Dragon's pride 16
#17 of Dragon's Pride
The Siege of the Low Sun
"Xiciro, wait! You can't rush to save Avila! She's three days from our position and both of us are exhausted! Hey, are you even listening to me! Stop it, dragon! Just..."
"Shut up, chipper!"
"Chipper? I'm not a goddamn bird!"
"You will be one if you don't know the time when you close those maws up, and don't try to stop me. This is my matter alone."
Both Xiciro and Bartoz were flying in a high speed towards Xici kingdom, but Bartoz had already known that his companion was forcing himself to fly as fast as he could. After the shocking revelation he had just received from Bartoz, Xiciro opened his wings and flew away from Qeveriyt toward the west as fast as he could to meet his daughter and save her from risking her life, as he knew how his once enemy was.
Xiciro could flew fast enough for a while, but while he was resting, he realized the much younger dragon had been gaining to him and as the dragon extended his front leg to grab Xiciro's tail, he tried to pull the tail away, but the dragon had sped up and instead grabbed Xiciro's abdomen part, making him unable to fly and fell on the meadows, just out of the desert.
"I said, wait, for ancestors' sake!" exclaimed Bartoz while holding the black dragon underneath him. "There's no point in rushing!"
"No, damn you! If I don't do this she'll not survive! She had no guardian beside her and that shallow-minded silver dragon didn't even realize she was in the settlement! Release me at once!"
"I won't gonna let you die in vain, Xiciro!"
"I am ready to risk my life for paying everything I have done, so let me go!"
"What will Avila say when she knew you're her father, huh? She hasn't fully believed in you, yet. She's a cunning one, and right now you can lose your head if you try to find her again, especially what you have done to her and me! Though I forgave you she won't be able to forgive that easily. Stop and think for a while, Xiciro."
"She is weak and not all that developed. I don't want her to be stronger or else she will join her mother...."
Bartoz slashed Xiciro's side face and the dragon roared before striking him back in rage, though Bartoz's front leg was flexible enough to catch the claw attack and pin Xiciro on the meadow.
"Don't let me force you to love me again, you hear me?! I respected you love to females but this is not how it should be! Avila is now strong enough to kill you again, and I believe, trying to save her will give you a bad side, and she won't believe you more than now."
"I won't let another of my family die in vain!"
"By sacrificing yourself? Xiciro, she needs a parent more than Seraphor, and you must give her the chance to discover it herself instead of rushing in!"
"Why?" "Why, you said? Because..."
Before Bartoz could continue both dragons heard a distant footsteps of a human army. Thinking that it was the enemy, they wanted to find a place to hide, but they knew it was impossible in the middle of the big meadow and with their sizes. Both of them opened their wings to fly away before they saw the dragons guarding them were not a stranger to Bartoz. The dragon also saw Bartoz and asked the others to continue on while he returned. Bartoz knew the red dragon, but he was soon followed by another green one.
"Hiya. I thought we have given a nice goodbye to you both," said the red dragon. "What's wrong? You two look like just having nice jog."
"Flame, they must have an urgent message to tell us to follow us all the way from the dragon settlement. Let's hear what they want to say."
"Look, we must reach the kingdom as fast as we can. This friend of mine had a bad feeling about the place and he wanted to find out what really happened. I am also curious so I followed him. What's wrong with the army?"
"It's not a covert deed, dragons," said Terrador with his usual low tone. "It's a fortunate event that we met your messenger on our way back to the kingdom. As we left, I saw his unfortunate passing. I'm truly sorry if I didn't follow his initial intentions, but he told me not to involve the dragons."
"We can be a help to your army. If they are flanked with a horde of dragons we have no chance to even win. Why isn't he trying to get our help?"
"He doesn't want to, and he has his reasons he takes into his death. But that's alright, since both of you are here. If both of you can convince your comrades to follow us to Xici kingdom, we will be very grateful."
"Yeah, and try not to waste precious time."
"We really want to, but my friend here has another concern. Can any dragons change our job to convince them?"
"We don't know how to get there without our guide."
"I can help you return the message."
Yort flew over them and landed beside Xiciro. The black dragon seemed to be a little smaller than the green blue dragon. Yort then said, "I know the way back to Qeveriyt, but I can assume that you two know how to go to Xici kingdom, right?"
With a nod, Terrador and Flame replied the question.
"Good." Yort moved to Terrador and said, "Terra, whatever you do from this point, lead the army. I don't know what Seraphor and your split personalities student are now, but make sure they still have the heart to follow you. Bartoz and Xiciro will help you in guarding this group."
"I still wish I have you as a talking companion, Yort, my friend. As for me, I cannot believe both of them can stay in this group longer than we thought it would be."
"They are your only chance of surviving. Both of them are Qeveriyt's healers, though, they're using dark arts. But that's okay. I'm...very fortunate to have met my counterpart."
"As do I, Yort," said Terrador back. Yort gave a draconic smile to him before he left the group and flew away to Qeveriyt. Both Bartoz and Xiciro were then stared at by the Dragon Realm dragons, both of them clearly unable to believe the two of them after their experience with a dark dragon.
Seemingly able to sense their disbelief, Bartoz said, "You two, I know you came from a land with big differences between light and dark, but you have to take that belief aside for now and let us help."
"You both saved Seraphor, but the young one was already tainted with the darkness of this world," said Terrador. "We can trust him by the fact that he and Spyro were genuine counterparts. We can't believe any black dragons in our group, especially those with dark powers."
"Then, it's better if I say that Avila and her friend were not trusted?" said Xiciro. "That black dragon you called Cynder?"
"Cynder? Is she here in this world?"
"How about if I say yes? Oh, and how about if I say they are both in danger being left in Xici kingdom while the humans were ignorant by a war that doesn't involve them?"
"What the hell? Terra, something's is not right with what he's saying," said Flame. "It's not weird, but it's just...weird."
"How do you know everything about something we haven't known?"
Bartoz then realized what Xiciro said about and exclaimed, "Ernest! Get your ass over here right now!"
There was a sudden slit out of thin air and both Ernest and Sannourah came out from the portal. They were like exhausted, so Xiciro was curious and said, "What happened to you two?"
"Shit, Xiciro, you must rally that hell of a troop before it's too late!"
"What? What's going on? What's happening to the kingdom?" said Terrador in a hurried tone. "Are we too late?"
"You're all not late, but this is another dire situation in hand! There was an early attack happening inside the kingdom and it somehow signaled a group of dragons attacking us! At this rate we'll be crippled...wait a sec, that's Seraphor! What the..."
"Seraphor and Spyro were there?! What about Cynder and Avila?!" said Bartoz.
"Cynder was defending another position, but Seraphor...shit!"
There was a fireball passing through the portal and if the dragons had no high reflex they wouldn't be able to dodge the ball. Ernest came out from the portal and said, "How long can you rally those troops?"
"I don't know. Maybe around half a day?"
"By that time this kingdom is ruins. Seraphor and his purple friend are trying to hold the coming reinforcements while the dragons ambushed our position. This is not a matter we can hold on our own, goddamn it! Do something!"
"How are we supposed to help if we're in a big distance?" said Flame. "Rallying this big troop is no simple manner."
"Can this portal fit a fully grown dragon?"
"It is for my size."
Bartoz then stepped inside and said, "Xiciro, be sure you're ready to get to Xici."
"Wait, Bartoz. Are you such a fool to rush into battle?"
"Those dragons need a healer and I'm the only one that can help. Xiciro, I know how much you want to save Avila, but be sure you survive first. I can sense a powerful energy coming from her, and she won't be a problem. If I never survive when you reach the kingdom, take my place as a healer and help every dragon you can. I believe you can change to the best, Xiciro, and I mean it."
"It's not worth your life."
Bartoz didn't say anything and he said, "Ernest, close this up."
"You still have your second chance, Bartoz!" exclaimed Xiciro, now with a feeling of sorrow that could happen to the black dragon. "You can't die yet!"
The black dragon just made a smile. "I can't even remember when I first died. Stay safe, all of you, and help this place with necessity."
After what he said, Sannourah closed the slit and the dark portal was gone from the air. Xiciro was unable to breathe. He was troubled by the fact that the dragons all around him, the ones that were trying to help the realm, died sooner than him. Was it because of the twist of fate that made him longer lived? Was his evil prevented quick death, so he could be tormented?
"No, damn you.... I'm the one supposed to die..."
"There's no time for mourning, black dragon. You companion is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the kingdom he's trying to protect," said Terrador. "Now come, follow us to make this army a worthy reinforcement for the kingdom."
"Yeah, and of course we'll gonna need a healer with us. The more the merrier, right, Terrador?"
"If it's what you seek, young dragon, then so it is."
"You can't press on," said Xiciro with his normal tone. "Didn't you see the situation in the kingdom? Whatever thing you can do to rush on is useless. This army of humans will be meeting their creators just from a group of dragons. Aren't there any dragonslayers in your army?"
"We...uh, don't really come from this world," said Flame. "Just follow our group and you'll be alright. If you can be trusted, of course."
Xiciro had no other things he could done after the portal closed, so he just opened his wings and followed the dragons to meet with the army of human soldiers with some of them were draconians. Though at first surprised by the sight of the mythical dragonmen, he knew his heart was at the concern of Avila, his own daughter, than the outcome of the war, but he knew better that her daughter was stronger than him now, yet his heart was still in concern. The dragon's heart had changed from the evil one back to the ordinary one, so his concern was genuine. He felt the pain stronger than when Avila melted his back leg. He wanted to meet the death dragoness and wanted to say sorry to her and expressed everything about his returned memories. Avila wouldn't accept it now, but he could believe she would.
Only when Xiciro wanted to find a place to rest did his senses caught up on something vile happening not far from his position. His body was stuck with sudden hit of the turmoil and since he unknowingly used an ability to feed on terror, he was gaining strength. Instead of being excited, he became more afraid on what happened to the kingdom, and he knew they were near.
"Don't tell me we're getting close."
"How do you know we're close?"
"I feel my body invigorated by the pain of so many," said Xiciro in a low tone, which made Ignitus winced. "If we don't hurry many will die!"
"Slow down, dark dragon. We don't want any harm around you, do we?" said Cyril. "Now, you claimed you are getting stronger by pain. What a troublesome power, if I must say."
"It's the only thing that tells us the real problem, ice dragon."
After flying faster than the rest of the armies, behind a hill, they realized Xiciro was right. The kingdom was being attacked by a group of dragons which destroyed the place like it was no tomorrow. They attacked many structures outside of the walls, burning fields and killing farmers. The Ice Guardian's keen eyes saw that some of the farmers were in fact undercover or retired dragon riders, running to the safety of their dragon where their companion started to battle a pursuing dragon. There were also allied dragon slayers trying to fight the dragons, but of course dragons had been experienced with slayers.
"Cyril, hold the human army! We can't let them die in dragon's fight."
"But, of course, Ignitus."
While Cyril flew back to the group, Xiciro found Ignitus. Without even have time to make a comment on the current situation, Ignitus said, "You must find shelter. If your claim as a healer is true, your death will be disadvantageous to us."
"But I have a daughter in there!"
"We will find her in there. What's her name?"
"Her name is Avila. She's an Argoon dragon. If you see a small dragon with feathered wings, long snake fangs, and two split tails, it would be her."
"Unbelievable anatomy, but I appreciate it. Terrador, we're off."
"Do you find Cynder with her?" said Terrador while opening his brown wings.
"The small dragoness is her companion."
Terrador made a nod with a grunt before following the orange-red dragon to the battlefield. Both he and Flame flew back to the army but they realized two of the dragons knew their position and started ambushing the group. Xiciro managed to dodge one attack and used his claw to wound it, but Flame wasn't fast enough. To help the dragon, Xiciro instead bit the dragon at the neck. It winced in a little pain, but suddenly it coughed blood and fell to the side. For the dragon that attacked him before, Cyril froze it before shattering it to pieces.
"What in the world did you do to that dragon? Are those snake fangs?" said Flame while standing up.
"Argoon dragon's poison is lethal to dragons, if they use it properly. Get up."
But before Flame was able to get up he was again hit by a flying rock, which Xiciro unable to change the path. Helping the yellow dragon, he healed the wound made by the rock and let Flame stood up.
"Don't mention it. It is my role to be a healer."
Without thinking more, Xiciro tried to scan the area to find any dragons needing his medical help, now with the strong will to fight with the true side he had antagonized many years ago. Leaving Flame and Cyril behind, he flew into the hot battlefield. The fire was around him, making the flight a lot harder for the black dragon. He couldn't reach the battlefield itself by trying to fly through the dragons, so instead he flew down with a daring flight, trying to fly as near as possible to the ground. He wasn't able to stay afloat for long so he instead ran to the dragon district's gate, where it was partially destroyed by the fight. Inside, there were many humans protecting themselves from the attack while some other dragons tried to defend them instead of making a direct attack. Xiciro found a wounded dragon sheltered under a wooden roofed resting place for dragons. The ash green dragon had a big gash somehow made by a sharp clawed dragon.
"Ah...where do you come from?" asked the dragon weakly.
"Be calm, green dragon. Let me heal you." When Xiciro inspected the dragon, he said, "Hmm, I am astonished you're still able to be alive after getting this deep cut. I can't guarantee it won't leave a mark."
"Anything will do. I have left my pride long before."
The black dragon only touched the wound for a moment before the darkness helping him mended the wounds and suturing them with their dark sutures. The dragon made a howl of pain but the pain stopped, only the closed chest wound remain.
"Those threads will return to me when you have healed your wound enough. Be advised. The darkness is mine, and the effect is negation. You can't use any fire until it is healed."
"What?! Are you trying to make us killed?" said the ash green dragon.
"It's for your safety, green dragon. Now, tell me. Have you seen Avila anywhere?"
"Avila? She's on the south side of the kingdom," said a red dragoness accompanying the green one. "If you're fast enough, you might find her."
"Thank you. That means a lot for me."
After he flew again in the warzone, both of them stared at each other, before the red one said, "Jaradas, do you feel something weird from that dragon?"
"No, he's fine. Although, I'm pretty concerned about this. Is it okay, Sola?"
"I hope he's not trying to poison you."
Xiciro then flew pass a hostile dragon, clearly trying to attack him. He wasn't sure where the enemy or the ally was, so he just paralyzed the dragon for a moment to let him through the field and tried to find his daughter. There were too many dragons all around him, trying to fight each other's side without knowing the allies or the enemies. The Argoon just made a deep growl of anger.
"The mightiest reptiles on earth are now enslaved by the humans. How pathetic," said Xiciro inside his mind. "And to think I was once with those controlled by the humans. What a disgrace!"
Without thinking of enemy and ally, Xiciro readied his claws and started to make a barrel-roll. He swept through the aerial battlefield with his small sharp whirlwind and through to find more dragons blocking his way. He would be surrounded if not for Bartoz, with his speed, slashed around with his hand-like claws.
While still flying in place, Xiciro said, "You should know already that this is a pointless fight, Bartoz!"
"Yeah, I know it already! But we can't convince a dragon as easy as convincing a machine to work!"
"Stop fighting, then!"
"We stop, we die. You got me? Wish me luck, Xiciro. I suggest you turn and find anything injured."
Right after he said that Xiciro was almost hit by a dragon behind him, dodging only by instinct. He let himself fall and lured the dragon to him, where he used his dark claws to pierce its heart and made the blood rained over the meadow below. With a belief of being useful to the ones he had supported, Xiciro turned his concentration to find his daughter and support the medical prowess the pro-dragons needed.