[Karma's Fate] - New Beginning (Chpt. 2)
Hi guys! This is my second chapter of my 1st story and I hope you all enjoyed. I'll make the 3rd chapter tomorrow, though I doubt anyone would see it, but I just love writing stories for the fun of it. I'm not the best writer ever, but I try my best. Hope you all enjoyed!
Karma's Fate
New Beginning, Chpt. 2
As the door opened, I saw it was a young female otter dressed in a Humble's maid uniform. I was a bit surprised it wasn't my roommate. It looked just like the female otter from the small cafe.
"Oh, hello there."She said. "I'm guessing you're Cody Kane?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked.
"Oh your roommate, Mark Huntley I think? He was just here helping me clean up a bit."
"Oh he was, was he?" I said in excitedly tone. "Indeed he was." She said smiling. "For a big, muscular guy he sure was kind and helpful. He helped me clean up the room a bit, what a gentleman." I could see the smile on her face. Seeing her smile means that my new roommate might be the guy of my dreams!
"Um, do you by any chance know where he might have went?" I asked reluctantly.
"Um.. I think so." She said scratching her head with her paw. "Oh yes! I remember now. He said he had to go meet a friend that needed help. I told him to go since he never needed to help me in the first place. He was sure awfully nice."
"Do you have any idea when he might come back?"
"No sorry, I don't. I didn't pay attention much, I had to finish cleaning up here because I still have a lot more rooms to clean for the new freshmen." She said.
"Oh that's fine. Don't you work at that cafe down the street? I thought I've seen you last night."
"Yeah, it's just a little part-time job I have. I go to college here too so I'm working 2 easy jobs to pay for my tuition."
"Doesn't it get a little bit too hard?" I asked. "Nah, not really. I've been working these jobs for a few months now so, I can cope."
"Ah I see. I need to find a little job soon. I'm in a special program where they pay for my room, but I still need a way to pay for my books and classes."
"I can get you a job at the cafe if you'd like" She said smiling. "We've been looking for a new employee and you can fill the position. It pays well and you only work on Mon. - Fri. from 12:00pm - 3:50pm."
"That sounds good! I'll come bye tomorrow to try and apply." I said.
"Hope to see you then! Now if you'll excuse me." She said exiting the door. "I need to go clean the other rooms. I don't want to finish up late!" I waved a paw goodbye and with that, she left.
I then started to explore my little apartment. There were 2 rooms, (One for me and him I guess) 1 kitchen, and 1 bathroom. After exploring a bit and getting used to my new home, I decided to unpack. I noticed one of the rooms were absolutely clean while the other one was in need of cleaning. I decided to take the dirty room since Mark seems like a nice guy and deserved a clean room, though I don't even know him. I was also used to cleaning and doing all the work, so it's not that different from home. I decided to make my bed, unpack my clothes and put them in the drawers. Since I had a lot of time, I decided to explore the campus a little more.
After getting used to the campus, I decided to head back. When I got to my door, I noticed the lights were on. My ears twitched with excitement. It was now or never I thought. I then knocked on the door.
The door then opens up, making a little creek sound, revealing a muscular chest. The door opens up fully and I notice and see a german shepherd, with a kind, cute smile on his face.
It wasn't just any german shepherd, it was the german shepherd from today! The one who got pissed at me and pushed me aside because I stained his shirt with coffee. I try my best to look enthusiastic, but my body wouldn't comply. My ears went down flat on my head and my tail went between my legs in a disappointing movement.
Why Karma? Why is he here?! Maybe he's just visiting? No, he's the only one here.
I officially hated my life. Karma just had to stick it's ugly head around the corner and bite my ass. I'm screwed. He's about to bite my head off any moment and I'll be dead in that instant.
But I then notice he had a guilty expression look on his face. He then looks quickly away.
I wanted to say something, but this was huge! There he was standing around 6'3 and there I was standing 5'8. He was ripped and looked hugely athletic, while I stood there looking like an ant to him. I was athletic, but I wasn't hugely ripped.
But there I was standing there, shaking in fear.
"H-h-hello" I managed to say, nervously.
"Hi" He said in a low voice.
Before I was able to say anything, Mark said something first.
"Look, I'm sorry for what happened today. I had a horrible day today and I didn't mean to take it off on you. It was a stupid move, I'm sorry."
I didn't have words to say, I was just in a state of shock. No one has ever apologized to me, especially after a scary situation like that.
"Oh, I-it's okay." I managed to say. "I'm pretty used to it anyway." I say in a low voice.
"No, it's not okay. I just don't know how to make this right again." He said scratching his head with his paw. I couldn't tell if he was nervous or he just had an itch.
"Well, that's fine. Is it okay if I can come in, then?"
"Huh?" He said with a confused look.
"I'm Cody Kane" I said sounding a bit more enthusiastic, "Your new roommate."
"Please, come in. Sorry again." He said.
"Like I said, it's fine. I've never met someone who's ever apologized to me before." I said happily. "Let alone after a situation like that."
"I want to apologize too. I'm really sorry for drenching your shirt in coffee." I said in a low voice. "I should have watched where I was going."
"Please, don't apologize. Let's just forget about what happened today and start all over again. What do you say?" he said
"That sounds like a fantastic idea." I replied back.
"Hello there, my name is Mark Huntley" He said extending his paw. "Hi there, my name is Cody Kane" I say shaking his paw. His grip felt nice and warm, I wanted to hold his hand forever. I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't know I held his hand for too long.
"Oh I'm sorry!" I say out loud letting go of his hand quickly. My face was burning red, so I decided to change the subject quickly.
"So, we should get some rest. It's getting late and tomorrow is our first day of college." I suggested.
"Yeah, you're right." He said back.
I then walked over to my room while he went to his. "Augh, dang it." I said to myself. I forgot my room was still messy. "Great, I guess I'll have to stay up and start cleaning."
I guess Mark over heard me and he came to my room a few moments after. I was picking up the mess in my room when he suddenly came in.
"Oh hey." Mark said. "I over heard you and I see you have quite a mess on your hand. It seems you have a big mess that might take hours to clean. Do you want to sleep in my room for the time being until tomorrow?"
My face immediately went red. Me, sleeping with him? On the same bed? Please tell me this isn't happening. Pinch me, I must be dreaming. I guess I was dozing of too much because Mark waved his paw in front of my face.
"Um, you okay Cody?" I immediately snapped back to reality and shook my head. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry! I kind of spaced out a bit, I guess." I said turning away.
"You seem nervous." Mark said. "Never slept with anyone else before?"
"I'm not nervous" I said scratching my eye nervously. "I'm actually pretty excited, but I don't want to take up too much space. I don't want to be that much of a bother.." I said with my head down to the ground.
"Oh please, it's my treat, I do need to repay you. Plus, this mess'll take hours to clean. No one has the time for that, honestly, it's not that troublesome."
"Okay, thanks!" I said, my tail wagging excitedly.
Mark's P.O.V
"Man, glad I managed to fix things a bit." I said sighing with a relief. "I met my first roommate and I went off on him because of my stupid crap."
We walk from his room to my room, it was the least I could do. I still owe him a lot though.. As we walk toward my room, I couldn't help but blush as his tail wagged excitedly. He is kind of cute though. He might be my type. He might even be better than my last roommate.
We then reach my room and he speaks out.
"Thanks.. But Y-you really don't have to. It was my fault that I got you mad. I deserved that back there since I'm nothing but trouble, as always.." I hear him say, muttering.
Don't worry about it." I say, putting a paw on his shoulder to reassure him. I see him glance at my paw, his face blushing once again. "Like I said, it's the least I could do. Now you should change and get some fresh clothes, we do have a long day tomorrow." I said smiling at him.
"Yeah, maybe you're right." With that being said, he went off toward the bathroom to changed and ready for bed.
Back To Cody
He really seems like an awfully nice guy. I'd thought he'd chew my ass off when he saw me, but he looked at me differently. Different than everyone else I've ever met. I quickly got dressed and went towards his room. The lights were already off and he was sound asleep. How cute I thought. He sleeps like a little, cute baby. I said giggling. In my mind, I feel like he's my first ever friend. Though we had a bad day today, he seemed like my only friend. And a really cute one. It was obvious I liked him, but did he feel the same way?
I shook my head. No, of course not. For a big, tall, strong guy, he must already have a girlfriend. I sighed, though, at least he's still my friend. The only one I have. I quickly get into bed and get far from him. I want to give him enough space since I feel like I might take up the whole bed. I soon drift into sleep, thinking about Mark..
I felt like I was living in a nightmare. I couldn't stop thinking about him. As I slept, I kept muttering, "I don't want to be alone again" and again "I don't want to be along again!" This time, I said it so loud I woke up Mark.
"Hey bud, you okay? You seem to have a nightmare." He asked me.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Please, don't worry about me. I'm used to it anyways."
I feel pathetic. Why am I making him take pity for me? I should just leave his room and sleep on my own, I deserve it.
"Shh, it's okay." He said as he got closer to me. My face then started getting hot red. "It's fine, I'll sleep with you until you feel better. Like I said, it was the least I could do."
I felt much better. I then drifted into sleep. A few hours later, I woke up because I had another nightmare. Thankfully, not as bad as the one I had earlier. When I turned to see Mark, I could see him right in my face. I immediately blushed so hard, I felt as if my face was going to fall off. I was scared, but he was with me. I then decided to get closer to him, embracing him. I knew he wasn't gay, but I might as well enjoy it. This may be the last time I get to feel this feeling. He then woke up and I quickly let go of him.
"O-oh, I'm sorry. I just got a bit frightened, that's all. I didn't mean to take up your space. I'll leave."
"Don't victimize yourself. It's fine, I can get used to it." With that being said, he pulled me into a hug, and fell sound asleep.
Everything that happened 4 years ago and this morning, soon faded away. I was holding my crush, I felt pathetic. I felt weak. I wanted to cry, but I decided to stay strong. I just decided to embrace him, and I feel asleep soundly. All those horrible memories I had, soon faded away.
Maybe Karma's giving me a sign. A sign that I can actually be happy for once.
And with that being said, I feel asleep with a smile on my face. It's been a long time since I've ever actually smiled....