It All Started (Part 1)
Well...I've been working on this at school, and maybe this will be the beginning of me being able to upload stuff again :D But I hope you guys enjoy it >.>
It all started with a knock at my door. I had been sitting upstairs, lounging about and enjoying my solitude while my parents were gone. I heard a knock at the door, and I stopped where I was, listening to make sure that I had actually heard something. Sure enough, another knock sounded, and I walked downstairs to the door. Standing there when I opened the door was a blue furred husky who looked to be about my age. He had a cute, nervous smile on his face, and for a moment, I just stared at him. The midday sun hit his fur just right, and it reflected rather well, giving him a glowing aura of regal blue.
"Uh...h-hi!" He said suddenly, starting the conversation rather awkwardly. I didn't respond for the longest time, but rather I simply stared at his eyes. While mine were an icy kind of blue, his were a deep, ocean blue, and I simply couldn't tear my gaze away. That is, not until he waved a paw in front of my face. "A-Are you alright?" He asked, breaking me out of my trance. I shook my head quickly several times, blinking hard.
"Oh! Y-Yeah! I'm fine. I think I just spaced out for a second there or something." I gave a nervous chuckle, hoping I hadn't come off as weird or anything. The husky laughed in return, his shyness seeming to melt away. "Well I just came by to say hey because I just moved in next door!" The husky said with a wide smile that nearly melted my heart.
I gave an awkward laugh, and I held out a black furred paw, my rudder swaying nervously behind me. "Oh! I hadn't realized that anyone had moved in yet! Well uh...great to meet you!" I said. "My name's Oliver, but you can call me Ollie if you want." The husky giggled in the cutest way, and he took my paw with a soft grip. "You can call me Cody," He said. "It's very nice to meet you Ollie!" Cody replied happily, his eyes filled with energy and warmth.
I smiled widely as well, replying, "Very nice to meet you too!" Without thinking. My eyes instantly widened, and I felt my face heat up. "I-I mean..uh..I already s-said that.." Cody only looked at me with an amused look while my voice trailed off, and I stared straight at the ground, properly embarrassed.
Cody hadn't released my paw yet, and I had just started to notice this when he finally let go, crossing his arms with a smile. "Thank you for the greeting, Ollie. If you want, you can come over and meet my parents." I quickly nodded at this offer. Anything to be with this god of a husky for as long as possible.
Cody giggled yet again, and he gestured with one paw as he began to walk off of my porch. "Well come on then! I'm sure that they'll love to meet you!" I was practically ready to run past the husky and straight on over to his house to congratulate his parents for creating such a perfect husky, but of course, I had to simply restrain my excited self to merely walking behind Cody all the way to his house. We entered into the garage and through his garage door, but I really didn't notice much of that. All I was really doing was staring straight at the rump that was swaying right in front of me along with that perfect, blue tail.
Cody's voice broke me from my reverie when it shouted, "Mom! Dad! We have a guest for you to meet!" He led me into the kitchen, grinning at me. "They'll be down in a bit. Do you want something to drink or anything?" Without even waiting for my response, he went to grab a cup and fill it with water while I stood there, watching. I had to admit, I was thirsty, but in an entirely different sense by this point than what he had been talking about.
I nodded my thanks as Cody handed me the cup of water just as I heard the sound of pawsteps descending the stairs. "We have a guest? Who is it?!" Called a female voice, and that's when Cody's parents came into view.
His mother was a tall husky who had a comforting smile on her face. She had the same colors as Cody, and the two were very obviously related. However, the father was, ironically enough, an otter like me. He had a smile that almost matched his wife's, or at least, I assumed that they were married. His fur was a common brown color, and his eyes were deep green, and they had a certain warmth to them that made me feel as though I could tell the older otter anything.
I gave a small wave, grinning slightly at the two adults. Instantly, Cody's mother came and gave me a big hug, which normally would've weirded out some others, but considering I loved hugs, it didn't bother me too much.
"It's great to meet you!" She said excitedly, her blue eyes bright with excitement and energy. She only looked to be in her thirties or forties, and youth seemed to have a firm grip on her. She suddenly gasped, turning me around. "Oh, I love that stripe of yours!" She exclaimed happily. "Where did you get it?"
I laughed, giving Cody an amused look, which neither of his parents caught since I was faced away from them. "I didn't get it anywhere. I was born with it." Cody's mother seemed to get even more excited, and I felt her paws feeling the fur on the back of my neck. "That is so cool! How far down does it go?"
I shrugged, letting my rudder lift off the ground and hang in front of the excited husky. The stripe very obviously continued down my back and along my rudder before completely covering the tip in purple. "It goes all the way down," I replied, slightly embarrassed that someone was taking this much interest in me, which didn't happen often.
Cody's mother simply put her paws on her hips, looking at my rudder. "Huh...that's really cool! Maybe you could come by my workplace sometime so I can take a closer look at it!" I finally turned, giving the husky a slightly confused look. "Your workplace?" I asked.
Cody nodded, stepping forward to be side by side with me. "Yeah, she's a geneticist!" I felt my eyes widen slightly, and I grinned. "Okay, now that's cool!" Cody's mother simply laughed modestly. "Oh come now, it's just what I like to do!" Finally, Cody's father spoke up, having been standing in the background.
"Forgive our manners. What might your name be?" He asked, walking up towards us with a questioning gaze. All of a sudden, I felt rather embarrassed at not having told them my name to start. "O-Oh! Uh, heh, I'm uh..I'm Oliver! Y-You can just call me Ollie though..." I looked straight at the ground, having completed that elegant speech, but Cody and his parents just laughed.
"Ollie is a lovely name!" said Cody's mom happily, and I felt my face begin to grow hot when Cody and his father nodded in agreement. "Th-Thanks," I said, now properly embarrassed. Cody patted me on the shoulder, which only made my face feel like it was about to burst into flames. I felt like I wasn't going to want to wash that shoulder again.
"I need to be walking Ollie home, guys," said Cody. His parents both nodded. "It was very nice to meet you, Ollie!" said his mom. His dad, ever the quiet one it seemed, nodded again in agreement. With that, Cody and I both walked out the door that we had come in through. Once we were back at my porch, I gave Cody a questioning look. "Why did you say you needed to walk me home?"
Cody giggled, shrugging. "I just thought you'd been embarrassed enough for one day!" The husky inched a little closer to me, and I could already feel my heart rate speeding up just from the proximity. "Besides, I've kinda been wanting to do this..." His paw suddenly gripped my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, and I felt his lips press against mine. For the longest time, I felt as though I was suspended in a feeling of euphoria, and just as I was about to settle into the kiss and return it very willingly, I felt Cody's head pull back, and his beautiful blue eyes looked at me as a smile grew on his muzzle.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Ollie," He said with a wink before turning and walking off of my porch and leaving me standing there, barely able to form a conscious thought.