True feelings

Story by Taiden on SoFurry

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Victor has been close friends with a coyote named Matthew Pierson and has been hiding how he truly feels about him.

"No no, I can't be late!" Victor whispered to himself as he rushed across his high school's campus trying to get to his Robotics class "Please move." He quietly told the people who had decided that it was a good idea to start walking slowly right in front of him

With a groan he stepped around them and continued going towards his first period "Ah, the class is still open." In a couple moments Victor had practically ran into the room and jumped into his seat next to his coyote friend, Matthew "Hello Matthew, how are you?"

"Er Victor." Matthew looked at him oddly "You aren't late you know that right?" He pulled out his phone and showed him the time revealing that he was actually around 10 minutes early "You seem out of breath, did you run all the way over here?" Matthew questioned the wolf about his actions

"Oh." Victor caught his breath as he pulled out a book from his bag "Well you know me, I always have to be early." Victor honestly thought that he was late but it was true he did like being early to whatever he has to do "...Is something wrong Matthew?" The wolf noticed that the coyote was acting a bit off "You have a question for me?"

"Well...Are you sad?"

"Hmm? No, why would you think that?" Victor began reading his book but he was still listening to his friend

"Oh it's just because you look sad and you know I want you to be happy. Especially when you're with me." Matthew smiled at Victor

Victor didn't mind him mistaking him for being sad it actually happened quite often but what really had him thinking was what Matthew just said "...Especially when you're with me." No-one could tell but as Victor read his book, he was blushing and was becoming flustered "O-Oh well I'm quite content right now." He didn't want to look at Matthew as he feared that he could tell that he was behaving oddly

Minutes later their teacher stood before them and announced what they were going to do for the period. As usual they just had to type in new programs and other minor objectives. Victor was in a pair with Matthew so the duo sat next to one another like they always did "So um, yeah." Lately Victor had become close friends with Matthew even though they had first met when the school year had started a few months back "We are pretty much ahead of all the others so we are in no rush." Victor was oddly quieter than usual "...Victor?"

"..." The wolf was lost in thought thinking about how he could possibly like Matthew in a "more than friends" way. He had dated a friend once the year prior but they decided to end it because Victor and the girl found out that they were better as friends and that it would be best that way but for some reason, Victor feels more comfortable and happier with Matthew and he wondered should he tell him how he feels right now? Or should he just wait. "Sorry Matthew, you said something?"

"Not much, I just said that we are actually done already so we can whatever I guess." Matthew noticed that Victor wasn't acting like himself recently and it was making the situation slightly awkward "So..." By now Victor and Matthew would be in a discussion about whatever subject one of them brought up "Are you sure that you are okay mate?" There was another silence

"Um yeah, I-I'm just tired! Yeah that's it..." It was a horrible excuse and he knew it but what he didn't know was that if Matthew could tell that the wolf was into him "Don't worry about me."

By now Matthew was honestly worried "Hey come on now..." The fellow canine placed his hand on top of Victor's which made him completely shy away "Oh sorry." Matthew quickly withdrew his hand he didn't even know why he did that in the first place

Unable to summon up the courage to say something, Victor started up a normal conversation "I'm fine trust me." He didn't want to hide his feelings from him but for now that's what he'll have to do until he finds the right moment to tell him "Have you read this thing? It's pretty strange but you'll like it." Back to normal, they began casually talking to one another

Eventually the bell rang, the teacher dismissed the class, and everyone left the class to hurry on over to their next period and usually this is when Matthew and Victor would talk with one another as they walked to their respective classes but once Victor exited the room he nervously hustled over to his next class which was gym "Hey Victor why are you leaving so quickly?" Victor turned around and said "I...just need to be somewhere."

Somewhat saddened, Matthew thought "I wish he would just tell me what's up."