Halcyon Part 3-Chapter Two
#3 of Halcyon
This is Chapter Two :3 I hope some people like it. (Xander... you better read this x3)
I need to get my mate's SoFurry profile info x3 Been too lazy to do so...
So Torque and Raleigh confront some other furs... and we learn that even furs can be horrible x3
Someone shouted, "Hey, furfags!"
Raleigh looked up, confused, and saw multiple furs-two foxes, a couple of wolves, and even a horse-approaching from the nearby forest. He answered as calmly as possible, "Yes?"
The apparent leader, a white and gold furred wolf, grinned and said, "Hey guys, I think we found a couple of tail-raisers all alone out here. Maybe we should teach them a lesson or two?"
"And what lesson would that be?" Torque stood up, unconcerned with the fact that he wasn't wearing anything. The German Shepherd whispered to Raleigh, "Get your clothes and mine and then leave. I'll find you later."
Raleigh shook his head. "I'm not leaving you here alone. Who knows what they would do to you?"
Torque shrugged, and the wolf spoke up again. "Those of us who don't prefer to screw each other think it's a good idea to teach you that being gay just isn't right. At all."
Torque laughed. "What kind of argument is that? How is being homosexual wrong?"
The wolf growled. "It is just wrong, no matter how you look at it. It's not normal, at least not to the rest of us, to want to screw other guys." As he talked, his group spread out and began to close in on Torque and Raleigh. The deer nervously collected his clothes and put them on, after shaking the sand out of them as best as he could, and he handed Torque his. The German Shepherd put them on, his attention still focused on the wolf. He was aware of the other furs drawing closer and said, quietly, but in a voice that was filled with menace, "Don't come any closer."
Most of the furs stopped, and the wolf looked at them. "What are you waiting for? It's just two furfags. Shouldn't be difficult to take them down." He advanced towards Torque. The wolf was well built, about Torque's height, with a lean, muscular body. His golden eyes watched Torque carefully as he advanced.
Torque growled under his breath at the poor odds. 5 to 1 and not in his favor at all. He repeated himself. "Go, Raleigh. This is going to get nasty, and I don't want you to get hurt."
Raleigh, stubborn as ever, shook his head. "I'm not going to abandon my boyfriend to get beaten up by a bunch of losers."
The white and gold wolf laughed. "Aww, so cute." He mocked Raleigh, grinning, and Torque growled, stepping forward. He kneed the wolf in the crotch, and when he doubled over, kneed him in the face for good measure. The wolf fell to the ground, gasping, and the rest of the gang rushed them.
Torque was broadsided by the horse, which slammed him into the ground. He saw Raleigh get hit in the stomach by one of the foxes, the other fox holding Raleigh up as the first fox prepared to hit him again.
The German Shepherd growled, slamming his fist into the horse's face, and when the horse fell back, hit him again, and was stopped as the second wolf tackled him, knocking him to the ground once more. Torque growled in frustration as Raleigh was slugged again in the stomach, the deer crying out in pain.
The fox was about to strike again when he yelped in pain, clutching his right paw. The other fox looked around and then screamed in pain as his tail caught fire, the tip burning brightly. He ran for the lake and jumped in, dousing the flames. The wolf grappling with Torque backed away, suddenly frightened, and ran, disappearing into the forest.
Torque looked around for his mysterious savior, and saw a Doberman walking along the beach towards them. He stood about 5' 11", a little taller than Torque. He had a black muzzle with a strip of brown running along the bottom of his jaw and then joining the light brown fur at his chest and stomach. He had strange brown and red eyes that seemed to shift ever so slightly between the two colors, and a dark red band of fur surrounded his nose and his ears were also the same shade of dark red. He had long, ebony horns that had a slight downwards curl, and at the base they turned dark red. His long, sinuous black tail waved in the air as he asked, "Are you all right?"
Torque nodded, admiring the long, slightly curved horns that the Doberman had, and the larger dog grinned. "My name's Calig. I saw what was going on, and figured I'd put a stop to it. Those bastards won't come near you again for a long time." When Raleigh stood up, coughing, the Doberman gave him a hand and asked him the same thing he had asked Torque. When Raleigh grinned and said, "I've had better days, Calig." Torque realized that this was the person Raleigh had been talking about earlier.
Calig nodded and he asked, "Do you two need me to keep an eye out for you when you head home?"
Torque shook his head, and he looked up. "We should probably get going. Thank you for the help, Calig."
The Doberman nodded, and he said, "I'll stay here, to talk to this wolf," he pointed to the white and gold wolf still curled up on the ground, "and see if we can figure some things out."
Raleigh shrugged, and he grabbed Torque's paw, walking towards the park entrance and home.
They walked rapidly, covering the distance within 15 minutes. Outside the park, Torque asked Raleigh, "so... Do you think your parents would mind if I stayed at your house for now?"
The deer shrugged. "Why? What are your parents going to think?"
Torque thought about it for a moment. "I don't think my mothers will care if I stay over and play video games and stuff, but if I wanted to, say, stay the night, I'd have to ask first."
Raleigh thought this over for a moment and said, "Then go and ask if you can stay the night. I'll be at my house if they say yes."
Torque nodded, and he started walking. Raleigh watched him for a moment and then headed down the street the two had come from earlier that day.
When Torque got to his house, he knocked on the door and waited patiently. Carly came to get the door and she smiled when she saw him, and then asked, "How's your day been?" Torque shrugged, and sat down in a chair in the living room, stretching, as Carly sat down on the couch next to Jade. The tiger studied Torque for a moment, and then said, "Something's on your mind. What is it?"
The German Shepherd said, "I was thinking about staying the night at Raleigh's place. If that's okay with you guys."
Jade nodded, and after a moment asked, "Is that all, or is there something else?"
Torque sighed, and said, "Well... I'm gay. I asked Raleigh out today."
Carly gave Jade a shove. "I knew it!" She held out her hand, and the tiger went back to their room, and returned with $5, giving it to the Border Collie. She saw Torque look quizzically at her and said, "Carly always said you were going to turn out gay. Apparently she was right." She smiled at Torque and then asked, "So you're staying the night with Raleigh... don't do anything serious, okay?"
Torque blushed. "Why would I?"
Jade rolled her eyes and said, "Because I was like that when I was your age. Right, Carly?" The Border Collie nodded and said, "Actually, she was worse than most 16-year olds. But you don't need to know more than that." She grinned and gave Torque a wink, as Jade shook her head.
The German Shepherd went into his room and grabbed a bag, throwing a change of clothes in it, along with several other items he wanted to bring. Once the bag was packed, he walked out the door after saying goodbye to his parents.
He made his way over to Raleigh's house, an unexpected feeling of excitement rose within him. He wanted to jump up and shout happily, or chase his tail, or something to exercise the excited energy that flowed through him.
When he knocked on the door, Raleigh opened it and said, "Come on in." The deer smiled, closing the door after Torque. Raleigh practically bounded to his room, and once the two of them were alone in the room, he hugged Torque and asked, "Does today seem sort of unreal to you?"
The German Shepherd shrugged and smiled as well, the deer's happy mood infectious. Raleigh hugged him again and then sat down on the bed. He asked, "So what did your parents think?"
Torque shrugged. "They didn't mind. What's funny is that Jade gave Carly five dollars. Some kind of bet or something."
The bed creaked as Raleigh stretched out, laying his head on his pillow. He said, after a moment, "I haven't told my parents yet. I don't know how to, and..." his voice trailed off.
The bed creaked again as torque laid down next to Raleigh, and asked, "And what?"
The deer looked into Torque's brown-gold eyes, and said, quietly, "I'm a little scared. I don't even know why. It doesn't make sense to be scared to tell your parents anything."
"Can you think of why you're scared?" The German Shepherd hugged Raleigh, and the deer snuggled as close as possible, nuzzling into the dog's warm fur.
"That's the thing. I just don't know why. I mean, you seemed perfectly comfortable with telling your parents." The deer sighed, closing his eyes as he relaxed and enjoyed Torque's warmth.
The German Shepherd laughed quietly. "My parents are somewhat different from yours, hon. You know that."
Raleigh looked up and kissed the dog's nose, giggling to himself, as Torque looked at him, a little confused. "What's so funny?" he asked.
The deer shook his head, grinning, and Torque rolled his eyes. "Come on, Raleigh, what is it?"
Raleigh stopped giggling long enough to say, "Something you said not so long ago." He giggled even more as Torque poked him. The big dog sighed, going back through what he'd said. When he figured it out, he said, "So what? I called you hon. Even though I've never used that word before, so what?"
Raleigh nodded, and then smiled again. "That's exactly it. I think it's cute that you called me hon, when you'd never used it before. And you did it without thinking, too!" The deer smiled to himself, and after a few moments, said, "So... you were saying your parents are different from mine..."
Torque nodded, and he continued, "So... because my parents are different, they aren't likely to act like yours." He thought for a moment. "If they love you," he said, "then they'll accept you for who you are. Don't be afraid to tell them."
Raleigh shook his head. "They're not here, as you noticed. They'll be back sometime later tonight. But did you intend to tell them any time soon?"
Torque nodded, and he rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling for a moment before saying, "Well, why wait? I honestly don't think time will change anything, Raleigh. But I love you, and this is your decision to make. I'll be there for you, if you want."
The deer was quiet for a moment as he too stared up at the ceiling, and then said, "You know what? You're right." He rolled himself over so that he was lying on top of the German Shepherd and smiled. Torque grinned and said, "I'm having horrible thoughts right now..."
The deer kissed him and then said, "Tell me those thoughts later. But... will you really come with me if I choose to tell them?"
Torque nodded. "I'm your boyfriend, after all, and I'm here to support you. That, and they'll believe you if they see you and me together." He grinned, and Raleigh rolled off of him, resting his head on the pillow. Torque did the same after a moment, laying on his side, and the larger dog said, "Raleigh?"
The deer rolled over so that he was facing the dog. "Yes?" Torque thought for a moment, and then said, "I love you... and would your parents care if I took a nap?"
Raleigh rolled his eyes. "Are you that tired? And you might want to ask me if you want to nap in my bed, you know" He smiled, and the dog stifled a yawn and nodded. Raleigh shook his head. "Whatever. If you want to, go ahead. I'll read for a bit, and then I might nap, too." Torque nodded, closing his eyes. The big dog's breathing slowed as he drifted off into sleep, and the deer grabbed a nearby book and started to read.
After a little while, the deer felt tired as well. Raleigh closed his book and went to the door, turning out the lights and then getting back into bed, pulling the blankets up over Torque and himself, snuggling himself right up against the larger dog. He rested his head just under Torque's chin and yawned, closing his eyes and quickly slipping into sleep.