Foxitious Chap5-6 (Clean)

Story by Foxitious on SoFurry

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Chapters 5-6 of the story i wrote for myself. Chapter six is the last i wrote about, if you want more please let me know, and ill write out some more.

Chapter 5 Friends?

Excalibur opened the large door and led the pale fox threw, they entered a large hallway the same height as the room before. The hallway was marble flooring and stone walled, with metal torches with fire in them on the walls. Different colored carpets lined the separations of the torches. Going from red to black, with every color in-between. This colorization gave the hall a depth that looked like it would stretch forever. Excalibur led Foxitious down the colorful hallway, they walked down the hallway for a few feet. Excalibur turned to his left leading the fox at his side, the wolf open the door they came to. The door was not as large as the one to the first room but half its size. As Excalibur opened the door the fox's nose was hit with a smell of food and cooking. The wolf guided the fox into the room, which turned out to be a kitchen. There was a large figure bent over a very large kettle near the back of the room, "Bruce." Excalibur said to the figure that was there. Bruce turned to look. The bear named Bruce looked confused at Excalibur then to Foxitious. "Who is this fox? A new addition?" Bruce asked warmly.

The bear was large a black bear no doubt, with long think black fur and brown makings on his face and chest fur. Bruce was wearing a chefs hat and apron, which was stained from cooking in. "In a sense Bruce, Look at him closer." Excalibur said looking at Bruce. The bear ogled Foxitious for a moment, then his eyes shot wide. "Oh wow really, ill be damned. You found him, John and Lora's boy." Bruce said happily. Foxitious looked up at the bear who apparently knew his parents. "I found him just in time, the Scarlet Heart made it to Sun's Light and to his home near it. They burned Sun's Light to try and smoke him out. He was smart to move a ways away. They tried to ambush us in his home this morning, so this little guys needs food." Excalibur explained patting Foxitious on the head. "Well I got just the thing for him, made some bread and stew for dinner tonight. Don't see why he can't have some now." Bruce said with a warm smile looking at Foxitious.

"I need to get him a robe as well, do you mind watching him for a moment?" The wolf asked Bruce, "With my life Excalibur." Bruce said with a big smile on. Excalibur smiled back, the wolf turned to Foxitious. "I will be right back, Bruce may look mean but he is very nice. You can trust him, I promise." Excalibur said smiling still, Foxitious nodded in agreement. With that the large wolf headed out the door, "Here come sit, ill serve you up some food." Bruce said pointing to the small table with one chair, the table was a light golden wood slightly sanded. The chair was made of the same wood and texture of sanding. Foxitious walked over to them and sat down, to his surprise it was not giving him splinters for being slightly under sanded. It felt comfortable, like a soft blanket with the finest stuffing. Foxitious looked down at the chair once more, his eyes widened to see it had changed.

It looked different the wood was slightly darker, there was a cushion on the back and seat of it made of red fabric. He looked back at the table, to see it too had changed from what is was before. It was the same darker shade of brown, well sanded and shinning from the light of the large stove Bruce use to cook on. A candle appeared in the middle of the table in a golden holder, which had the finest details inscribed on it. The candle was light like the others he saw before, but not melting. The flame danced but never moved down the candle itself. "You like?" Bruce asked with a curious tone. Foxitious looked up at him with aw, "I do it looks wonderful, how did you do it thought?" Foxitious asked. "I made the table myself, from a magic tree that let me use it. It can change color, shape, length and like the candle you see, decorations to simple things. He can create more chairs as well, it is a wonderful table." The large black bear said with a grin. Foxitious's mind started to think about all these things he was seeing, the magic he has been shown.

He didn't get scared by it, but wanted to learn it. He had seen these things before, when his parents where there. It felt like it was a part of him and who he was, like Excalibur had said. The sound of a bowl being placed in front of the fox, knocked him back to reality. "Eat up Foxitious." Bruce said with a hardy smile. Foxitious looked down at the stew and bread before him. The stew smelt wonderful, it was full of vegetables he had never seen. The bread smelt amazing, he had not had bread in a long time. It was full of different tree nuts and grain, it was a perfectly shaped in a roll. Foxitious couldn't resist eating it any longer, he grabbed the spoon laying next to the bowl and dug in. The taste of it was amazing, some things he had never eaten that he was tasting for the first time. He broke the roll in half and took a bite, it was very good and still warm from the oven. "Looks like you are enjoying yourself." Bruce stated happily. Foxitious smiled at Bruce, he was enjoying it indeed. He continued to eat the food, while Bruce went back to cooking the dinner. They both just sat in silence, enjoying what they were doing. Soon Foxitious finished his food, he got up from the table grabbing the bowl and spoon. Then made his way over to Bruce. "Where should I put this?" he asked Bruce, "Ah, any old place will do." The large bear said with a jolly laugh. Foxitious placed the bowl on an empty counter to the bear's right, then went to sit back down. As he sat, Excalibur came back into the room with a white robe.

The wolf walked over to Foxitious at the table his armor was gone again, he himself was wearing a dark blue robe. The robe was trimmed in black, the sleeves hung slightly off this wrists. The large wolf looked at Foxitious, "I see Bruce used his table for you. Like I said he is a nice bear." Excalibur said looking at Foxitious, then Bruce gave a laugh. "Well here this is for you to use." The wolf said passing Foxitious the robe, the robe was all white with golden trimming. With a hood on it and ear holes for his ears to go threw, the hood was trimmed golden as well. Foxitious stood up from the chair, and took the robe from Excalibur. It was soft and bright, the whiteness glowed like light. "Thanks." Foxitious said to Excalibur. Foxitious then began to put on the robe, it fit him perfectly. It felt like it was tightening to fit him, "It will fit itself to you, that's what that feeling is." Excalibur stated, seeing Foxitious's reaction. "Oh, I see, I was figuring it might be." Foxitious replied. "Lets go see some things around the castle, have some things I want you to get." Excalibur said looking at Foxitious, "We will leave you be now Bruce, thanks for helping us out." Excalibur said smiling at Bruce, who turned to wave them off as they started walking out. "anytime, nice meeting you Foxitious." Bruce said with a warm smile.

The two walked back into the hallway, full of color from the carpets hanging. Foxitious saw a window, the sun was starting to set. The sky was turning red and orange. Excalibur led Foxitious off to the left, down another hallway. They walked a few feet, they stopped when they reached the door to another room. "This is one of the class rooms, we don't have that many furs or humans learning at the moment. So there is not many people here. I will have you meet the ones we do have when we finish, and if you are wanting to." Excalibur said to Foxitious with a smile, "I am not trying to make your mind explode from meeting all these people." The wolf said laughing. Excalibur opened the door to the classroom, there was two furs in there and a teacher. "Hello, how is it going?" The Excalibur said with a smile to the room, the three furs looked up to the wolf. "Hi Excalibur." Said the teacher who was a Doberman, his fur was jet black, short and shined vibrantly. "Good, Merc this is Foxitious Swiftpaw, John and Lora's son. I was looking to get some of your books on elemental alchemy." Excalibur said. "Of course, let me get one." The Doberman walked over to a bookshelf, he grabbed a used looking book. He walked back over to them and gave it Excalibur, "Here you are, also" the Doberman said looking over to Foxitious.

"This is John and Lora's boy? He looks a lot like them, I can see them both." The Doberman said with a smile. "Your parents are brilliant masters, I have a feeling you will be as well." The dog said looking at Foxitious. "Oh thank you, I will do my best to learn these arts." Foxitious said shyly. "Well thank you, Merc for the book. Also you two how is it going on your mastering?" Excalibur said looking at the two other furs in the room, who were sitting at a long table. Which had different strange items on it. One was a white wolf, the other was a husky they looked to be the same age as Foxitious. They looked over at Excalibur with a smile, the white wolf was a male and the husky was a female. The white wolf had a black blotch over his left eye, his eyes where golden. He was toned but not large in muscles. "Hello, Excalibur it is good to see you. We both have been working hard. We are working on creating magic weapons, working on our visualization." The white wolf said, "I have almost got it down myself, I have got the basic idea, now I just need to focus on creating." The female husky said smiling.

"That is good to hear Zeus and Tsunami. If you need any help I am here." Excalibur said smiling. Tsunami looked like a normal husky, but her eyes were as blue as the cleanest sea. Her eyes looked as is they were a storm themselves. "Have a good night you three, and take care." Excalibur said waving and opening the door out. Foxitious waved to them all as well, and smiled. They left the room and turned to the right, the window that Foxitious had saw was now almost dark. The sun was almost out of the sky, the stars showing themselves again. They started making their way back down the hall they reached a intersection, forward, left or right.

The wolf pushed the fox to the left lightly. "Need to go this way, can get a bed for you." Excalibur said leading him down the left hallway. This hallway had a lot of doors in it, there were about six three on each side of the hallway. They stopped at the middle one, Excalibur opened the door. The room inside was not too large, it had a bed. It had a white blanket and pillows, it was a simple bed and the room was simple as well. Just a few torches on either side of the walls, there was a dresser and a nightstand. The nightstand had a candle on it like before. Everything else was not to overwhelming, "I fixed this room up for you before I got the robe, thought you might want it like this." Excalibur said to the fox, who was looking into the room. "I do, I enjoy it a lot." Foxitious said happily. "You can go in if you want." The large wolf said, reassuring Foxitious that he was able to. The fox wander in and look around more, the room was nice, he did like it. "Thank you" Foxitious said to Excalibur looking the room over. "You are welcome, please feel free to look threw this book." Excalibur said handing the book to Foxitious, who turn to take it as the wolf approached. The book was old looking but in good shape, the text read "Elemental Alchemy" The cover was grey and the lettering was solid black.

"This book is about learning the elements and how to work with them. Like I showed you this morning with the water." Excalibur said. Foxitious knew how to read he did have some books at his home, they were his parents. He learned to read from them, when they had gone off. Foxitious opened the book, scanning the pages. They read "How to work with elements. Understanding the elements." The fox stopped scanning and looked at the wolf. "Thanks again." Foxitious said with a smile. "You're welcome, also if you need me at all. Think very hard on me, I will pick you up. I have a connection to the castle, so you are always safe here." Excalibur said to Foxitious, trying to reassure him he was safe. "I will." Foxitious said smiling to the wolf, who smiled back and shut the door as he walked out. Foxitious was very tired at this point, the fox went to his bed and took off the white robe. He placed it on the small dresser, looking up near his bed he saw a window with the moon glowing in the sky. It was full in the sky, he left safe where he was. The fox crawled into the bed, under the blanket and fell asleep fast.

The two foxes ran quickly towards the forest, from the beach with the sun setting in the distance. "There! They are heading into the forest, get them surrounded!" A human shouted not to far behind the two foxes, who had made it into the tree line. "There is too many, we need to get more to aid us John." Lora said to John, as they ran faster threw the trees. "You will need to contact Excalibur." John said pausing from seeing three shadows to both the left and right of them. The two foxes continued to run quickly, "They are trying to cut us off, they are fast as well." john said with a slight growl. "We need to split up, you need to contact Excalibur when you reach safety, tell him about Foxitious. About the current assaults numbers and force. I will cover your escape, you need to go Lora." John said in surety and slight sadness, "You can't take them alone there is far too many for just you, I can h..." The fennec was cut off by a large boulder cut in-between the two of them flying at a fast speed, they both dashed to the sides. They met back once past the massive rock, "You need to go now Lora there is no more time." John said sadly.

Then the swift fox grabbed her, he teleported to a tree to the left of them. They were a good distance from the forest floor at this point. "Run, find safety, then contact Excalibur. Hurry." John said look around for the incoming Scarlet Heart troops. One appeared in another tree next to them, John looked at him and growled. "I will cover you, now go" The swift fox whispered to Lora. Then he threw a small back orb on the branch they were on, smoke rose from its location shrouding the two. The Scarlet troop made a large fire ball in the palm of his hand, then he threw it in the large smoke cloud. The large fiery orb went clean threw. The Scarlet trooper made another, throwing it threw it again. This cause the smoke to dissipate reveling the two foxes were gone. The trooper felt the branch get heavy, then turned to see John in mid kick. The swift fox kicked the trooper in the chest hard, this sent him flying threw the tree the two foxes were in before. The trooper landed on the forest floor after sliding into a tree on the forest floor. In a flash john was in front of the dazed trooper. "How many are there." The fox said, with a growl at the trooper. The trooper trying to, sit up went to swing at John. The fox feinted, causing the troopers blow to go right by. The fox grabbed the humans arm, quickly went around him and pined him to the forest floor. "I am not asking" John said growling more.

John heared something out to his left, fire raging, John quickly rolled off the humans back. As he did he saw a fire ball go over where he just was. The fox stood, he looked to the direction of the last attack. He saw two more humans, both were wearing the Scarlet Heart crest. "We found..." The human paused from a blow to his abdomen, he fell to the group gasping. The other human to the right was shocked to see John right there, the human tried to swing with a metal sword. John responded with by parrying it, the fox had pulled out a medium short katana. It was made from sharpened ice, the ice blade chipped the troopers sword sending the human of balance. The fox then spun quickly in a circle on his heel, using centrifugal force as he lowered to a crouch he kicked his footpaw out hitting the troopers feet. This knocked the trooper down quickly, who fell on their back. John sheathed his blade back, along his lower back.

All three troopers were knocked out, the first still laying on his stomach, the two near the fox was near. Who were face first and one was on his back, all three looked out cold. "Well that was three of them." John thought to himself lightly kicking the knocked out humans. The swift fox looked up at the night sky the sun was fully set, the stars glowing, illuminating the dark purple sky. The moon was full, the moonlight shinned threw the gaps on the trees. "I have you now mutt!" Shouted a voice to John's right, he looked over to see a large human running at him with an even larger axe. The axe shinned in the moon light, as it swung once in a side to side motion at the fox. John feinted and ducked quickly, lowering himself under the massive swing radius.

Armor appeared on the fox at this point in the blink of an eye, all black and it shined like the moon itself, in the moonlight. John was still crouching, he saw the large human was slightly off balance from his swing. The fox tried to kick the humans feet from out of him, they didn't budge. Another swing in an up to down motion came at the fox again, John rolled quickly to his right. He moved around the human to his back quickly, who was still in mid-swing. The fox quickly jabbed the humans right side, trying to knocked the wind out of him. The large human didn't budge again.

John jumped back to avoid a large elbow flying at him, the fox stopped a few feet behind the large human. "Powerful, dumb, and tough." John thought to himself, "He is clearly not as fast as me, but I need to really avoid getting hit by him." John thought looking over the large human, who was turning around slightly slowly. The human looked slightly like an oaf, not very bright in the thinker. His stature was large and so was the axe he had. "Stop running mutt, I want to cleave you in two. So hold still." The human said clearly getting mad that John was too fast.

"Oh really, I just thought you wanted to dance." John said mocking the large human, the humans face turned red and angry. The large human charged again with another up then down swing, John slipped to the left of it and stood there smiling. The axe crashed forcefully into the ground getting stuck in it. The large human began to tug at it, "That is a fine looking weapon you have there." John said admiring the detail and craftsmanship of the axe. The human stopped tugging and threw a large fist toward the fox. John took a deep breath in, as the fist come close he grabbed the large arm. Once he had a grasp he exhaled his breath and flipped the human up and over onto their back. Followed with loud crash as the massive human fell to the ground. John saw the human slightly dazed and started to take off, he started running. He could smell water near here he might be able to use it to get away.

John reach a cliff edge, he stopped right before and walked over to the edge. The swift fox looked down, seeing a vast drop into a raging river. Sheer and sharp rocks line the edge of the waterline. John started looking for a way down, everything was very sheer and loose looking. A loud shout come from were john had just been, followed by a steady thump, thump sound. The sound was gaining speed, John saw trees falling down as the sound become louder, in the distance he saw the trees falling faster. "Seems I made someone mad." John thought to himself, with that thought came the very large human before. He was running at a very fast speed, slamming threw the trees he passed knocking them down with ease.

John didn't even have time to respond to the human's head smashing into him, the human stopped after making contact. The force sent the swift fox flying off the cliff dazing the fox, John fell down. The fox crashed into the raging waters below, the human laughed loudly. He then walked to the edge, seeing John hit the water. The human didn't see the fox resurface, so he watched the water for two minutes. Laughing once more the large human walked off, back into the forest to find his comrades.

Chapter 6 Time to learn "Hey! Foxi, time to get up. Got a lot to learn today." Excalibur said loudly as his walked into the fox's new room. Foxitious woke up from his nightmare, the fox sat up from the bed and yawned widely. The sun was filling the room threw the window next to the bed near his left. After yawning the fox looked at the wolf standing in the room, wearing the same robe he was yesterday. "hello, Excalibur." Foxitious said sleepily, yawning once more. "Common Foxitious, I am a hungry wolf." The large wolf said with a look of hunger on his face. The fox yawned once more as he got out of the bed, he walked over to the white robe laying on the dresser. Foxitious put it back on, the robe adjusted itself again to fit the fox. Foxitious looked at Excalibur who was nearly out the door at this point. "Common, common I am very hungry" The large wolf said waving his large paw in a come this way motion. Foxitious headed out the door shutting it behind him.

The large wolf was already making his way to the right, nearing the intersection. He stopped and looked at the fox once more, "Almost there, I can smell it." The large wolf grinded, then took off forwards threw the intersection. Foxitious quickly followed behind, watching the wolf's fly in the wind he was making with his fast walk. Foxitious could see his large black tail wagging in anticipation for food. They reached a single door, it was large and made of brown wood. It was a plain door, no decorations to it. The wolf nearly ripped the door open, opening the door. He moved in quickly, Foxitious followed behind. The room was not too large, two five foot tables with benches lined the inner floor. Two chandeliers hung above the tables, plain themselves with the candles like before, that never melted.

Two large windows to the back end of the room caused the most light to the room. Stained in all the colors of the rainbow and a large paw in the middle. The walls had fancy carpets hanging on them, in different colors, each had its own writing and paw print. Some where larger then others, the writing on them was very hard to read Foxitious could not make them out. There was a stove off to the right of the room, with a door next to it. Counters lined the right wall for a few feet, they had large bowls on them filled will all kinds of food. The stove had a large pot on it with a lid on it, steam seeped from the sides. The aroma of the room was amazing, things Foxitious had never smelled before.

"Foxitious, Foxitious hello? You there?" Excalibur said waving his paw about and learning forward slightly. Foxitious was snapped back into reality by Excalibur repeating his name. He looked at the wolf with a slight awkward look. "lets get you some food." Excalibur said walking behind the fox and leading him over to the right wall. They reached the large bowls and pot sitting on the stove, Excalibur grabbed two plates off the counter, passing one to Foxitious. The wolf then grabbed two forks, giving one to Foxitious again. "Grab what ever you like." Excalibur said starting to serve himself up. Foxitious looked at it all, it all looked very good to him. Foxitious decided to grab some of everything, the fox scooped from every bowl there was onto his plate. After serving themselves, Excalibur nudged Foxitious over to the five other beings in the room. Who himself had not even noticed were there.

They walked over to the table they were at and sat down on the bench next to them. "Hello all." Excalibur said with a big smile, looking at the five others there. There was the wolf from before Zeus in a robe like Excalibur's, sitting at the far end from them. Next to him was a black and white tiger, the tigers stripes were backward, his eyes were dark blue. He was larger then Foxitious by a few feet, like Zeus he was wearing a blue and black trimmed robe.. Across from Zeus and the tiger was a male raccoon wearing what looked to be a ninja outfit. His eyes were vibrant green, peering over at Foxitious and Excalibur. Tsunami was in a brown robe with white trim sitting next to the raccoon, her stormy eyes looking at them too. What shocked Foxitious the most was the next being, to his amazement it was a female human.

She had long black hair tied low into a pony tail, she too was looking at the two new people who sat down. Her eyes were a deep, almost blood red that oddly looked joyful for being so red. She was wearing a dark purple robe with black trim. They all said hello and smiled warmly at Foxitious and Excalibur. Who was now eating his food already, wolfing it down once more in a fast pace. The large wolf took a moment and paused his muzzle stuffing, "This is Foxitious, he will be learning here with us. Please show him the ropes and help him out if you guys could. He is just starting here but I know he will learn fast." Excalibur said resuming wolfing the food down. The group looked at Foxitious with curiosity, "Hi again Foxitious." Zeus said smiling.

Foxitious was eating himself and enjoying it, when he heard his name he looked over at Zeus. "Hello again" Foxitious said smiling back. "You remember Tsunami, this tiger here is Ziger, the ninja looking raccoon is Sly and the human here is Mirage. We are the only students here so we learn as a group." The white wolf said pointing around at the people sitting. Foxitious smiled at them all, he could tell they would good friends. They all starting eating once more, Foxitious was thinking to himself about "friends". He has never had any friends before. After eating their fill, Bruce came threw the door on the right wall. "Hello again Foxitious." He said waving to the fox. He then set what looked to be a large container. "Here you go guys, you can place you dishes in here." Bruce said pointing to the container he set down.

They all walked over and placed there dishes inside, "Well guys." Excalibur said looking at the six of them, Bruce took the container filled with dishes back into the door he came threw. "You guys are going to be studying with me for a few hours, we are going to start slightly basic for Foxitious." The wolf said starting toward the door out to the hall. "Alright lets go guys." the large wolf said opening the door, the grouped followed. They all walked into the hallway, Excalibur made a right. The grouped followed him once more, they headed to the end of the hall of color, to the door at the end. It was large with writing inscribed into it. Excalibur pushed it open, reveling the outside. Large trees laid around the land, tall grass lines followed down the tree line as far as the eye could see. A pathway led to a large roofed area with a table and chairs. They walked down this path way to the roofed area, the flooring was made of smooth stone. The sun reflected off of it making it look like water.

All 7 of them sat down in the chairs around the table. "So we are going to do something simple to help Foxitious learn to expose his magic. He has it in him, I know its there we just need to help him." The large wolf said looking around the room. "What you will need to do Foxitious is focus on something intently, like when you were running before. You were using magic to make you go faster, do what you did when you were running, the thinking portion. Not so much the acting." Excalibur said looking at Foxitious who was across from him. "Calm yourself, relax and enjoy the moment. Think about things that make you happy, what you like doing, people you love and care for." The wolf said not trying to poke a swore spot on the fox's heart. Foxitious was listening intently to the large wolf's words. Excalibur walked over to a smaller table under the roofed area, the table had a rock, container of water and a none melting candle in a holder.

The large wolf walked back over to the table, placing these things down. Excalibur sat back down, in his set. "These are the some of the elements you can use to aid yourself." The large wolf said pointing at the three things. Foxitous looked at them, "Fire, water earth and air are the four basic elements you can use. Fire is a force, this force is hard to control. It moves fast, it will burn everything it can. When using fire it is about bending it not forcing or controlling, it is nearly impossible to control a naked flame. It moves in the air, and spreads with ease. It will engulf you if you do not use it properly and respect it." Excalibur said putting the candle in the middle of the table. "Focus on the movement of the flame itself, watch it bend and shape with the airs movement." The large wolf said looking at Foxitious.

"Use your focus to bend it Foxitious." Excalibur said point at the flame, "Focus deeply on it, the movement of it, the energy it gives off." Excalibur said lowering his paws to the table. Foxitious looked deeply at the fire, the fox watched it dance back and forth with the slight breeze moving. The brightness was consuming his mind, the flame grew slightly. Excalibur's eyes widened, Foxitious continued to focus deeply on the flame,, its energy. Foxitious could feel it, sense it and bend it with his own. Deeper and harder the fox thought about the flame, the energy he was seeing from it. Like faint glowing of red around the small flame. The glow spoke to Foxitious, "Consume" the flame spoke. Foxitious thought even harder now, hearing the fire speak to him. Foxitious started to feel a force with in himself, soon he saw a light glow around his paws resting on the table.

The glow from his paws moved to the flame, he watched as it moved threw the air like a snake slithering into the fire's red glow. Soon the flame grew larger and larger. Excalibur watched intently, seeing what was happening with a sense of understanding. "Foxitious, do not feed it unnecessarily. It is a force, it will try to consume your energy, to fully bend fire one must understand that. Feed the flame what it needs, not what it wants." The large wolf said looking intently into the fox's gaze, the fox's eyes were fixated on the flame growing. Excalibur saw that he was already able to communicate with the element. The large wolf saw the flame grow again, it was starting to grow very quickly. Seeing the fox was in a state of trance, the large wolf extinguished the growing flame. The fast disconnection to the flame, caused Foxitious's head to fall.

Zeus sat up and got shook the fox. The others were dumbstruck, they had never seen someone communicate with and element on their first go. "Hey Foxitious are you okay?" Zeus asked worried. The fox slowly looked up, dizzy for some reason. "Yeah I am, what happened?" He asked looking around. Zeus saw he was feeling better and sat back down. Excalibur was looking with a strange eye at the fox, "Well Foxitious, you communicated with the flame itself, as well as transferred your energy to feed it. It was becoming dangerously large so I extinguished it, this caused you to pass out for a moment. From the fast disconnection to the flame." Excalibur said calmly.

"I saw something I believe and heared." Foxitious said looking at Excalibur confused. "You saw the flames energy and your own, you heard the flame speaking of its intent. The intent is what you bend to bend fire." Excalibur stated. "What did it say to you?" Excalibur asked in wonder. Foxitious looked at the candle and back to the large wolf's fiery eyes. "It just said consume." Foxitious said slightly scared, the wolf looked at him oddly. "I see." Excalibur said thinking. "Would you like to try another?" The large wolf asked the fox. Foxitious looked a little frightened by the experience, then it changed to surety. "Yes." Foxitious said strongly. The other five there looked on with a strange look from then unexpected actions the fox made. Excalibur looked at Foxitious for a moment, then passed him the rock. The rock looked very old, it was smoothed to a shine.

"This is a very rare stone, the stone is made of magic, created by the earth itself. The stone is only found in a cave far to the north from here." Excalibur said handing the smoothed rock to Foxitious, who took the rock. It felt heavy for it size and warm, like it was alive. When he touched the stone it changed slightly and felt like it moved. It turned round like a sphere, I rolled the stone in his paw, feeling the perfect roundness of it. "Earth is solid, whole and resilient, it is stubborn but can be shaped. As you can see from what just happened. It makes mountains and tiny pebbles, it can be broken to a fine sand. It can be sharp or blunt, smooth or rough. Like the fire you use your energy to create, the shape, roughness, bluntness, sharpness or smoothness." The large wolf said, looking at Foxitious move and observe the rock. "Just focus on what you know about earth, rocks, mountains or stones, what they do and can do." Excalibur said to Foxitious. Who looked up at him, "I will" He said looking back at the round rock in his paw. Foxitiuos started to think about what rocks do, they hold, push, resist and create. They hold things in place, pushes things out of its way, resists force and creates sand, waterfalls and mountains. Harder Foxitious thought about these things, gazing deeply at the smooth rock. Soon it started to faintly glow as well, as very faint green started to slow around the smooth rock. Foxitious started to focus on the green glow, as he did it glowed more and more. Brighter the green shinned from the surface of the round stone, then Foxitious heard it. " Create and resist" the rock spoke, as Foxitous focused even harder.

The rock started to reshape, flowing, pointing, and flattening. Everyone watched the rock move, from flowing to solid mass, from smooth to rough, blunt to point. All of the rock moved, from one to another. Then to everyone's amazement it started to expand, growing slightly larger by the second. Foxitious focused more as it grew, watching it grow and grow as he fed his energy to the rock. It felt old to him, like this was who he was and had always been. Joy started to fill him, the feeling of enjoying what he himself was seeing and doing. The large stone stopped expanding, it had grown very large. Yet Foxitious was still hold it as if it was a feather, effortlessly. The joy overcame the fox, this caused the large stone to shape into a mountain, with small cliffs, edges, points and a peak. Everyone was beyond words, all of them dumbstruck and open mouthed.

"That... That is amazing!" Excalibur exclaimed almost leaping out of his chair. This caused Foxitious to lose focus causing the small mountain to crash hard onto the table. This shook the ground and table violently. Everyone jumped when it happened, even Foxitious pulling his paw out from under it before it was mashed. "Oops.. Sorry about that Foxitious." Excalibur said apologizing to the fox, for startling him. Still a little off ease from almost losing his paw to the small mountain on the table, Foxitious looked up at Excalibur and smiled. "its okay, we make mistakes and do goofy things from time to time." Saying to the large wolf with a smile. "What you did was amazing thought Foxitious, it looks just like a real mountain. I have never seen this before, you are very connected to magic it seems. This is your first time ever using your powers and you have done this. Communicated with elements and shaped them, you are going to be something new. I can tell." The large wolf said with pride and a warm smile of faith.

"To be honest you all have something to give, you all are great magic users and warriors, I know you all will do great things." The wolf said looking around at all of them sitting about the table, with pride and a large smile. He sat back down into his chair. "We have two more elements for you to get in touch with." Excalibur said to Foxitious with a shine to his eye. Excalibur was very interested in how he would responded and communicate with them. "First, lets see if we can not get this mountain to go back into a rock." The large wolf said looking over the small mountain sitting on the roughed up table. The container of water was broken, with the water in a puddle on and around the table.

Excalibur then raised his paw, slowly the water lifted up from where it was. Little drops of water began to flow up to his paw, where it created a sphere of water. A few seconds later, the wolf collected all of the water from the floor and tabletop. Holding the sphere of water the wolf raised his other paw, pointing his palm to the small mountain. Thinking to himself how he was going to shrink it back to normal size. "Foxitious mind helping me get this back to normal?" Excalibur asked looking at the fox, with slight confusion. "Sure I can do my best to." Foxitious replied as he took his paw and placed it over the mountain. Both started to focus deeply on what they wanted from the rock. Soon the rock bent, turned and reshaped itself. Shrinking down to its original size, smoothing back out from the points, peaks and cliff edges it had before. As the rock shrank the table become visible. Soon the rock finished shrinking and morphing, returning to its small form, smoothed and polished once more.

"Good work Foxitious." Excalibur said lowing his paw and looking back at the fox. He was still holding the sphere of water in his right paw, "This is the next element we will have you communicate with." The large wolf said moving his paw over the table. "water is flexible, bendable and shapeable It flows it does not force, you can force it but it will still only flow. The force of water is not its own, it uses other forces to move itself. Water is destructive, it can be frozen, heated and slowly corrode away anything. The force it is fed makes the corrosion occur faster, you can do many things with the flow of the water. Flowing with the water with your own force is the key. Use your force to make the water flow, by knowing its." Excalibur stated. Seeing the fox was listening intently to his words, the wolf stood up and walked over to the fox on the other side. All the other were still watching in aw at how this fox was able to be doing these feats. It took them time to communicate with one element, it was built and learned to them not innate, like this fox was showing. "I will hold it for you, until you reach communication and sight to it." Ecxalibur said lowering his paw in front of the fox. Foxitious started to focus with udder intent, thinking solely on flowing. How the water flows itself, influenced by force of another.

Harder and harder he thought deeply about flowing and the actions of water. Of the rivers force and water bendable actions. Joy once more filled him, that old feeling of knowing this. The feeling of enjoying communicating with these forces of nature. Soon the water glowed deep blue, the golden glow started to show around Foxitious himself. The two colors connected, the blue flowed next to his, following it, moving with it, using it to guide itself . Then it spoke, "Flowing" the water in the wolf's paw spoke deeply to the fox. Foxitious knew what he needed to do now. He lifted his paws up over the water, he forced his energy to engulf the water. Excalibur saw this, knowing what the fox was doing he removed his paw from under the water. With his paw gone the water stayed still, the force from Foxitious was keeping it afloat in mid air.

Foxitious moved his paws, one on top the other below the water sphere. The blue glow around it rotated in a circler motion around his golden one that had encased it water. "Freeze it." Excalibur said softly, not trying to distract him like before. Foxitous was slightly lost in the colors, hearing the faint voice of Excalibur he pushed a hard pulse of energy into the water. Threw his paws, the water cracked in a fast reaction as it instantaneously. He watched the golden glow shoot from his paws into the water's core as it froze. Everyone around gasped, they only had one thought. This is impossible, he has communicated with almost all of the elements, and he just started here. Foxitious heard them speak inside their heads, causing the water to spike slightly. "This is my first time." Foxitious said softly still focusing on the his and the water's glowing energy.

Shocked, the others looked at him. They give him a frightened look of confusion and awkwardness, "Foxitious is not normal is you can see, he was born into magic but never exposed to it. He has always been able to do this." Excalibur explained to the others sitting around in confusion. "Who is he? Where did you find him Excalibur? Why is he able to do this so quickly and innately?" Tsunami asked looking at the large wolf sitting behind the fox, her stormy eyes filled with confusion. They all looked to Excalibur when they heard her ask these things. "Foxitious, why don't you stop your connection while I explain you to them, or if you want you can." Excalibur said place his paw on the fox's shoulder. Foxitious was still slight entranced, hearing the words of Excalibur over a slow amount of time, as if someone slowed the time they were in. Foxitious not sure how to disconnect, he thought about it. He figured he would need to slow his energy flow and then end it. He started to slow the golden flow from his body to the water, the water began to wobble and flex disorientated.

Over a minute the flow between the two separated, the water went crashing to the table. Foxitious was slightly dizzy again from the repeated disconnection and connection he was doing with the elements. Excalibur patted the fox's shoulder, then walked back over to his set and sat down. "Foxitious, as you can tell is different. He is not learning so much has is expressing and experiencing his innate energy. He was born from two of the founders of the school here, you all know them from their teachings and combat skills. They were two of my dearest friends and packmates. John Swiftpaw and Priestess Lora Luna." Excalibur said looking at the others. Their eyes shot open, "You mean the masters of stealth and healing arts are his parents?" Ziger asked in confusion. "Yes, they are indeed his parents. He was living alone in his home near Sun's Light for almost 9 years. That is when I went and got him yesterday. That is why he is able to do these things." Excalibur said with seriousness. "I am not saying he is better then any of you, just that he is something else. There is no shame in that for any of you, you all are different and just as important as he is." Excalibur said strongly.

They all looked over to Foxitious, who was still slightly confused himself about this all. Their faces were in aw and confusion again. "He does look a lot like John" Sly said looking at the fox intently, "He also looks like Lora." Tsunami said looking at him with her stormy eyes. "This is all so odd, and existing at the same time." Zeus said looking at Foxitious too. "Please settle down everyone, we don't need to overwhelm him." Excalibur said in a tone of seriousness again. "We have one more basic element to have you experience Foxitious, this one is a little bit harder. Wind can not be seen but is a force of its own, you will need to feel the wind to connect to it. Its far from the others which can be seen, wind can not but is there." Excalibur said. "Come we need to move, need some where were the breeze is moving." Excalibur said waving his paw in a com this way motion as he walked down the path they come from.

They all got up and followed quickly, catching up to the wolf when they walked pass the door into the castle. They kept walking along the castle side, the were reaching the edge of it. When they did Excalibur turned the corner and started into a large field of slightly tall grass. The field was vast and wide, the forest line following it down as far as the eye could see. They walked into the field, the tallish grass blowing in the slight breeze. They walked a little more in till they were away from the castle. "Here will work." Excalibur said looking at them all and stopping. They all stood looking at him the breeze flowing threw their hair and fur, making their robes slightly move. "Can you feel it? The wind?" Excalibur asked Foxitious, who was looking around. "I can." Replied the fox looking up to the wolf.

"You will need to focus on the feeling of it moving, over you, past you and threw as you breathe deeply." Excalibur said to Foxitious, as the wind picked up. "I will create more force to the wind to make it more noticeable for you." The large wolf said closing his fiery eyes and began to breathe deeply. The wind began to really move now, all of their robes flying in the wind. Excalibur stopped increasing the force and opened his eyes. "Alright, it is going now." The wolf said smiling. Foxitious closed his eyes, he did this to remove sight and gain more connection to sensation. He then started to breathe deeply, inhaling, exhaling. Feeling the air flow past him and into his lungs. The feeling of the wind is what he focused on, of it moving across him, past him and in his breaths.

The feeling of joy filled him again, he began to feel his energy. There was no point now to see it, feeling it was far stronger and far more understanding to him. The darkness of his closed eyes started to shine, a clear light flew past his senses, he was seeing and feeling the wind, threw feeling. Longer and deeper breaths he took, every time he inhaled he exhaled more, in haling more when he exhaled more. Soon his breaths of inhaling reached ten seconds, exhaling for ten seconds. He stopped at ten seconds and held it at that length. His mind was getting light, his body felt light like a feather. He felt free, ever flowing and as if he was soaring. This sensation caused more joy and love for the fox, the love for this freeness and this flying. As his joy and love lifted, the wind rushed harder. The tall grass violently moving and whipping about has the air moves quickly. Everyone with a tail was trying to keep them from flying about, except for Foxitious who was in a state of trance once more. Then the wind spoke, "Soaring" the wind said to Foxitious.

Hair and fur was flying about at this point, robes rushing around with the wind. Excalibur was amazed, they all were with this fox and his innate power to be one with the elements. The wind was becoming problematic, almost knocking them off their feet. "Foxitious!! You need to control your flow!!" Excalibur exclaimed over the raging wind. Foxitious was lost once again in the joy overwhelmed by its sensation. Everyone got low to the ground at this point, trying not to be knocked back by the wind. Even Excalibur was doing his best not to be knocked back. Thinking to himself what he need to do to get the fox back from his trance. Excalibur tried to slow the wind himself, but to no avail, he tried to walk. Almost losing his footing, then he saw a figure heading to them. Trying his best not to move or be knocked by while trying to figure out who the person was, Excalibur realized who it was as the figure got closer.

"Odin!!" Excalibur shouted. As the figure got closer, a large dark brown bull appeared. The bull was wearing chain mail, it was a silver metal with large shoulder pads made of silver metal. He was wearing a large chain mail kilt that went to his hooves. Odin was getting closer seeing what was going on, the large bull was carrying four totems on his back. Each a different color, one red, one green, one blue, and the last was white. As they bull got closer the wind got stronger, but it didn't faze him. The bull was not resisting the wind, he was walking as if there was none. Soon Odin was almost to Foxitiuos, giving Excalibur better sight to what was going on. The bull's fur was not moving or flowing in the wind. It looked as if it was flowing around him, but never touching him. Odin finally reached Foxitious, the large pull grabbed his white colored totem, which had a shape like moving wind on it and was covered in writing. The large bull placed it in front of him, slamming a hoof onto the ground after placing it. The ground shock violently, the white totem glowed brightly. Seconds later, the wind stopped around everyone as well, flowing around them but never touching. Everyone stood up from being lowered to ground.

Hair and fur a mess, robes on awkwardly and messy. Everyone was still looking at Foxitious once they got up, "I will take care of this." The large bull said in a rough voice. The large bull walked over to the fox who was still in a trance forcing the wind about with his energy. Odin got next to him, then he places a hand onto the fox's right shoulder. Then the wind stopped, just like that. Foxitious started to fall to the grassy ground, Odin quickly caught him before he landed. The bull picked him up, placing the knocked out fox over his shoulder. "Seems you found a master, Excalibur. He is very connected to nature." Odin said with Foxitious over his left shoulder, the bull grabbed his totem and put it back into the belt of the others on his back. "He is knocked out, he should be awaken soon." Odin said looking at Excalibur's face. "I see, he has been working hard today as is. He connected with all the elements in the first day." Excalibur said thinking about how strong Foxitious may really be.

"I will take him into the castle and tend to him. I feel we need to have a chat." Odin said to Excalibur. "Be ease with him, he has not met many people before Odin." Excalibur said slightly worried how the fox might react when waking up. "I need to help these guys with their training today, I will come to your room after to check on Foxitious." Excalibur said pointing to the others then smiling to Odin. Odin smiled back and walked back to the castle with the fox over his shoulder and his totems on his back. Excalibur turned to the others, "Well lets get you guys come training done." Excalibur said as if nothing had just happened that was out of ordinary. He started to walk back to the caste as well, the other followed talking amongst themselves about what they had just seen from the new fox.