
Story by Leonard Wolfe on SoFurry

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#8 of Poetry

Because of this morning.... VENT VENT VENT!!!

I thought you loved me

But clearly I was wrong

Maybe you sought to see me free

But it seems you could've done better all along

I don't know why you chose to broke my heart

I don't know why you chose to leave me crying

But clearly you wanted us to be apart

Yet now I'm left alone, all alone dying.

Days where joy was ever lasting came to an end

Days where happiness was in my grasp

Have left with you my once dear friend

My heart now locked in a cold steal clasp

Every day you said you loved me

Every day you churned out more lies

It was so very easy to just agree

But all along it was to bring my demise

Now I'm left with my brother as I cry into my arms

Now I'm left with nothing more than a broken heart

I can only hope my brother shields me from further harms

So I can keep it all together and never fall apart

I dared to love

I dared to hope

My love now lays with the stars above

My hope now gone, I can only dare to cope