Sulphira's War: Chapter 4

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Jallek paced the blackness of his chambers, wondering where he had gone wrong. What mistake could he have made?

"I couldn't have made a mistake, could I? I had it all planned out, where did I lose my place?" the demon asked himself quietly.

"I might have an answer," a voice said from the balcony. Jallek's eyes shot over to the open doors. There was a man leaning against the railing. Well, not really a man, so to speak, he was a humanoid.

"Who are you?" Jallek asked fiercely. The creature walked closer to him and Jallek got a good look at it. He had a black suit of armor on, armor with large spikes on one of the shoulders and faces all over the chestplate. The faces were locked in an agonized scream, they were incredibly detailed and looked as though they were actually shifting and moving their mouths. The creature wore a mask looking like a white, androgynous mask, but made of metal. The mask was smooth, without a dent to be found anywhere.

"My name is Morgen, but my enemies' call me the Darkscribe for my interesting habit of writing my victims' names on my flesh," Morgen explained and pulled off the gauntlet on his left hand, revealing at least 50 names written in scars and cuts.

"So, Morgen, why is it that I failed my assassination on Zellamus? I had everything accounted for and taken all things into consideration, right?" Jallek asked.

"Well, yes and no, dear Jallek. You see, you took into consideration all the things that came easily to you, but you overlooked the more...complicated matters of the setup," Morgen spoke quietly. He had a voice that sounded like multiple voices in one, but incredibly deep. His voice also had a kind of British accent to it, albeit a relaxed accent.

"Oh? How so? And why are you so interested?" Jallek asked. Morgen tilted his head down and chuckled. It was a chuckle that made the room grow colder and, by the end of it, made even Jallek feel sickened and cold. Whatever this creature was, it was by far the darkest and most foreboding presence Jallek had ever encountered.

"My interest comes with a bargain. I need your help and you need mine, so if we work together, we can kill Zellamus and split this pathetic mortal world 50/50," Morgen proclaimed proudly. Jallek looked angered.

"Why in hell should I split my world with you? What do you have that will help me kill Zellamus? You're just a man in a mask!" Jallek threw a punch at the apparently useless Morgen. His enormous fist collided with Morgen's mask; making a loud banging noise and causing Jallek cry out in pain and reel back. Morgen was not amused and stepped up to Jallek, spreading four gigantic, bat-like wings that Jallek had assumed was a cape hanging off of his back. Each of the wings had a small, clawed hand at the end of them and moved with quick twitchy motions. He looked at Jallek and grabbed the monster by his throat.

"I am not here to waste my time, Jallek," Morgen tightened his grip on the comparatively large creature's throat and Jallek started to cough and sputter. "My time is very limited, so I will offer this but one more time. Serve me and receive everything you've ever wanted, or deny me and die. And don't even think of hiding behind Zellamus, because if you betray me, I swear, I will never stop hunting you, I will never quit until you are dead. Understand?"

"Yes...master," Jallek managed to cough out. He let go of the choking demon and let him regain his breath.

"Good, now on to business. Do you know why you failed last time? Hm? It was because of one emotion that is my only and true weakness. The one emotion that prevails strongly in Zellamus' heart right now as he is with his little reptile, Sulphira," Morgen pulled out a small mirror and put it up to Jallek's face. It showed Zellamus and Sulphira sleeping together and Celina lying on the floor next to them. Jallek looked at his new master.

"What emotion is that?" Jallek asked, confused that a single emotion could stop such a creature as was Morgen.

"That emotion is love, Jallek. It is the only emotion that I cannot destroy, the only wall that even I cannot break down. As of now, I can't touch either of them; Zellamus or Sulphira. So that's where you come in," Morgen tossed the mirror to Jallek, who caught it and looked at Morgen in confused interest.

"What will this do? It's just a mirror," Jallek said. Morgen chuckled again, making Jallek quiver.

"In its appearance, yes. But in its ability, no. This mirror will show the viewer, Zellamus, whatever the holder, that's you, wants them to see. Get creative; make Zellamus distrust Sulphira, and vice-versa. Ruin their love and open the gates for my attack. I will return in 5 days, when the moon is full. If their love isn't history by the time I return, then I'll make you wish that you were dead," Morgen said and jumped out of the balcony, using his wings to flutter upwards a bit before wisping away in black mist.

"Now what the hell am I going to do? I suppose I have nothing to lose with an ally like him," Jallek thought to himself. "Yesss, that's my only option as of now. If I serve him, then I get my wish and I wish for the world, it will be all mine," Jallek said triumphantly and stood up.