Oh So Tragic - Part 8

Story by WhitefireZilacoTequilla on SoFurry

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#8 of Oh So Tragic

The story of a freelance thief and mercenary who slowly begins to find and weed out a strange and complicated mess of plans and tricks to kill her.

writing, characters (c) me

"Thank you."

"He'll be out in a moment after he finishes packing."

Whitefire leaned against the counter as she waited, biting her lip softly. Her ears flicked back a little as she heard someone coming down the hallway, and she stood upright as Diamn came in the main front room. "Hello Diamn." She greeted quietly.

He looked at her and suddenly tensed, so she raised her sunglasses and set them on her head. He relaxed when he saw her eyes were blue. "Sorry..." he said quietly. "I thought you were someone else."

"It's fine." She took a step forward and took one of his bags for him. "Come on. Lets get out to the car."