Through Fire and Flames
#3 of A Long Forgotten Past
A hole in the universe...
A swirling vortex of pure evil...
History repeating itself...
I bolted upright, thankfully not waking Mitch beside me.
"God!" I exclaimed quietly to myself, "What the fuck's wrong with me?"
Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get to sleep again, I got out of bed, and walked over to the gym, where I started to clean my swords from the previous fight.
As I sat there, a thought occured to me.
"Warding Flame," I said slowly, sounding it out.
"Hmm, not really a fitting name for a sword as majestic as you," I said to the sword, as well as myself.
I cast about my memory, trying to find a suitable name.
"What about Aldrnari Mækir?"
I glanced around, and saw Eifie standing in the doorway.
"Aldrnari Mækir?"
"It means warding flame, in the ancient Eevee language. That's what the glyph means,"
She indicated to the swirling symbol set into the blade of the sword.
"And this?"
I pointed to the other sword
"Ævi Hlif,"
"Life shield?" I asked, bemused.
She nodded.
I noticed she had a sword slung on her back.
"Looking to spar?" I asked her.
She shrugged.
"Well, unluckily for you, I'm sorta not in the mood for sparring, but I have a better idea..." I trailed off.
I stood up, sheathing both my swords, and walked over to a holographic control panel, and pressed a few buttons.
"W-What are you doing?" Eifie asked nervously.
"Starting up a fiendishly difficult training program that I just finished. It's called Double Up," I replied.
I pressed a button, and a shadow guard appeared out of mid air.
Eifie gave a small shriek of fear.
"Don't worry!" I said quickly, "It's just a hologram,"
"Let me see, rules," I continued, "Umm, ten stages, and after every stage, the amount of enemies doubles, so that means at the tenth round there's one thousand and twenty-four enemies,"
Eifie gaped.
"I'll go first, if that's alright?" I asked her.
"Fine, be my guest," she replied, looking relieved.
I stepped out into the middle of the gym.
"You know," I said absent-mindedly, "It's probably easier to do this to music,"
I walked back to the control panel, and called up the music player.
I scrolled down my list of songs, and picked my favourite song, Through the Fire and Flames, by Dragonforce, and stepped back into the middle of the room.
As the fast guitar work started to pipe through the speakers, there was a shrill beep, signalling the start of the round.
The guard rushed towards me, and I dispatched him with a roundhouse kick to the head.
There was another beep, and two guards appeared.
I pulled out my swords and threw both of them.
They struck both guards between the eyes, and they disappeared instantly.
I ran over to them, and picked them up just in time to see four guards appear. And this time, they had swords.
I just ignored them, and shot a fireball at them, engulfing all four of them in a torrent of flame.
As eight guards appeared, I started to sweat.
They all rushed me at the same time, and I was forced back a couple of steps.
I rolled backwards, and sliced at the guards with great, sweeping attacks.
The attack connected with most of them, when I noticed that there was only seven here.
I felt a sharp pain down near my stomach, and looked down to see a holographic sword poking through.
Suddenly, it shimmered out of existance, and a dull tone signaled the end of the program.
"Arrg! I really need to pay attention to all my enemies," I said.
I turned to Eifie.
"You wanna have a go now?" I asked her.
She looked conflicted, for some strange reason, over something.
She walked up to me, and gave me an innocent peck on the lips, and strode out of the gym, leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened.
Morning came and went, with no sign of Eifie. I began to grow concerned, when I heard music coming from the gym. I walked in, and found Eifie fighting at least thirty guards, and saw two on the ground, with deep gashes on their chests. She was wielding, what looked like, metal claws, and was slashing at the guards with impunity. She glanced over to me, looking surprised, and missed a guard, who retalliated with a swift kick to Eifie's chest. She went down, and a guard stabbed her, ending the program.
I walked over to her, and helped her up, still sorta confused about last night.
"You alright?" I asked, "How long have you been down here?"
She mumbled something about being there since three minutes ago.
I knew she was conflicted, about what she wanted, and what was right.
I looked into her eyes, and I felt something within me connect with her, sort of like me and Mitch, but somehow deeper.
"Sometimes, what we want most, is something we can't have, no matter how much we want it, or how much we sacrifice," I said to her, with a great sadness in my heart, and my voice.
With that, I walked back out of the gym.
Nevertheless, the new feelings that I felt for my sister haunted me, making me long for her. But I knew that it could never happen.
I walked sadly to the corridor, towards the kitchen, when a strange, echoing scream rang throughout my mind.
It was coming from the gym.
I ran back, and found Eifie lying on the ground, blood pouring from a stab wound on her chest. She was still alive, barely.
I rushed over to her.
"C-C-Chloe, p-please for-forgive me,"
I gazed into her eyes, for what was probably the last time, and did the thing that I had wanted to do, ever since last night.
I leaned down, and kissed her passionately.
As I did, I transfered some of my power into her through the kiss. It wasn't enough to stop her from dying, but it was enough to stop any pain.
As I pulled back, I saw a great peace enter her expression, and it looked like all her worldly troubles had been lifted from her shoulders.
Then Eifie, the last of my family, was no more.
I looked down on my sister, and I felt a great rage build up, so powerful, it dwarfed even the sheer intensity of the anger that I had felt when Might Dragon had killed Glaceo, Mark, Verity, Hope, and as well as all my friends who went with me to try and rescue them.
I just had to release.
I teleported myself back to the asteroid that I used to live on, and let my rage loose. I turned into pure fire, and vaporised half of the solar system.
I turned back to normal, and teleported back home, collapsing on my bed, sobbing.
Then, there was a knocking on the door.
"Chloe?" I heard Eifie say.
* * * * * *
Hiya everyone! As usual, nothing much to say here, only, BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP! There have recently been a string of hacks, and furs loosing work, so I urge everyone of you who has submitted stuff to backup it, so if you do get hacked, it won't get lost forever.
Chloe and Eifie are copyrighted to me, ChloeTheFirefox
Mitch is copyrighted to SPAMZZKRR