Neko Hoshi 2 days
#8 of Neko Hoshi high school
morrow is the big graduation and where it ends off at :D
I opened my eyes, but it was all still dark. I tried to say something, but found out that my mouth was gagged. "Morning brother." I stopped struggling as one eye could see as I saw my brother. "You know I was really surprised about when mom said you gave it up to some wolf guy. When I came in seeing my little brother in a skirt I had second thoughts that I was in the wrong house, but to find that it was you I just had to tie you up and see if this wolf is really up to be with you." I did my best to muffle my words "James don't you dare." He petted my head with his tail letting my other eye to have vision. "Don't worry little brother I'm going to let you watch," he inched closer to my ear and whispered "every second of it." He walked out of the room as a small screen appeared showing him walking up to Link. "Hey wake up." He tugged Link's tail as Link jumped and growled then stopped. "Oh sorry master I was surprised that you pulled my tail." I could see James' wicked smiled for half a second when he heard Link say master. "I'll remember that for next time."
Link carried James to school. I never wanted to punch my brother so much before. "So Neko, you seem a bit diffrent today. Did you sleep fine? Was I," I could see his blushing "to rough on you last night?" James wrapped his arms around him and laughed a bit "Not at all." I am glad that the only thing that they are doing today is just practice the walk for tomorrows graduation. I could see the frustraion in James' eyes. I laughed as the shadow slapped me and saw him looking directly at me. "Bitch, you knew this was going to happen didn't you?" I glared at him and muffled "I got here a week ago I barely knew about yesterday." His shadow slapped me again.
"Why the hell did that take all day and then some!" "I don't know master, and why are you more angerly than usual?" James sighed and looked at Link "Will you carry me back home?" Link's tail wagged as he picked up James. "Oh, that's right we don't have food at home we have to go shopping for grocerys seeing your brother and parents will be here tomorrow." I heard James grown and smiled "Of course how could I forget hehe." I got slapped again seeing James mumbling "Bitch."
Seeing they were in the store James couldn't do anything he wanted to do to test Link. I couldn't help but laugh at James down fall. I waited in the closet seeing James carring bags with him grunting at the fact that he knows he can't do a damn thing to Link. I saw them coming up to the house with Link opening the door putting the bags on the table. "Phew finally home huh, Neko?" "I know now let's go in bed." I growled as James pushed Link to the bed jumping on top of him. I growled more struggling against James' shadow trying to break it so I can stop him from doing what he plans on doing. I used my own shadow to push myself up, and started hitting the door with my head hearing Link "What's that?" "Nothing just take of your clothes now." I kept bannging until James' shadow slowly lossened around the lock letting me fall through. "Master!" I felt Link's arms around me as he picked me up trying to get the gag off my mouth. "What happened to you master I was worried all day." I looked into his eyes seeing worry all over it. I couldn't help, but smile as the gag vanished. "I'm surprised you got a keeper little bro." That's when Link's eyes widden realizing that James was testing him or tricking him. "So you are his brother then why would you do that to him and fuck me?" He laughed a bit and walked away "Bad stuff has happened before when it broke in half." "Link, how did you know?" He smiled and licked my face happily "Because you are my master." He began kissing me as I couldn't help it but stop thinking about it letting him take over. "Not so loud ok bro mom will be pissed as fuck if she heard you guys." I grunted a bit as Link pushed me down. "I will never leave you master."