cell and shutting off the lights. I placed my head between my paws and began to cry for Adelind. I pictured her face in my head,I would never see her,or my cubs again. Weather they were alive or not,I was going to be put down like a sick animal. The thought of being put down,never seeing my family again,and worst of all,the fact that I had failed,as a CO,a friend,and worst of all,a mate and father. The vile thoughts filled my head,repeating themselves over and over and over. I balled up in the corner of the dark room and brought my tail around and laid the end across my snout. The feel of the leather muzzle on my tail made me cry that much harder. The chains around my neck and ankles gave me a feeling of helplessness.
Down the hall,I could hear Hudson screaming at the seals,calling them cowards and all kinds of vile names I don't care to repeat. What Hudson was doing made me feel so much worse. I had simply given up,I guess out of fear. He had not,even with a bullet lodged in his gut,he was fighting the Seals tooth and nail. If i had used my fire,teeth and claws,I could have saved us all,but I had not. I could hear the men,after finally restraining Hudson,talking outside.
"I thought we'd never get that guy down here,much less into a cell."
"I know,another said,he reminds me of",the man paused,"listen,the dragon in the cell behind us is crying."
"Oh,I hear it now."
The men continued to talk as I eventually cried myself to sleep. The next day,two men came early in the morning for me. They undid the chains on the walls and forced me to stand. They then basically dragged me down the hall and to a white door labeled,Infirmary. That word filled my very soul with terror. I knew why I was here.
When the door opened,Val,Ator,Rolland,Syralth and Sozenn were laid out on tables with hoses shoved into their throats and chained to the tables. At that sight,the will to live sparked into a bonfire. I fought the humans restraining me with everything I had,throwing the humans around like rag dolls,but was quickly subdued by a few dragons that were hiding,most likely on stand by for things like this. With help from the dragons,the humans laid me on the table and chained me to it. One of the doctors undid the muzzle and then tried to pry open my mouth,I held it shut,determined to go out fighting. I felt a needle prick my neck,it wasn't the Cyanide,it was sedative. Once it kicked in,the doctor pryed my mouth open and shoved the hose inside. More sedative began to flow into me from the hose.
"Are we ready?",one of the doctors asked.
The other doctor huffed,checking us over as he paced the room. I kept my gaze locked on him as he paced.
"They really are magnificent aren't they?",the one who was pacing asked,"I hate myself for having to kill them,like they're just sick animals."
"I don't",the other doctor said,"they are traitors."
"Yeah",the other doctor said,they are,"but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy their deaths."
Another doctor walked in with a black box. He opened it to reveal six syringes,all of which contained Cyanide. We all started to cry with the thought of death,me the worst of all. The men took the syringes from the box and placed them on the machine that was pumping the sedative,he replaced the sedative with the poison and then turned to a man who was behind a glass window. He nodded and the man working the machine began pumping the poison into us,all at the same time.
"Adelind,I thought as I began to taste the toxic vapor coming,I'm sorry."