Chapter 5

Story by Double_Trouble_1701 on SoFurry

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#5 of Hunger Games 2.0

The launch pad lights up, and the group get on it. As the glass tube closes, a holographic picture of Cinna, Katniss's dead stylist, waves at them, and winks.

At the top, they are in a room, with three doors and the cornucopia.

"Just us, and the cornucopia" Delta says, looking around.


"delta, whats with the doors?" Raikes asks.

"three doors. It's a maze. The other team have to find us. We stay here." Delta answers, looking around.

Raikes looks at the ceiling, then the cornucopia.

"maybe we can make a house from the cornucopia" she says, thinking of ideas. Raikes looks through the cornucopia supplies and lo and behold, she finds a fire making kit. At the sight of it, delta smiles widely.

"no need for that." He says, and twist his wrist, and a small flame appears in the palm of his hand.

Raikes pushes her hand forward, and it goes out.

"how did you do that?" delta asks, a stunned look on his face.

"my parents were test subjects at a chemical plant. And when my brother and I were born, we inherited these powers. I learned to use them faster. My brother, can only do a calm breeze." Raikes answers, looking at Deltas hand. "how can you do that?"

"I was hijacked, and their mother worked at a chemical plant." Peeta answers. "I taught delta his powers, their grandmother taught Marrissa hers"

Raikes looks in deltas eyes, and sees the spark used to light the flame. "I....I......" Raikes stammers "I can see the truth. I see the training, the mistakes and the pain."

"that's good of you to see that, Raikes. I'll be happy to have you as an ally." Replies Delta, with a smile as wide as a rod on his face, causing Raikes to blush.

"ok kids, enough talk. We should build the wall for the cornucopia." Peeta says. He walks over to a patch of loose soil, and plunging his hands in, and then with a growl, pulls them out, and everyone sees the hardened dirt and then all of a sudden, they hear the cannon go off, signalling the first death in the games.

Sera shrieked in fear, then began to sob uncontrollably.

"What is it?" delta asks, turning to look, and then he sees Fredrant, the District 11 boy, in a pool of blood, then a button on the floor, and a hole in the wall.

"There's the answer to his death. He activated a trap" delta says, after examining the area. Everyone began screaming hysterically at the sight of the body in front of them.

"L-l-look!" Marrissa stammers. An anvil protrudes from the ceiling, tough, and covered in blood. It mustve been an almighty blow.

"get away from him!" Peeta barks. The overwhelmed peeta examines fredrants lifeless body and whispers, "his skull has been crushed from the cap in. he bled to death internally" he mutters, tears in his eyes.

After fredrants body vanishes in a holographic blue light, Peeta gets up, and slowly activates the earth gloves.

Peeta looks around, and spots some crates. He walks over, and swings a hand at one corner, and it breaks open, revealing weapons, bows and arrows. Tamerus picks up an axe, and breaks open another crate and sees that it holds food supplies. Raikes follows their example, and cracks the lock on a chest she finds behind a group of crates. Delta goes to one of the doors, and picks the lock.

"Delta, what if there's a trap?" Raikes asks, seeing him trying to pick the lock.

"I've got my sword, that's all I need" Delta replies, concentrating on the lock.

Raikes walks over, and puts a hand on Delta's.

"I don't want to see you get hurt" she says in a low voice.

Delta looks up, into her eyes, and sees a tear rolling down one side of her nose.

"No-one has ever felt that way towards me before" he says, watching the tear roll down her cheek.

Raikes wipes the tear before going back to break open some more crates. Delta resumes picking the lock, but the thought of the tear makes him stop. Delta stands up, and goes over to help Raikes, while Matthew is asking Marrissa about her powers.

"If your brother has fire, what power do you have Marrissa?" Matthew asks

"Water. I can use water for healing, and protecting people." Marrissa answers.

Delta opens a crate, and finds a few barrels of water. Raikes helps him with the next one, and they find blankets.

"Well, we won't be going cold." Delta jokes.

Raikes laughs and a soft breeze tickles Delta's cheek. He laughs and a warm flame wraps around Raikes like a coat, but it doesn't touch her. Raikes yells, and the flames are blown out.

"happy birthday" Delta says, laughing.

Raikes laughs with him, and they sit in a corner, sharing prank ideas.

While delta is with Raikes, Peeta opens up the last crate, and finds tools for a temporary cap on the cornucopia.

"I guess we can make that wall Raikes. Raikes?" Peeta looks around, and sees her with delta. *I wonder what they are up to* Peeta thinks, as he watches them in an animated talk.

Meanwhile, Marrissa marks one of the water barrels for medical use only, and fills up a bottle from it, and puts it on her belt.

After raikes has made a fire, the group settles down to their long awaited mealtime. Peeta has prepared some bread from a tin of dough that was amongst the supplies, along with some toasted cashews.

"delta, lets get the prank started" raikes whispers. After everyone is fast asleep, the mischievous pair creep out of the door, somehow knowing the maze exit better than the others. Armed with sword and knives, the two of them make their way to the house, initiating the prank. Two simultaneous cannons fire at once, marking the deaths and waking up the others.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" screamed Marrissa.

As the others were jumping up, Peeta looks for anyone missing. He nervously clutched his face, and let out a loud cry, thinking that his son was killed. As Matthew began to cry for his sister, in walked Delta and Raikes, who were laughing so hard, they were crying. Marrissa let out an angry scream, and tackled her brother, knocking him out as he hit the floor.

"WE THOUGHT YOU BOTH DIED!" screamed Peeta at Raikes, who was now on the verge of tears. "We wanted to have a joke, OK?!" cried Raikes, who was now crying and screaming in an angry rage.

"Everybody, CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" yells Tamerus

"How can we, Tamerus? These two jokers nearly got themselves killed!" growls Peeta

"we wont do it again, ok!" sobbed Raikes. "lets go to sleep!"

When the morning came, the group, who were ignoring Raikes and delta, heard another cannon fire. Immediately, raikes and delta jumped up with weapons in hand. They head to the door, ready for an attack.

"what could that have been, delta?" questioned Raikes.

"I dunno. Could've been one of the careers" he replied sleepily.

As the morning anthem began to play, and the group was shaking in fear, something hit the roof of the labyrinth and went through. It was the pale, shocked looking body of the young girl from District 6. Another figure quickly follows, and blood splatters the wall as it finished her off.

Chapter 6

Another figure quickly follows, and blood splatters the wall as it finished her off. It turns to the group, and they see a non-human look around it, and then they run from the door, and into the cornucopia. All except for delta. He starts clapping and...

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Chapter 4

"Peeta, you told them of whats going to happen? No? I'll tell them." As Haymitch sits on a bench "this is to lower your public image, but since no one wants to be the district 12 stylist, you'll be your own. Ill help Delta, Peeta will help you,...

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Chapter 3

"Ladies first!" echoes Effie into the microphone. After Effie reached into the glass ball, that's when the hysterical pleas began. "Meadow Islington!" she calls. The frightened girl walked nervously up to the stage, only to hear Marrissa cry out "I...
