Chapter 1: The Goddess' City
#2 of The Wolf of the Goddess
Well I'm a completely new writer and I will suffer your hate to improve.
However I do not suffer hate for no reason, bear that in mind please :)
Also Note that my back stories seriously suck crap (like the first chapter, so I use very generic settings).
My writing is also rough in detail and stuff, I really need to work on it.
Possible Grammar errors too.
Also I'll link the science behind this
The Wolf of the Goddess by CyrusP is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Chapter 1: The Meeting of the Goddess
James' Backstory
James lived in a small house in a suburban city of Leonapria that was surrounded by a forest . He was an ordinary boy of the age of 14 he went to a school, got good grades and was very mischievous. He was 5 feet 9 inches was very well-built.
Some would say he had a pretty nice life and he should be thankful, however, he hated his parents for leaving him when he was young. As a result he was left to his abusive uncle, who was a drunken slob that did nothing but order him around and beat him. He had no idea how his parents left him, as their bodies were never found. The city cult said that his parents left because the forest took them as payment as a result of his birth. Consequently, he had only one friend and brother, Harris. Harris however died a few years later in the forest while camping and as a result of the superstition of the forest; James had no more friends afterwards.
The people refer to what killed James' parents and Harris as the "Creature". It was unknown what it was, whether it was an animal or a being or just bad luck, it was eventually christened the "Creature".
December 22 LY 233
James woke up in the morning to the feeling that something was amiss, and then he remembered, today was exactly ten years on the day that his parents were killed, It was the winter solstice of the year LY 233. As he woke up and saw his clock ticking, he realized that he was late for morning gathering for the celebration of the Winter solstice. He wondered why he even went to those cult meets anyways. As he stood up to get dressed for the ceremony, his hand brushed the pendant hanging from the hook on his room wall. It was in the shape of a wolf, his guardian "spirit".
'How ironic, my parents were probably killed by these things anyways.' He thought to himself as he put the pendant on. It was the only thing that he had that was close to his parents.
As he trudged down the stairs he remembered his uncle in his room, 'Nah' he thought, 'today is special I think I'll let him get a beating for not showing up today.'
Wearing a smile on his face, he couldn't wait to get to city square to witness his uncle being dragged out of his house and flogged in public. Later though, he knew he would be beaten by his uncle while he was in one of his drunken stupors. He figured that he might as well get his kicks in while he could.
As he ran on down to the square, he saw a sight that left his blood cold. Normally, the sight of the crown priest would send anyone into a nervous discussion of why he was there. The crown priest only came out for three reasons, High Merit, Banishment, and Executions; he never came out to something as lowly as a celebration.
The day James' parents died in the forest, the city went into chaos, for no one had ever died in the forest or even gone into the forest for a matter. Coincidentally, the farmers always had less crop yields consecutively for years afterwards. After a decade, they decided it was not a coincidence that James' parents died on that day and that Harris died on the summer solstice 5 years afterwards. They decided to bring up the issue with the Crown Priest and arranged a formal execution date for the unfortunate boy to end the "curse" that was upon the city.
Knowing that news spread around the town quickly, and there being an uproar the night before which reason was unknown to him, James knew there would only be a single reason why the priest would be holding the black sword of judgment, and it probably wasn't for a high merit award.
As James ran from the city square, the guards quickly spotted him and nearly apprehended him as he ran. He barely made it to his house before shutting the door and running into the basement that lead to another exit that was on the other side of the house.
He broke a clay seal in the wall that had dried long before and removed a brick. As he peered into the dusty confines of the notch in the wall, he saw that the contents were still in there; he quickly removed them, wrapping them in a sack and ran from the house, not pausing to take a second look at the city whose people had tried to have him killed.
December 21 LY 213
My dearest James,
I hope you would have found this letter, because it will be the link in the chain that would help you to know the real truth. Where you find this letter is a place that will hold a pistol which is shaped liked an L and a wolf pendant. These two objects will help you to know the truth that I have set for you. The wolf pendant contains a cartridge, be careful with these objects, for not everyone knows what it is. To use this you must unite the two to make one, only then will you be able to fire the end of the cartridge out of the end of the pistol. If you must die, you will not let yourself die to humans or animals, only yourself. Only the priest remembers from his young age what a pistol is. If you are found with these, you will certainly die. However, death will reunite us, but not in the way you believe. As I l e l v y.
These were the last parts of the letter as the rest disintegrated into dust before it could be read.
As he walked into the forest, he planned to take the object that the letter told him was an object called a "pistol"; he then pulled the head off of his wolf pendant and pulled out another object that the letter called a "cartridge". He united them through the hole in the bottom of the pistol and locked it into place.
He knew that killing himself would only free him from his uncle, the city, his "curse", and most of all his parents and brothers who had left him when he was young and had only given him death instructions. As he was recalling his terrible memories, he was holding the gun so hard in his hands; he accidentally pulled the trigger...
"FUCKING SHIT" He screamed clutching his knee, the bullet had gone through it fracturing his knee cap and ripping tendons from their place. He was crying more in frustration than in pain that he could not even kill himself. As shock settled in, he noticed that a silvery white wolf with what looked like a design of a wolf within an oval on her back was sitting upon a rock watching him intently. The moment he started screaming and succumbing to shock, the wolf bounded towards him speedily and gracefully completing its motion with a small hop that seemed redundant.
However, James had no time to notice these fine details as he keeled over hugging his knees knowing that he would surely die by the hands(or paws) of a wolf. Rather than thinking that he had failed, he felt a sense of relief that he would be unconscious before the wolf could begin her feasting.
"James, James" James heard a soft voice repeating his name in a sing-song manner.
"James, please turn around." The voice said.
James looked behind him and gaped, as he saw a beautiful woman in silver and white flowing robes wearing a silver shield on her back. Most of all, he saw her face, as beautiful as a human woman's face, yet it had the representation of a wolf in it.
"Hello James, I am the Goddess Leonapria, I am the guardian of this land and those around it. That is why your city is named Leonapria, because this land was called the Leonap forest."
Usually I would not interfere in the actions of man, however, the great evil and injustice that manifests itself in the city has become unbearable. I have come to do what I must and purge the land of evil. Unfortunately, that means that I must kill all the humans before I can allow them to come back again.
Now, I will present you with a choice James, you can end your life with the humans and come with me to the land of the wolves where you will be safe, or you can stay here and be purged with the rest of the humans.
James thought it was a one sided decision, seeing as he had nothing to lose, James decided to go with the choice of the wolves. He decided that the humans could deal with their own fate.
"I think I'll go with the wolf choice."
"You think? Well all right then there's no going back." She said as he smiled broadly
"Here's the catch though," she said smiling broadly, "I deem that because you suffered so much in your childhood, you should be re-raised as a puppy by your own parents this time, effective immediately." She stood up and clapped her hands twice in rapid succession all the while smiling. As she saw the sad look on his face she responded with, "Oh dont worry everyone who chooses your choice becomes young again, even those who think they did not suffer. Personally I think you're going to enjoy what is to come little one, come along now." She promptly said.
James had a sudden urge to run towards the clapping and jumped up into the waiting goddess' arms.
He suddenly wondered how he had grown so small and could jump so high, but forgot about it because the soft motion of the goddess' walking slowly but surely rocked him to sleep.
The last thing he heard before going under was, "Now little one be good for your new mommy, I'll be back soon enough."