Here With You(WIP)
Ok. So I actually decided, a few thoughts after my last Journal, to just put up what I had so far a small piece to just have up here. I want criticism, I want to know what people think....well if they see this, and I kinda do want encouragement to continue, but I'm not to sure if that will happen. I'm leaving this to the public, It might be seen, but who knows. I just want this up to see what people think of my writing.
The night time silence of my bedroom was the perfect place for me to think as I laid in bed, my thoughts wandering to all sorts of places. Fragmented memories, images of my desires, small slivers of the dreams I've had countless times before. All centered around one thing, a perfect mate.
Loneliness crept up on me as I imagined beautiful little scenes between me and my desired mate. I am running across the beach with him chasing, yelling at me to stop, both of laughing as the waves crashed against the shore. Another of us, sitting below a tree, watching the clouds drift by as we cuddled together, the cool spring breeze blowing across our fur. But, I couldn't help but realize that these dreams were pointless. I could never fulfill them without first finding him. I placed my fluffy tail beside me as I turned to hug it, fighting of the loneliness as I drifted off to sleep.
*Beep! Beep!* It is now 6 AM. Get ready for school Marcus. *Beep! Beep!*
My phone's alarm jolted me awake and I reached my paw over to shut it off. I got out of bed and stretched up. The stiffness in my joints disappeared, leaving me feeling good and slightly more energized. I padded out of my bedroom and into the bathroom and stripped, preparing for my morning shower.
Steam rose as I ran hot water into the tub, turning the cold tap to adjust the heat to something I could stand before flipping the switch, causing the water to flow to the shower head and run across the shower's tiled wall. I hopped in, the hot water feeling great on my furred body, and minutes later, I came out, steam covering up the mirror. I wiped the mirror, revealing an average height, slightly-toned wolf with gray fur and blue overcoat running across his back. Deciding not to waste any time, I wrapped a towel around my waist and started to brush my teeth as the bathroom door open slightly. I glanced at the mirror, which gave me a better angle of who was there, and saw a smaller wolf with a slightly similar coat of fur.
"Morning Matthew." I tried to say while still brushing my teeth.
"Morning Marcus." He replied, opening the door and stepping in. He walked into the shower, and I heard some rustling behind the curtain before he tossed his clothes out.
Quickly, I spat out the toothpaste and tried to warn him. "Careful, the water's..." Too late. He yipped as the handle was turned, the still hot water cascading on him.
"What the heck Marcus! Why do you always have to have it so hot!" He yelled at me.
I chuckled at his outburst, "Dude, I thought you would have learned by now, I do always have it on Hot. You should prepare for that." I rinsed the toothpaste out of my maw and grabbed a hand towel to wipe my muzzle as he sighed in slight defeat, not wanting to argue so early in the morning. "Hurry up, you don't want to be late for school now do you?" I called to him as I headed back to my room to change.
I tossed on some jeans, some boxer-briefs underneath of course, a plain red shirt, a gray hoodie, and my usual pair of black sneakers before grabbing my phone and glasses and heading downstairs to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast.
I was done cooking by the time Matthew walked into the kitchen, dressed in the White polo shirt the local middle school required for their students, and some jeans. His nose twitched and his ears perked up as he smelled the bacon and eggs I made for us. "Set the table will ya." I asked as I turned to start the coffee maker and grab the jug of juice from the fridge.
As I took my place at the table, Matthew brought over some cups and sat at his spot, but not before taking a jab at my cooking skills. "You didn't burn it this time. It smells great!"
"Shut up." I laughed, socking him in the shoulder, "It was one time, I was tired, and you were the one who wanted me to put it on high so it would cook faster."
"Yeah, yeah. But either way, I still prefer mom's cooking."
"Oh! If you don't want it, I'll take it for myself." I put on a serious poker face and reached for his plate, before he knocked it away.
"I am still hungry. Food is food. And don't you ever think about doing that again." He growled at me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as we started to eat.
Minutes later, after some small talk about school and some joking around, we finished eating and I got up to pour my morning coffee into a thermos. I took a glance at the clock on the wall, and cursed myself. "Dammit! I'm going to be late for school!" I ran into the living room and grabbed my bag. "Don't forget to put those dishes in the sink and soak it before mom gets home! You know how she hates it when we don't do that!" I yelled to Matthew as I ran out of the house and down the block. Unfortunately, I was too late and the bus took off as I turned the corner, leaving me standing there, staring in disbelief and out of breath. It was then that I noticed a truck pull up beside me.