Bio: Daniel/Renny

Story by hrhgegea on SoFurry

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#2 of Bios

Species: Mouse

Name: Daniel (or Renny when the time calls for it)

Full Physical Bio: Daniel stands 5'11" tall. He is thin and agile. He has one noticeable scar on his back that spans from one side to the other at a 40° angle. His eyes are a deep blue color. He is often found with a crooked half-smile and tapping his nails across his long, pink tail. He wears slightly baggy clothing, but that's due to his own choice, for he is able to find cloths in his size. He wears black jeans and shirts, but does switch it up by wearing brighter colored shirts.

Backstory: Daniel was born of a family of 12. He had 11 siblings but never found the number to be correct. He had always found the number to be 12 rather than 11 for he had one more brother. His brother's name was Renny. Renny was not exactly the nicest kid, in fact, he was the polar opposite of Daniel.

Renny was mean, angry, and liked to fight. Renny did things mostly for himself and protected no one but himself, and Daniel. Renny only talked to Daniel and often engaged in some surprisingly intelligent conversations with Renny, despite Renny being mean and angry.

Daniel did not know about Renny until he was 5. Daniel heard a voice speaking to him, but he couldn't place where the voice was coming from, or who was talking. He had never heard the voice before and wanted to know how the voice knew his name. Renny eventually told Daniel that he was inside of him. Daniel fought that fact but was unable to win. Eventually, Daniel came to terms with it and started to embrace his new brother.

After 4 years of having his brother in his head, Daniel got into a fight. Daniel had never been into a real fight before and was bound to lose. Daniel asked Renny what to do and Renny told him to relax and let him take care of things. Daniel walked up to his opponent, a slightly bigger kid who liked to bully everyone.

Daniel stared at the bully and slowly felt himself being pulled back. Soon after the feeling ended, he saw his hand swing across and knock the large lizard right in his jaw. The lightning hit was soon followed by a knee into the lizard's face, then a foot sweeping across his legs. The lizard was down in a matter of seconds, without warning of any kind. Kids cheered Daniel till he was forced home. His home life was great, and he was always happy to come home, but he dreaded the scolding he would get from his parents. His mind was more of a punishment than any words they had used on him. They were not hard on him, but did tell him it was a bad thing. Daniel went to bed without dinner and was fine by the next day.

Daniel went a few days without any problems, except that Renny hadn't talked to him for those few days. Daniel wondered if Renny was mad at him. He was unable to figure out why Renny had gone silent but Renny eventually came back.

6 years later, the bully decided to have a rematch with Daniel. Daniel was walking home and was soon cornered by the lizard and two of his friends, a hawk and a goat. Renny Daniel was in danger and quickly pulled Daniel back, giving himself full control once more.

The lizard sent the goat out first. He pulled out a knife and lunged at Renny. Renny pushed the hand with the blade aside with such ease, then lifted his knee up towards the goats stomach. The goat ran right into his knee and fell to the ground, dropping his knife in the process. Renny kicked the goat in the head and knocked him unconscious.

Soon after the goat went down, both the lizard and the hawk came running at Renny. Renny ran towards the hawk and ducked as he got close. The hawk tripped over Renny and slid for a good 2 feet, causing feathers to detach themselves from his skin. The lizard stopped as his avien friend fell. He was enraged by this and kicked at Renny with all his might. The hit landed without a problem and Renny flew back into one of the brick walls of the building that surrounded him.

Renny stood back up laughing. He wiped the spit from the side of his mouth and whispered just loud enough for the lizard to hear "Is that all you've got?"

The lizard staggered back for a second, then lunged at Renny. His fist came down quickly and smacked Renny across his face. Renny laughed louder and grabbed the lizards shoulder.

"Nice try" Renny squeezed the lizards shoulders and pulled hard. Two loud 'pop's echoed through the small allyway as the lizards shoulders came out of place. The lizard let out a loud scream of pure agony and fell to the ground. Renny knelt down and whispered into the lizard's ear.

"Want more?" Renny laughed as he stood back up. The hawk didn't want to move as he saw Renny walk past. Renny soon let Daniel take control once more, allowing him to walk home.

Word soon got around about Daniel fighting the trio. Daniel felt like an outcast from his family once they found out. His entire family seemed to shun him and avoid him. Eventually Daniel ran away from the hate that his family had shown him. Daniel has been running for 3 years now.

Specialties: Daniel is a tactician; giving him the ability to plan most things and carry them out easily. Renny is a bererker; Taking vast amounts of damage and dealing it back tenfold.

Weakness: Slight insanity and lonelyness from feeling like there is no one else like him.

Strength: Renny calms Daniel and often protects him.