Carrier Wolves - Chapter 6: Romance Novels
#6 of Carrier Wolves: NaNoWriMo 2013
Returning to Carlos and Taylor, there is time to unwind and relax on the Deep Space colony, but when Taylor runs into an old friend, he isn't sure what to think.
The Deep Space colony held quite an amount of interest to Taylor after Robert had left. The anger and pain of losing him to the program faded with time, and so too, did the memories. In attempting to block out the memories, he had gone over the actual details of the program, having been told to research it himself, since at the time it was clear he didn't understand it.
He hadn't considered before the possibilities if the program were to succeed. Being nearly and totally self sufficient, it allowed even the most derelict of space to be inhabited. Never before had such a project been taken on before, and it was now that all the information fitted together. He opted to see what movie theatres were like, and Carlos had agreed to see something with him.
Though there were accessibility standards across all stations, it was hard to believe that all of the things he saw complied. Passing through the place, he had spotted views of space from transparent tubes, a shuttle going to both oceanic and forest ecosystem reconstructions, and people playing musical instruments. The last one really surprised him, reminding the Shiba Inu of the few times he knew how to play the piano, a skill he had since forgotten when he ended up in Carrier Wolves.
"So, what sort of stuff do you wanna see?" asked Carlos, as they looked through a list of movies that were going to show. "There's nearly every film from five years ago."
"Hmm.. I'm not sure. Maybe something funny?" He hadn't made such trivial decisions in quite some time, and it showed.
"Alright then." The wolf wandered over to the counter. "I'd like two for *Seen Together*."
"Okay, that'll be 15 credits 50."
A quick few button presses, and the transaction was made successfully. The ticket machine whirred briefly, before two printed out.
"Wow, I didn't think that physical tickets were still a thing around these times," said Carlos, eyeing them with slight curiosity.
"Well, it's just a matter of courtesy," smiled the cat across the counter. "Just head to theatre number 4. It'll begin shortly."
"Thank's very much." Carlos walked back to Taylor, who was once again lost in thought. Instead of snapping him out of it, the wolf reached over and grabbed Taylor's arm, dragging him.
"Woah, what're you doing?!" Taylor exclaimed, nearly tripping over the carpet.
"We're seeing *Seen Together*! It's a hilarious movie, and it starts shortly, so hurry up and follow me!"
Giving up any attempt to resist, Taylor followed after Carlos, and found himself in the middle row of seats. "Mind telling me what it's about?"
"Shush! It's best seen without me spoiling the whole thing!"
The lights dimmed as the film began to roll. The seats were unusually vintage, as if from a theatre from a few centuries ago. Carlos could suppose that the reasoning was partially due to being limited by what could be done at the time, which was quite a bit less than what it was now. There was only so much that could be done.
If there was one thing that Carlos could pick out of the whole thing about what made this movie in particular stand out compared to the rest, it was that it showed how well society had managed to advance, beyond the years where hating each other over the most trivial of issues seemed to be something that happened on a regular basis.
Taylor could relate to some of the characters, though he knew that they weren't entirely real. They felt as if they were, and the thought that film could still depict truly realistic characters even after almost every single idea had been dreamed up and cast. And on top of it, it had caused him to laugh, something that Carlos hadn't expected; least of all not Taylor.
It only ran for little more than an hour before the plot was sealed and the credits rolled, and though most people would leave, the two continued to stay and watch through all the list of names that went into the making of the film.
"So tell me Taylor," Carlos whispered. "What did you think of it?"
"Well, that was... well... great! Really really great!" Taylor couldn't find the words to quite describe it right. "Not sure how to put it though. If I'd known the quality of these films, I'd be watching more of these!"
"See why I didn't tell you what it was about? Though I'm sure the title could've been quite a clue..."
"Oh shaddup, Carlos. I'd have enjoyed it regardless of what you spoiled to me!"
They left after the credits finished rolling, and though Carlos thought of disposing the ticket stub, Taylor chose to keep his. Though words weren't mentioned of the decision, it was simply something to remember the event by, or so Carlos had thought. It was only a minor detail, and he was sure that it wasn't something at all something to make a big deal over.
* * *
Robert's search led him around the colony, having to ask about the two visitors. For the most part, it had been a discouraging one, with pretty much no one having seen them, but his spirit was raised when he had found a positive at the hotel that the two happened to be staying at. Though they had not downright spoken of what the two were talking about, the weasel had heard that the Shiba Inu was having trouble deciding what to do.
He had spotted them just as they left the restaurant *At the End of the Universe*, but he didn't know how to approach the situation. It had been years since he had last spoken to Taylor, their last conversation ended rather sourly. Though he had sought forgiveness, anything to diffuse the fierce anger that Taylor had shown, it was all to no avail and found himself departing with the presence of his family, his friends, but he could not see Taylor among them.
It was too late back then. But now, for Taylor to come to the Deep Space colonies years later, it was hard to comprehend. Perhaps that explained his random walking about around with no real direction. He knew where to go, but every time he approached, his mind went blank, and there was no approach, no initiative.
Robert tried to formulate how he was going to go ahead while they headed into the movie theatre. Being very clear and direct when he spoke would be best, but he knew not whether he could bring himself to do that. He attempted to juggle ideas in his mind, but nothing really seemed like a good idea.
So he waited outside, and then he saw them as they exited the theatre. Taylor looked genuinely happy, an expression he didn't think at all possible. Not after the events that had occurred...
The wolf that was walking with Taylor really seemed to bring out an entirely different person all together. He had only ever seen Taylor's defensive side, one always deflecting blows and answering with a tone that was less than pleasant. Even after 'settling' on the matter involving the Deep Space program, he had continued to defend himself through his aggressiveness.
Yet here he was, laughing about a film they had just seen. Robert knew that he had given Taylor up, daring not to get close those years ago, knowing that he would leave. Seeing him at that moment, so happy, so glad... He didn't feel as if he was supposed to be here.
* * *
Carlos was first to spot the brown-furred weasel. "Hey Taylor, I wanna ask..."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"What did your friend--Robert look like?"
Taylor thought to himself for a moment, and answered, "Well, he was pretty tall. Not your height, but definitely taller than me. He was pretty well built, since he always had his sports to engage with before he left, but was still pretty thin and agile."
Carlos looked, and back to Taylor again. "Okay... so is that him just over there?"
Taylor then looked over, and his eyes widened. "Oh... Yeah, that's him."
Robert wanted to run, but he knew that was already too late. He approached the two who were aware of his presence now. As much as he had reason to fear, he knew that there wasn't anything left to do but to confront and resolve. "Taylor... it's been ages."
His presence seemed to break down what was probably a good afternoon, as he saw Taylor's face go from joy and happiness to the coldness that he had faced all those years ago. "Yeah, Robert, it has."
They stood in brief silence as their eyes met. Robert could still see the hurt behind them. It had been so long, yet it pained him as if it were yesterday. "I'm sorry," he said to Carlos. "I must go."
With that, Robert disappeared into the crowds, leaving Taylor in silence. Carlos looked at Taylor with concern. "Are you okay?"
"I'll... I'll manage." A vibration in Taylor's pocket indicated he had a new message, but he dismissed the notification. Right now, all he wanted to do was to forget, and just not be there anymore. All those feelings that he had held back, hidden behind his mask tried to escape, and it had felt overwhelming.
"I wanna go to sleep," he mumbled. Carlos took Taylor's left paw with his right. "Fine, fine. I'll take you there."
Carlos knew that something about Robert must have triggered some sorrowful memories for Taylor and as a friend, he felt inclined to investigate to see whether the pain could ever be eased. He brought Taylor back to their hotel, comforting him as he trembled on the bed. Never before, had he seen Taylor so happy, followed by sadness. Carlos stood up after a while when he knew that Taylor was sleeping, and left.
* * *
Robert had done all he had, and he cursed at himself for messing it all up. For a moment, he had that opportunity to apologise, to explain himself and his conduct. But he frozen up and ran. The damage he suspected was severe, and he knew it could have gone so much better than what had been.
He stared into the depth of stars and space, and wondered how it was that people could ever have happy endings. He had seen celebrities date, marry, break up in a matter of a few weeks, but when he walked, he always saw genuine happiness as he passed them by.
The weasel he knew did not deserve such a life as that. He had messed up twice. There wasn't any going back now. The damage was done. Romance did not work.
"Hey you." Another voice, Taylor's co-worker. Robert didn't realise until he saw the wolf standing next to him. "Your name was Robert, yeah?"
"It is. Robert Gauld," he sighed as he took the wolf's paw and shook it. "From file, Carlos Jarrod, right?"
"You'd be guessing right."
"So, what brings you into the equation?" asked Robert, continuing to stare out into space. "If it's about that odd meeting, I don't want to talk about it."
Carlos turned, taking in the view of the starscape. "Well, Taylor's told me about how great a weasel like you were. Could you tell me what it was like back then? You and him, I mean."
Robert hesitated to answer. He had barely known Carlos for much more than a few glimpses. Then again, he had already regretted the things he had done. What was one more to the pile of regret? At the very least, Carlos didn't seem like the sort quick to anger. He seemed quite the opposite, in fact.
"...It was good at first. Being children, we were always so naive, thinking it was all black and white, what we thought. We grew up together, thinking that we could remain that way... Taylor was a character that one sought in a novel: someone you grew up with to love. But when my parents suggested I enter the Deep Space program..." he trailed off, staring into the darkness. "With the mindset that he had, I knew that I had no way to convince him otherwise. So I just told him I wouldn't go..."
His paws grasped each other, almost reaching for something nonexistent. "Of course, he had to find out somehow."
Carlos didn't know what to say, and he chose to remain quiet. It sounded quite like Taylor to be a little intimidating. That so happened to be the case not long after secondary school, when the wolf tried to introduce himself and was met with rather strong minded remarks.
"So yeah, that was us back then." Robert sighed and looked at Carlos. "I don't need to ask how you and Taylor are though. I can tell that you'd make a great couple."
"Wha?" Carlos sputtered, blushing. "What makes you say that?"
"I spotted you two together at the theatre, remember? Taylor was the most happiest I've ever seen, and that's beyond all those times as a child."
Robert scratched the back of his ears. "Um, anyway. I know what I should do, but I... I don't think I can do it." Seeing how Taylor had reacted after all those years, it was fairly clear to him that he ought to stay out of it. "It's just too... different. Taylor and I... we're completely different to what we were then. Those times are gone."
Carlos opened his jaw to protest, but closed it. Resolution of this case could not be reached. Not now, for the time being. "I don't understand it, I guess, and the time for it hasn't come yet."
"Not yet."
* * *
Taylor didn't want to think, right at this moment. He just wanted something to block it all out. Though he did want to see Robert again, knowing what he did all those years ago tormented him now. The pain was near unbearable, and he curled up in his bed, not wanting anything or anyone. He just wanted to be by himself. Just for now.
The sound of footsteps, followed by his hotel door opening. He drew back, not wanting to confront the weasel that he had been separated from. The damn decision that was made so many years ago to leave... It wasn't fair. The silhouette in the darkness wasn't that form, but it was Carlos.
The same Carlos he had met only shortly after Robert's departure. Those eyes that did shine, the kindness not enacted out of pity or the feeling of sadness. The wolf had not sought to take advantage of him, but just to be a companion. A person that Taylor could depend on.
"Hey, I'm back." Carlos didn't say much, and Taylor was glad of that. He knew that the wolf would find a better time to ask questions, and he would certainly answer then.
"What did you do?" Taylor asked. "Where did you go?"
"Just wandered around, giving you the space that you needed. Doing some thinking as well." Seemed almost as if he were hiding something, but Taylor reasoned that trying to explain to a burdened dog such as he was now would not do any good. If he had something to say, he would say when the time was right.
His panicked heart began to calm, the wave of sadness having passed, now receding back into the waters. "I'm sorry," he chuckled. "Got emotionally carried away, I guess."
"It's not your fault," Carlos whispered, sitting beside Taylor. "We all need to vent those feelings at some stage."
Taylor sighed gently. "True."
* * *
Carlos left Taylor's side for a brief moment, only to return with food and refreshment. "Figured you didn't want to go out just yet again, so yeah! Room service!"
Taylor held back a laugh. "I had to expect much, didn't I?"
"Yup, it couldn't be helped this time! I'd cook it myself, but I'm terrible at that!" Carlos was glad to find Taylor reasonably in good spirits once more. For a while, he thought that there could have been nothing to help, but with the progression of time, the reopened wound had been bandaged. With more, the scar would fade once more.
Dinner was pleasantly quiet, a reasonable alternative to having to listen to the crowds in the commercial districts ramble on. Nothing to hear or see, except one another. When it was all done, and the dishes were taken away, Carlos wished Taylor a good night before returning to his own room. Taylor wanted Carlos to stay, but said nothing on doing so, not wanting to damage the relationship that had grown over the years.
Taylor washed up, and reflected as he rested in his bed. Had Robert deserved the treatment that he presented when he found them? Slightly. But he let his past impressions affect him, and that resulted in the pain that was present now. But what could he do? If Robert couldn't bear to try and make amends, perhaps he should do so instead. But he didn't know where to find the weasel.
Then he remembered he had a message.