
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Short Story Poetry, Fictional War Scenario, Slice of life

Wanted to write something relating from a civilians views during War times. Here's a bit, from a kids point of view.


As the trucks go by filled with faces never seen before

Ships arrive by the hundreds all along the sea shore

Each person carrying a bag with many shining things hanging throughout

Each with an expression so serious, none show any doubt

One makes eye contact with me, & smiles just for a moment

It reassures all of us, they are friends, with that, we return to our homes, content

A peaceful dream half dreamt is paused by loud sounds of things outside.

Lights everywhere, some near, some far, I see everyone trying to hide.

Outside the window, are friends, neighbors, the people from the trucks & ships.

All hiding behind buildings, fallen signs, some behind a car, all are playing with the shiny pieces by there hips.

In the dark, I see little light bugs flying from the front of there shining toy tips

Some fly right by them, some seen to knock others down

Some of the people look unwell, there faces showing a tear filled frown

Others try & help them, but some are fast asleep

As they rest, the others take there necklaces, maybe to keep.

Across from them are more people with different clothes, hiding from there light bugs, & fire cracker sticks so loud

Some seem to be wrestling each other until one is sleeping

Another watches from a distance, he seems to be weeping

How can any sleep with such noise, & the floor shaking beneath our feet

As they move the tired, they blanket them with there own bed sheet

Maybe off to bed they go, to wait till the others are done with there game

As they move them, I here them calling one another by name

The others seem to be moving back now, farther down the road, farther into town

I hear airplanes flying by, with whistling sounds getting louder, closer, they seem to be falling down.

A lot of light outside is from fire, the houses near by are shining with an orange glow

Flames & shadows all around, seem to dance throughout the commotion, like a very scary show

The streets are quiet for now, as everyone seems to have gone a distance away

Only the sleeping in the streets seem to stay.

For now, I lay back in bed, hoping for rest, for me & to those outside tonight.

An that all will be okay tomorrow between the people playing, & the planes who are bringing more light....

For now, goodnight...

Thanks for Reading



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