In The End

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#28 of National Poetry Writing Month

This song is about death and what happens afterwards. Sort of. I was listening to some music and thinking about what to write for today's poem when the song In The End by Black Veil Brides came on. That was all the inspiration I needed! Besides I needed something to write a poem about and this came out very easily in just a few short minutes.

We are who we choose

to be. At least that's

what we believe while

we are alive.

But after we are dead

and gone how will

we be remembered?

When others tell the

story of our lives will we

be the hero we imagined

ourselves to be?

Or the enemy we never

wanted to admit we


Who will remember

our last smile?

Our last goodbye?

Our last words?

Our last embrace?

As we fade away from

existence who will it

be that remembers us?

Will all traces of us

fade away forever?

Or will we live on

in the memory of

those we love or

in someone or

something greater

than ourselves?

In the end when our

lives are no longer

in our control who

will be left to tell

our story? If anyone

is left to remember

us at all?