Chapter 3: A Sliver of Divinity

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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#5 of Echoes of a Dragon

Chapter 3, where stuff happens and things also happen. Still no naughty stuff, that'll come next chapter. It's hard to write characters that fool around a lot without fearing that they'll come across as nymphomaniacs or something. Or hormone-driven horny teenagers.

Feedback, people! You got it, I need it, let's make a deal. Eh?

A vibration courses through my body. Energy and vitality reverberates through every fiber of my being, flooding me with a thrumming sensation of power. In the midst of this, I feel a presence manifesting in my psyche. As best as I can muster, I focus on it, intent on shielding my mind from it's foreign influence. It retreats to the back of my consciousness, resisting my attempts to oust it completely. It makes no attempt to affect me, leaving my mind unmolested, if slightly perturbed by the uncomfortable feeling. It feels as though I am being observed, a lingering tension in the back of my mind that refuses to abate.

I open my eyes as reality assembles itself before me once again. I have a split second to react as Shen closes on me, swords arcing towards me in a deadly strike. I hesitate, but my body reacts on its own. The tension in the back of my mind increases in intensity as my limbs move of their own accord. My heart skips a beat as my sword is drawn in a flash, effortlessly parrying one blade as I sidestep the other, spinning backwards to create distance between me and my assailant. I hear a whisper, coming not from the room, but from within myself.

"Hesitation is for cowards and corpses. I will not lose my new vessel so easily."

"I am not your vessel." I respond with a silent, defiant thought.

"Oh, but you are." These words are emphasized by a pulsation in my head, causing me to wince slightly. "You are not wilful enough to resist my occupation."

"No, I refuse. My mind and my body are my own, now and forever!"

"That is certainly what he thought as well." My eyes are drawn to Shen as he edges closer to me, his awareness split between me and the advancing Zerius. "Even now, he is locked in mental combat within himself, battling for control. His body moves, but his mind is in chaos. He does not wish to destroy you, but you can see that his will is not his own. It is mine."

Shen grins as I feel heat wrap around me. A blase ignites, wild, licking flames surrounding me. My scales begin to singe but the presence pulsates again, and the fires are extinguished.

"You are a much better prospect for my reincarnation. The other is much too resistant, too filled with his own misguided supremacy to crumble underfoot. He resists my power. That is why he is weak, and why you will be strong."

Zerius leaps at Shen, spear twirling in a downward arc, flames dancing along the blade. Shen lifts a sword to halt the attack, striking at Zerius with the other. Zerius pulls his spear back, deflecting the counterstrike with a spin before thrusting the bladed tip towards his opponents chest. Crossing his swords and bringing them downwards, the spear is deflected and sparks off the stone floor. Lifting a leg, Shen stomps down on the shaft of the spear, bending and splintering the wood near the tip.

I step forward, the presence flaring in my mind. It does not direct my actions now, but it augments my every move. Latent energy surrounds me, and my reflexes and strength are enhanced. Electricity crackles along the iron edge of my sword as I pull it back for a strike. Shen, having turned to his side due to Zerius, spins to face me once more, bringing both swords to bear against my attack. Metal clashes against metal, and a resounding boom vibrates through the room. Shen is sent flying back, electricity from my sword trailing him as he attempts to catch himself. I fling my hand forwards, launching a bolt of blazing scarlet. My attack is much stronger than I anticipated, and the resulting explosion shakes the room, filling it with a brief whirling of flames and causing me to wince.

When my vision clears, Shen is down on one knee, singed but in one piece. His swords lie on the floor before him as he clutches his head in abject agony. His desperate cries of pain echo throughout the room, his eyes losing their pure-white sheen.

"Nnnnoooooo!" Shen cries out. "What is this?! BEGONE!"

The presence invades my thoughts, exerting painful pressure in my mind. It's whispers are more urgent, compelling. I struggle to resist.

"Kill him! Slay him and reclaim my essence!" It speaks in an excited fervor. "I will be reborn, and your mortal form will be the instrument of my revenge!"

It takes constant, unending focus to stay my hand. My body tenses hard, muscles tightening until they ache. I grit my teeth, fearing if I drop my focus for a split second that I will lose control. My body twitches, the presence desperately attempting find a way through my guard. The pain in my head reaches an unbearable peak and the world begins to blur around me.

" I will... not." My thoughts are faint underneath the dizzying pain.

"YOU WILL DO AS I COMMAND!" The voice screams into my consciousness, intensifying the agony wreathing itself around my head. I gasp and drop to my knees, casting my sword aside and grasping my head in an effort to dull the pain.

"Zu!" I hear Rel's muffled call through the haze of torment. Focusing my eyes, I see him standing a few paces away, looking at me with great concern. He glances at Shen momentarily before taking a few quick strides towards me. He drops his staff at my feet, kneeling down and reaching for me with his hands. I stare directly into his eyes, his hand upon my cheek. His golden eyes are alight with fear as he scans my expression, searching for the source of my pain. Stumbling footsteps arise from behind him as we both twist our heads to find the source.

Shen stumbles towards the entrance of the shrine, taking uneasy steps forward.

"This is... I must go. I must get away." He mutters under his breath as he staggers towards the exit.

"No you don't!" Zerius lunges at Shen, sword in hand. Shen twists his body to face the assault, catching the blade out of the air with a single hand. Blood trickles down his arm, small crimson droplets splashing onto the floor. He lets out an angry, desperate scream.


Fire engulfs Zerius, a thundering blast of flame knocking him across the room. Shen's eyes radiate white briefly before he silently exits the shrine. Rel and I make no efforts to stop him.

The pain in my head begins to subside, the intense throbbing giving way to a weary ache. The voice in my consciousness remains silent, yet I can sense an air of... disappointment? The intense mental standoff has exhausted me, and in the aftermath I am filled with despair.

"Rel... what have I done?" I whimper, tears streaming down from my eyes. "I have condemned myself to this torture."

Rel looks visibly unsettled but uncertain of exactly what I speak of. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tight as I bury my head deeply into his chest, sobbing. Zerius staggers past us, stopping at the door and staring outwards.

"He's gone. I couldn't... he was so powerful. He could have snuffed the life out of us, but it looked like he was holding back." He turns to us. "I am sorry. I should have stopped him before we arrived, but... I had to make sure. To see this place, and that power, for myself."

My eyes go wide. "Razor! Is he okay?"

Rel averts his eyes, avoiding my gaze, eyes glistening with moisture. "He is alive, but... gravely injured."

Unsteady, I rise to my feet, forcing myself to walk towards the blue figure sitting along the wall. The world teeters around me, my mind still reeling. Rel takes my arm around his shoulder, guiding me to where Razor sits. A small pool of blood has gathered on the stone beneath him, and a spattering decorates the wall at his back. As we approach him, he raises his eyes to us, pain etched in his face. His voice cracks as he struggles to speak.

"" He gazes at me with pain and sorrow. "I... cannot accompany you any further."

Rel looks at Razor with sadness, filled with pity for our fallen friend. I struggle to hold back tears, every blink causing droplets to flow down my cheeks. I curse myself for allowing Shen to leave, his vicious assault on Razor left unanswered.

"We cannot leave him here!" Rel says, struggling to keep his voice down.

"To remain here would be folly." replies Zerius, an irritated expression on his face. "You saw what happened to Shen'zuka. I doubt he will remain in control of himself for long, and after that... I believe he will attempt to exterminate the empire from within. Zuro'ki is the only one who can stand against him now."

"We will not abandon Razortail."

"Don't be a fool. This goes beyond your friendship, our entire race is at risk!"

We stand out in the entry courtyard, Zerius and Rel standing inches away from one another, holding a heated debate about our next course of action. I stand nearby, mostly recovered from the ordeal, though I feel the presence idly sitting in my mind, having said nothing for some time. The uncharacteristic silence bothers me, and I attempt to elicit a response.

"Why are you so silent all of a sudden?" I say in a thought. "Have I defeated you already?"

A small throb issues from the back of my head. "You are profoundly fortunate that you only recieved a sliver of my essence, or your identity would be a forgotten memory by now." The voice sounds almost bitter.

I chuckle, both physically and mentally. "So I DID defeat you. Your powers over me are limited."

"You have won the battle, but you will lose everything else. It is only a matter of time. I will attune to your thoughts and strike when you are weakest."

"I will be ready."

The voice goes silent once again, a smug air lingering in my mind. I glance towards Rel and Zerius as they continue to argue, noticing that Razor is observing them as he leans on a nearby statue. His feathers are spattered with dried blood, his sky-colored plumage tinted a dark red. He raises his voice to get the two arguing dragon's attention.

"Do not worry about me, Rel. My role in your journey is complete. However..." He turns to Zerius. "Ebon one, was it your orders that sentenced my people to their death?"

Zerius looks at Razor, his face morphing into a mask of indifference. "They were mine, yes. Handed down from the emperor himself."

Razor glances aside, his expression filled with pity. "I see. Then you have just been a tool of the emperor. I hope one day you will live under your own rule, rather than anothers."

Zerius's neutral expression cracks, a flush of anger showing as he grits his teeth visibly. He says nothing, and after a moment, he returns to normal. Turning to Rel, he restarts their conversation.

"Going directly back to the empire would be dangerous. Shen'zuka will undoubtedly return before us, even in his condition. I sent away his royal guards, and they will see him home in haste. I doubt we would be allowed back without having to face the entire military."

Rel glances at Razor before turning back to Zerius. "What do you suggest?"

"We go north. Circle the mountains and enter northern imperial territory. The northern prefect will likely see the change that has undergone in the emperor by the time we get there. With him at our side, as well as southern and western support, we should be able to enter the palace mostly unmolested."

Anxiety forms in my mind and I voice my concern. "I do not think it is wise to rely on my power. It stems from the same source that has corrupted Shen'zuka."

Zerius turns to face me, his expression severe. "You remain yourself where Shen did not. I am sure, given some time, you could wield it without risk."

I close my eyes, shaking my head slowly. "I am not so sure..."

Rel and I stand inside the shrine. I look down at the supplies and food that we foraged for Razor, to help him survive until he recovers. I make no attempt to hide my sadness and regret for deciding to leave him on his own. I feel as though I have been swept up in a tide that I want no part of. I wanted to see this place, and came voluntarily, but what I have witnessed and experienced has overwhelmed me. The empire feels so distant from this place, my duties having been forgotten for some time.

A growing part of me wishes I could simply find a place and settle down with Rel, banishing our concerns about the outside world. I stare at him, idly wondering if he would accept such a suggestion. Rel stares back, his typical kindness glowing in his eyes.

"You seem uneasy, my fasra." he says quietly, "Razor will survive without us."

'It's not that..." I say, trailing off.

"What is on your mind?"

"I... well..." I say, fidgeting, "I wish we could simply... leave. Find a place and make it our home, away from this impending conflict. Live in peace, together."

Realization strikes Rel's face as he looks at me with understanding, and a hint of sadness. "We would indeed be happy. But... I fear, if left unchecked, Shen's corruption would tear apart all we knew and loved in the empire. And he may yet seek us out for raising arms against him."

My heart sinks at this thought, but a part of me is buoyed by Rel's implicit refusal of the easy way out.

"It would be irresponsible," he continues, "to leave things the way there are now, when we may have the power to change them. And besides... there are people in the empire that I owe it to, to save them from what may happen. As my father would have done."

I sigh, resigning myself to this turbulent course of action. As I dismiss my selfish, escapist ideas, my confidence is boosted by the truth in Rel's words.

"You're right. I am sorry, forgive my temporary flight of fancy."

Rel wraps his arms around me, holding me tight. His warmth is refreshing, comforting; it's as though I have not felt it in an eternity. He locks muzzles with me for a brief thrilling moment before pulling away.

"We will have plenty of time to grow ancient together after this is over."

"I used what little healing salve I carry to take care of the worst of my injuries."

Razor stands at the entrance to the cave, still looking roughed up.

"When I am in better condition, I will scout the area for herbs to make additional poultices. You need not worry about me, I will be fine. This is for the best, I still have a future duty to my people."

I step forward and wrap Razor in a gentle hug. He winces briefly before gingerly returning the embrace.

"Please, take care of yourself." I say, my words ringing with compassion.

I pull away slowly, Rel stepping in to take my place in an embrace of his own.

"We would like to see you again, after this is over."

Razor nods. "Hopefully you shall. May we meet again in more pleasant times. Zuro'ki. Rel'zeo. You will always be a friend to the Feithiro... and to me."

Zerius calls out to us from a short distance away. "Hurry up! We can still make some distance before nightfall."

We turn and walk away, leaving Razor behind. I glance back every few steps to see him standing at the mouth of the cave, staring back at us, until we are well out of sight.