The Lead Crown: Cruff's Dream

Story by FursTheWord on SoFurry

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Due to my lack of voting during comidacomida's recent chapter 4b part 2 in his "The Lead Crown" reader contribution story, I had to make a contribution detailing a prophetic type of dream Cruff may be having.

With text size set to 12 in Microsoft Word, this is three pages.

It's blinding, yet not bright enough. It's hard to describe this strange warmth it brings. But it's also cool... just right. I don't know where I am, but it feels familiar somehow. It's comfortable. Not the type of comfortable one would feel by lying in their bed, but the type of comfortable one would feel by being with someone they love.

I feel as though I have a body, but I can't see. It's too bright; It engulfs everything. Is this heaven? Or is this hell? If it is hell, it's a strange, lovely hell. I do not know.

I try walking, but nothing happens. There is nothing under my feet. Am I floating? No. I cannot stretch my arms either. Where am I? Am I really here? Where is here?

There is a voice in the distance. I can hear it. It's my dad. He's crying. But, for what reason? I'm right here, aren't I? ...No, I suppose not.

Oh, I remember. At the camp... yes. It's coming back to me now. I'm dying.

Now there is another voice. It's saying my name. It's so far away, but I think I can make it out. Yes, I believe it is... it's Vic! But he died! I... I buried him...

Cruff... Cruff... Can you hear me?


Cruff! Oh God, thank you!

Vic? Where are you?

I'm here... with you.

But, where is here?

You're dying, Cruff. You've been asleep and you've nearly left everyone.

So, I'm still... alive?

Only just. You are being carried back to the city to be examined by a doctor. But, I'm afraid... your dad - Friar Arlow - it seems he's afraid you're not going to make it. Everyone one thinks it.

But, I can't. I'm not ready! I only jus---

Cruff, you're going to be alright. You have to listen to me though, while we have the chance.

Why can't I see you, Vic?

Cruff, we haven't the time for that. You need to---

Why is everything so bright? I want to see you... again...

Look, Cruff, there's nothing much I can really mention about it. You're somewhere in-between life and death, and that's all that matters. It's bright because... well because you're at heaven's door.

Heavens... door?

Right. You are spiritually disconnected from your body, and you're body is still on earth while you are at the entrance to heaven's door. But, it isn't going to last long without you. Cruff, you have to listen.

Does that mean... you're in heaven.

...Yes. I was in your position... when I was killed at the campsite. Only, mine was much more sudden, and I was able to walk by your side for a short time before I was carried away... to here.

I was too shocked to say anything else. Vic had walked with me, even though he had died.

Is this real?

There was no answer.


But all that came was silence.

Vic Ventor!

Cruff, please you have to listen. You are not ready to die yet. You have to go back. You are not supposed to be here. This was not His plan.

"His" plan?

You know, God?

He's real?

...Yes, he is real. And, he's more than anyone could ever imagine.

God... is real...

Cruff, you have to go back. But before you go, you need to know... watch out for the pike!

The pike? What does that mean?

Cruff please, just take care of yourself. I don't want to see you back here again, you understand. You mean too much to me. I lo---

I... I don't... know... Vic, please.

Trust me, and go. I love you!

Vic... I love you too!

Oh, and Cruff, do me a favor. Find Sheila and apologize.


Do that for me, please

Vic... okay, Vic...

Thank you.

Vic... is this real?

...Is what real?

This... us?

Why shouldn't it be real?

It all just suddenly feels like a dream.

Why shouldn't a dream be real?


There was no answer, and now I was terribly confused. I didn't want it to end. I wanted to be there... with Vic. But, eventually, the light began to dim and soon it became dark. I was no longer there. Instead, I heard my dad. And he was crying.