
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Short Story/Poem, thoughts in life, on life.

Today I fell asleep in the midst of a dream come true

As I looked up at the ground falling into the sky, All I could think about was you

I realized something was wrong, beneath my feet as I neared the end of the divide

I was frightened, struck with emotion, of which, I could no longer hide

I was never again to see your smile, your radient face fill with such love

Holding tightly onto the arm of your protector, your angel sent from above

Such hapinness filled my mind as you embraced all time in one instant so lovingly

All I coud bring myself to do is wish the best for your love, even if it's not with me

As I looked down on my world passing so perfectly, my time ran out

I was back in this half-empty bed, wondering what the dream was trully about

The glance at what should have been in a better time that will never be

You, stopping by, seeing if I was still here, still as cold, a prisoner of me

My eyes began to water so slowly I could feel the dam of my eyes brake

My heart skipped a beat, both hands begin to shake

Was this trully a dream or a nightmare seeing u again

Remembering your life, your love with me ,till the time of your passing, till the end

The hand I held so lightly begining to grow heavy in mine

Me begging for a trade, just a little one, all of my life, if you'll be fine

As I gain calmness again, my mind begin's to ease

You are a hope still beating life into the depths of my heart as it begins to freeze

I know for now I will hold you near only in a dream

So now I close my eyes again, & hope this time, life isn't how it may seem

You haven't gone, your next to me now, & we'll be together for an eternity to come

A man can dream, if not for love & hapiness for all, at least for some

So I say goodnight to all

To those who have there one & only , & to those who now stand before the fall

Peace & love may guide you for now till you can see again

Try to remember how the love started, not how to forget the end

