The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- ch 2: Fight Class
#2 of The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King
ch 2
First up, let me explain. In the elf world, the younglings, that's us, are always being trained to defend ourselves, since we're the most likely target if someone were to attack the elven world, and, let's face it, we're more likely to learn stuff if we get to swing large weaponry. At least the guys will. No idea why the girls would like to beat on us poor defencless guys.
None at all.
Anyway, our teacher, Bombardo, came into the paddoc where we all gathered. His stature is the most impressive I've yet seen. He stands at nigh on eight feet tall, with a girth similar to that of a mountain. His arms as thick as oaks, he usually brandishes either a mace, or a great sword, both he brandishes with a single hand. Even so, he teaches us with a grace uncomon for his size.
I picked up my favorite of the weapons on the rack, a shortsword with a curved crossguard. All the weapons were guarded with magic so that they wouldn't harm anyone. I paired up with Bairda, who was quicker than I, but in our training, I learned to work his speed to my advantage. For instance, he fights with a lighter weapon, either a rapier or a cutlass, meaning he won't try to go for the heavy strikes. He'll slash and stab, and both, though quick, lack the leverage that a heavier blade with a heavier blow has.
Despite our obious strengths and weaknesses, We're more evenly matched than one might think. Think heat and cold. Sometimes I win, sometimes he wins, but other times, we both beat the crap out of each other. Today, though, I broke the week-long stalemate we had going.
When classes ended for the day, I rode Epona straight home, for I was too tire to do much else. We, my dad, my mom, and I, live in a pretty expensive hose, grown from an oak, rather than the cheaper cedar. We're given such a luxury because Dad's the royal blacksmith. I flopped on my bed, and popped open a Mountain Honey. A few sips in, my energy came back.
Then I fell asleep.
As I drempt, I saw flashes of the people in my life, but they seemed different somehow. Then I realised. They were animals. No, I don't mean they were being cruel or whatever. I mean, they were beasts. There was a bear with Mightos' face, a sea dragon where Bairda should be, and a hawk that reminded me of Zelda.
There were several others, but I can't remember them now. You know how dreams can be. But I did remember, all throughout the dream, I felt a sense of terror and dread, like some sort of calamity was about to take place. I reached the apex of the fear my mind could take, and...
I woke up.