Daily Mischief - A snack for two

Story by Jackmink on SoFurry

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#3 of Daily Mischief

Daily Mischief

By Jack the wolverine

A snack for two

It was late at night and all the lights were off in the living room of an old run down apartment. Samuel was on the couch with his legs spread, fly open and shirtless gut hanging out. The redwood color labrador chuckle, belly shaking with each laugh, at the late night comedy that was on.

His plans were canceled for the evening and decided to stay in, grab a beer and order pizza. The box was open on the couch next to him. A slice of extra cheese, meat ball pizza was hanging off the edge of the box and dripping down onto the floor. Another piece was picked up, slipped into the open drooling muzzle and promptly chomped down on.

The loud tv and laughing dog kept the other houses resident awake. As well as the smell of some fresh, easy food to grab.

Buckly was a silent resident as it were; the micro never showing himself to the canine that owned the apartment. It was a good relationship the two had, neither bothering the other (though one of the two was ignorant to the fact of the would be pest). Buckly only ever took after all the bare minimum and things that the dog was abundant of or didn't need.

He was a scrawny even for a cat. The slender male never bothered wearing anything, never finding anything in his size as it was. It wasn't a bother covered in fur after all. Still it did leave him a bit nippy in the dead of night as he made his way over the carpet and towards the couch the dog was currently lazing out on.

Meat balls had fallen onto the floor during the dog's gluttony and the cat was planning on snagging one for the evenings dinner.

Right as he came up to the coffee table the dog had his paws up on, the enevitable happened and one large, black paw padded foot came down right on top of the startled cat who barely had time to jump down on his stomach than be snapped like a twig. The heavy paw crashed down on him, squishy the tiny male against the warm, musky center pad. The foot eased up, resting more on the toes and allowed the cat to squirm his way out under it, gasping for air.

Even before he could get a lung full of the musky paw the dull nails dug into the floor, scratching back and the curled toes caught the cat tightly in their embrace. Buckly wiggled but barely could move and could only watch in horror as he was lifted up.

Samuel crossed his leg and eased back a bit more, his gut resting on top of his leg now. He flexed his toes tightly, closing his eyes and flexing his whole body before relaxing with a groan. His toes eased up and dropped the cat onto he edge of the cardboard box.

Dazed and confused Buckly stumbled forward trying to get the smell out of his nose. He spun around and fell onto his back, groaning a bit himself as he fell into a puddle of grease from the pizza. He sat up a bit muttered under his breath about the poor luck and looked up at the massive canine who was still enjoying his sitcom.

Samuel gut gurgled and he gave it a pat, giving in to the hunger. Knowing he shouldn't, the canine couldn't help himself to at least one last meat ball.

The hand slowly reached over as if in slow motion, finger opening wide and blindly reaching down to grab the first thing he could snag. Unfortunately, that was the small feline. Buckly scrambled to his feet, slipped on the grease and landed face first just as the hand descended down over him. Fingers curled around him, snagging his tiny body in their tight grip and lifted him up towards the dog's face.

The muzzle slowly opened, tendrils of drool connecting the jaws together. A string of drool slipped from the corner of his black bumpy lips and the red carpet was rolled out for the awaiting treat. Buckly squirmed and fought as much as he could, even cried out but at the same time he called out to the dog was the same time the laugh track played, overly loud deafening the helpless micro's screams.

That soggy, damp tongue lapped over his tiny body, curling behind him and scooping him up into the hungry maw. The dog's eyes never stray from the screen as his muzzle turned towards the treat. Suckling on three fingers, Samuel slurped them out with a pop and smacked his lips at the tasty greasy treat.

Buckly sat in shocked horror as he looked around the maw he was currently inside. Rows of teeth were snapped shut, a bumpy rigid hard palate was the ceiling above and a pools of drool collected both around him and underneath the moving tongue.

It all happened so slowly as the dog rolled his tongue; it moved like a red, rippling wave caring the cat up towards the ceiling and then sliding him down into the very center now of the grooved muscle. It was warm, mushy and kept guiding him further and further towards the gaping throat that gurgled in hunger for his squirming body.

Buckly turned around quickly, trying to claw at the tongue to slow his descent further into the belly of the beast. His nails might have been sharp but both his size and covered in the dogs thick, sticky drool created no friction or hold to stop the water slide that would be his final one.

A massive glop of drool landed on him from above, making him gag as he was rolled into. The tongue lifted up as if to block his path giving him a moment to collect his thoughts, if only to watch in horror as the tongue fell down once more revealing the passageway to his demise. The tongue slurped forward, out of the canines mouth and over his nose, around his lips and with one final satisfied taste of the grease covered feline gulped him down.

Everything convulsed suddenly and Buckly was thrown back into the throat and into it's tight, fleshy embrace. The walls quivered and shook before contracting sharply and shooting the feline down, forming a rather decent sized bulge in the dog's throat.

Samuel could feel the bump sliding down his throat and into his body and gave a good belch after as he groaned in pleasure from the slightly larger than normal meat ball. The cat got a face full of the smell as he slid even further inside, down the long slick esophagus. Buckly could hear the dog's heart beat loudly in his ears, feel the deep massive breath he took around him before finally plunging head first into the very belly of the canine.

Buckly gasped as he breached the stomach fluids and blindly found his way over to the living walls of the Samuel's belly. He pounded with closed fists and cried out to be let out. The very walls shook as Samuel's belly shook with a deep gurgle that made the dog groan and rub over it.

"Hush now," Samuel chuckled looking down finally at it. "I know I ate a bit too much, but you love it." He gave it a slap for good measure.

The belly shook, trembled at that knocking the cat back and into the waist high fluid. The walls continued to seep the acidic liquid and it was all the cat could do but climb on a not fully digested piece of crust from the pizza and wait for things to finally end.

All throughout the night the dog watched the marathon of his favorite tv show, rubbing over his large gut every now and then as it gurgled and churned the food inside never aware of what had happened to the poor other resident of the house. All Samuel knew was that he favored that last meat ball best.