Just a Night Out

Story by Jackmink on SoFurry

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Just a Night Out

By Jackmink the big bad Wolverine

Lex waved his goodbyes to his coworkers leaving the coffee shop late in the afternoon. Nine to five had always been his scheduled and he preferred it that way. It left him plenty of time in the morning for his own cup of coffee before he had to go to work. The local strip mall wasn't far from his own place of stay and the brisk walk there left him rejuvenated for the day ahead.

The door shut behind him as he carried a latte macchiato in a to-go cup in one paw. Waving over his shoulder Lex didn't see the obstacle directly in his path as if it were waiting specifically just for him to leave. Lex walked straight into the hind paw, the pinky toe coming up a little above his kneecap. The second he hit the toe he fell face first onto the bare hind paw holding the drink up high above his head to make sure it didn't fall.

"Oof," he grunted blinking several times in suprise. Not hurt at all but being caught off guard the sabertooth took a few moments to collect his wits. The toes were a fuzzy landing for him and wiggled as his weight rested on them.

"I'll take that." A deep, low voice said from above him. A gigantic shadow cast itself around him and the surrounding area as the hyena bent down and between two fingers pinched the drink from his paws and lifted it back up towards the awaiting muzzle. The shadow receded as the hyena stood back up to drink his drink wiggling his toes some more as he sniffed it in delight.

"Dude!" Lex said getting up. He looked up at the hyena and covered his eyes afterwards seeing straight up the hyena's baggy shorts. "Dude!" He said again but for a very different reason. "If your going to wear those you should at least wear underwear!"

Tipping his muzzle back Jordan dropped the cardboard cup into his muzzle and with a loud, block echoing sound gulped the whole thing down rubbing his large belly afterwards. With a content sigh he looked down at the sabertooth who was still resting against his toes. His ears flickered as Lex yelled back up at him.

"And how many times have I told you not to block the main door! Customers are still shopping. It's not after six yet!" The sabertooth grumbled sitting on the hyena's paw now.

There was a curfew in place for any fur taller than ten feet. Until the large clock tower in the center of town read Six those taller than ten feet weren't allowed into the city borders where Lex lived. Furs taller than fifteen feet weren't allowed into the center part of town but any sized fur was allowed, after Six, on the border where the strip mall rested. However the rule was in place no one really enforced it allowing Jordan to go as he please when he pleased where he pleased.

The gray spotted hyena crouched down, flicking his ear once more so he could hear his friend better over the sounds of the city around them. The noise of traffic and the every day goings always made it hard to hear any one thing in particular.

"What?" Was the simple response Jordan gave him. Getting a look from the sabertooh who was still leaning against his toes. Jordan whined. "Whaaat did I do? What did I do?"

The act didn't fool the cat but he knew why the massive hyena did it. When you were as tall and broad as Jordan was you got labeled immediately as a threat. His joking antics and off putting (but still deep) voice was to lighten people up so they didn't run away in fear. Run away instantly that was. This way he at least got a few moments to try and plead his case before they would run off screaming bloody murder.

Lex rubbed his brow standing up. The large toes in front of him wiggled. "You can't just..." Lex sighed shaking his head. "Where is your underwear?"

Jordan cocked his head to the side with a raised eyebrow. "In the wash." He said as if it was already so apparently obvious where they were. It was as if Jordan just said "Duh" afterwards. "You know how long a pair of briefs my size takes to wash? Let alone dry!" He shook his large head making his ears flop back and forth hitting the side of his face as he did so.

"Right, right." Lex replied shaking his head. The cat made his way across the parking lot ignoring the stares he was getting from those around.

Lex never really figured why people were so weary around them. Sure you had to, literally, watch your step around them but otherwise... If someone was going to do something harmful they would do it if they were five feet tall or fifty that's how Jordan saw things. If you were a bad person you were bad no matter your size. They just had a bad rep because of one or two that had...gone on a rampage, was all. Lex figured as long as he didn't go looking for trouble it'd be fine....mostly.

Once he got across the parking lot did he hear the sound of his friend follow. It only took a couple of steps and a half to catch up and Jordan crouched down right afterwards. "Let me give you a lift." He insisted already knowing the reply.

"I got two perfectly fine legs don't I?" Lex joked looking over his shoulder at him as he walked down the street. He made sure to pat his large hind paw in thanks though.

"We'll be late." Jordan said with a frown after him, watching him go before following after and stooping back down once more.

"Its not even Six." Lex said rolling his eyes. He placed his paws into the tight sweater he wore and padded his way down the street. His steps were nearly silent specially in comparison to the hyena.

Jordan still frowned never understanding why his little friend didn't just let him give him a lift. He only ever dropped him once. And that was an accident! And he caught him as well. No harm, no fowl? "Right..." Jordan muttered to himself standing up and forcefully shoving his own paws into his baggy cargo shorts.

Jordan paced slowly behind him watching his friend the whole time from behind. Rolling it around in his mind if the cat trusted him or not. They've known each other for years now having gone to the same school together. Jordan had to use a computer with a video camera for the classes though unable to fit inside the halls. It was Lex who carried the camera around from class to class and even brought him the homework. Kind of ironic, Jordan thought, as when they were in school it felt like Lex was the big one not him. Yet every time he brought the homework it was a different story.

Lex was one of the few people he had ever met, other than fellow Macro's, that didn't judge him on the spot. It was comforting for a change and Jordan knew they'd be good friends. Though the look on his face was priceless the first time they met.

Lex frowned as he saw a large leg step over him. The hyena turned around quickly and got down on all fours placing his muzzle directly in front of him. "Please?" He grinned with teeth larger than the width of Lex's body. His muzzle was half his body width tall and almost as long. A rather frightening sight let alone when it was directly in front of you grinning from ear to ear.

Jordan learned to talk with only partially opening his muzzle likewise to less frighten the masses. Lex had little fears or doubts of the large hyena. The only time something did happen was when he got drunk and tripped over his mum's parked car. Unfortunately Jordan had been carrying him at the time but being a cat Lex had little worries though he swore he lost one of his nine lives right there and then due to freight when Jordan had nearly fallen on him.

Lex leaned against his muzzle laying his folded arms over his wet black nose. He raised an eyebrow at him in a reply not saying anything as his chin rested ontop of his own arms, looking down that muzzle that was longer than his body and into those eyes.

"Please? Come on. I want to make sure we get a good seat." Jordan continued to whine sticking his rear up high into the air like a puppy dog wanting to play. The sight nearly made a passing driver drive off the road.

"Well... I don't know." Lex said turning around and scratching his chin thinking it over. Not that he minded but he didn't like to take Jordan up on his offer. If he always just agreed to his offer of help Lex wouldn't ever be doing anything! And where was the fun in that? "Ok," Lex began turning around but even before he could lay down some ground rules Jordan stood up and bending down on one knee offered his paw wagging his tail and was clearly not listening there after. The second Lex moved onto the paw it became far more grabby. Fingers curling securely around him with skilled practice, gripping him just tightly that even if Lex tried he couldn't escape but not to the point where he was squishing him at all.

Lex was whisked off his feet into the air and placed on the hyena's shoulder. Lex grabbed his black mane wrapping it around his arm several times. He held on as Jordan slowly stood back up keeping an eye on his small friend before heading down the street.

"This movie's suppose to be good! At least it got a lot of hype. Not sure if that's good or not. It's suppose to be though!" Jordan went on talking as normal as ever, as if there wasn't a tinier fur on his shoulder but to a friend at his side.

"Well I wouldn't be putting ten bucks away if it wasn't at least worth seeing!" Lex said turning to speak into the large ear next to him. It swiveled to face him before folding back with a wince.

"I can hear you just fine. No need to shout." Jordan rolled his eyes. He brought a paw up to Lex and held him tightly as he jumped over a few obsticles in his way. Nearly making his own shortcut over fences and brush until he got onto the very borders of the city where it met the forest.

The paw pad was warm, accommodating. It had a faint musk to them, the natural scent of his larger friend he was sure only bathed a couple times a week at most - not like he blamed him. And, from the smell of it, Jordan had been adjusting himself before meeting up with him. It made Lex nose wrinkled but he didn't mind. The two had done more than just this.

Jordan only released him after making sure he was unharmed and headed the rest of the way down the street articulating how great the movie was going to be with his arms. He took his time though walking slowly but still made far betting time than if Lex was just walking. Nearly giddy the hyena offered a paw to him as they reached the place.

It was an old nearly abandoned drive in theater that still worked. Stopping at the gate Jordan set him down so he could pay for the two. The large hyena always ended up loosing the cash never able to keep a good grip on it with his large clumsy paws. Let alone losing things in his, many pocketed, cargo shorts. One time he even lost Lex inside them. That made Jordan feel giddy and he had to stifle a hyena laugh.

"Two please." Lex said thumbing over his shoulder.

"Fifteen." The beaver chattered glaring at the hyena who was now crouching down behind him. Even if he tried Jordan couldn't fit his muzzle into the tiny booth without breaking it. "Not ten. Fifteen!" Her voice went up an octave making Lex's fur stand on end and his whiskers wrinkle with a wince at the sound.

"Fine, fine! Sheesh." He grumbled fishing in his pocket. Coming up with nothing he pulled his wallet out and gave her his credit card. She swiped it and forgot the two. "I can't believe that!" Lex said grumbling as he headed inside. "Fifteen bucks! What the hell."

"Well only I was fifteen." Jordan offered taking a seat in the back. The hyena took great care to make sure his friend was off to the side before wiping the spot off and placing his rear down on it. Only after he sat down did he think about any other poor sap that happened to be under his rear. Eh, not like he cared. Kind of came with the territory of being a big ass hyena.

"Even so." Lex growled shaking his head back and forth not able to just let the subject go. The sandy brown sabertooth flipped the front counter off before sitting back on a turned over tire next to his friend. He fished in his bag before tossing a bag of red vines up at the hyena.

Jordan fumbled with the bag before it dropped onto the ground. Picking the small bag up, pinched between two claws, he frowned looking at the non digestable plastic. He liked just eating things whole. It was fun to be able to swallow a whole cardboard, biodegradable coffee cup.

"Its for sharing." Lex warned eyeing the large hyena. If it was up to Jordan the gray spotted hyena would eat the whole bag of treats Lex had brought along. One of the biggest problems with being big. You had a BIG appetite. "Let's see here... I got gummi bears, some hershey bites, granola bars, banana chips, Doritos and of course some mountain dew!" He said closing the large sports duffel bag and slid it over his shoulder once more.

He put it on just in time for the dull clawed fingers of the hyena to wrap around his torso and hoisted him up into the air and down onto the hyena's exposed belly. Jordan normally kept his shirt on in public but it didn't stop him from pulling it up. Lex always felt a bit silly resting on his friends stomach but he couldn't deny the comfortable seat. It was warm and fluffy in all the right place and sunk in due to his weight like a beanbag chair. It rose and fell slowly with Jordan's breaths giving it the feel of a rocking chair. Yet the warmth it provided as the sun began to set, and the muskiness of his friend was both welcomed. Placing the bag to the side Lex kicked his paws up on the end of Jordan's shorts and rested back sitting partially in his friend's belly button his short stubby tail sticking inside of it. He grinded his rear into the belly button making the hyena squirm a bit.

"Hey now!" Jordan said bring a finger down to poke his friends belly...on his own belly; the fact wasn't lost on the hyena. His finger gently pushed against Lex with a tamed control that really showed the effort the hyena put into it. He giggled madly after the meow he got from the sabertooth. His belly jiggling like jelly making the cat bounce a bit, who soon joined in with the laughter. Jordan calmed down before poking at him once more ignoring all the looks they were getting from others.

Lex pushed the finger away laying his head back on the pulled up shirt resting on his chest. The cat turned around and scrunched it up to make it more comfortable of a pillow before lazing back. Folding his legs he kicked them up once more on the end of the hyena shorts. He almost came up to the hyena's neck, laying across his torso like this. His full body didn't even match that of the hyena's. Most would find the fact his belly was larger than they were but not Lex who trusted his friend.

The night began to set as the sun died down. The two chatted off handedly about nothing in particular waiting for the show to start. Just too friends shooting the breeze and enjoying, reveling in each others company. They didn't get to do this as much as either of them would like too.

"How many movies is this?" Jordan asked folding his legs and leaning back against the fence. It creaked and protested at his weight but held. They had come here more than once. Last time they snuck a keg in for the two to share. Lex still blushed as he remembered tapping the keg for his friend and just spraying it into his open maw for him.

"Three. Evil dead, Evil dead II and Army of Darkness." Lex said counting them off on his fingers.

"Sweetness." They both rocker signs and said a few things, rather loudly. Jordan's voice set off a nearby car alarm.

It was nearly an hour later before the movie actually started and they were the only few in the place. Another small factor. A macro came around it was just common sense to leave before something happened. The sun's warm rays only hit the top of the surrounding mountain side. The night air was giving Lex the chills and he was beginning to wish he had brought his larger (less stylish) coat. Damn you name brand clothing!

"Stupid style," he mumbled rubbing one arm then the other trying to warm up.

"Hm?" Jordan growled lifting his ears up and looking down at the man on his chest having watching the screen.

"Cold." Lex said hugging himself with a frown as he looked at the large screen across from them. The beginning credits were beginning to roll and commercials were starting and already he was wishing it was over as the night only began to grow colder.

"Oh, that." Jordan said not ever really bothered by the cold even during the night. It might have something to do with his size neither were fully sure. Jordan grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled it back and up making Lex fall back onto his bare fuzzy chest.

The fabric stretched out like a large green sheet over the sabertooth and was pressed down on him outlining him through it. Squirming under the fabric Lex turned around his snout being forced into the fluffy chest fur. Lex could smell his friends scent and feel the warmth of the skin pressing back against his snout. He couldn't help feel aroused by the strong male body under him as he crawled up and stuck his nose out of the top of the shirt. His head soon followed and squirming a bit more he turnd around. The fluffy fur of Jordan's neck rubbed against the back of his head. It made a good makeshift pillow but Lex was a little too aware of the heartbeat just off to his side, feeling his friend sucking lung fulls of breath and hear the swallowing (feel it behind him) as Jordan, somehow, had gotten a small bag of gummie chewies and were munching happily on them. The scent was still strong as a paw wrapped around him.

"Better?" Jordan said softly though Lex could feel the very vibration of the sound through the chest he was now being pressed against. He could even feel the hyena swallow as he tossed five red vines into his muzzle, not even bothering to chew them. A strange habit the hyena had. One time they had tested it out. Lex ended up feeding him one thing after another to test just how much he could gobble up (and being a Hyena they soon learned that was a lot). Jordan didn't mind one damn bit, enjoying it a little too much even the body size (Lex's size) subway sandwich.

"I hate when you do that." Lex grumbled, remarking on eating without him, he scooted up more keeping only his legs and lower body covered in the shirt now. He rested back against Jordan's neck making the hyena have to tilt his muzzle upwards more. Jordan followed his ears back as he felt the cat's body curve with his neck. He swallowed once more, this time out of nervousness. "And stop hogging those." Lex said reaching out for the red vines.

Jordan kept them just out of reach. "No, mine." He growled lifting them up more as Lex crawled out to grab them.

Now standing up on his friend Lex reached out for the bag. Jordan kept it out of reach still. The hyena lifted his hunches up and Lex fell to all fours as the earth beneath him moved. Jordan stuck two fingers into his own shorts and opened it up giving Lex a clear view of his package. With his other paw Jordan shoved the bag of red vines in, under his sack, and then let the shorts snap back down as he rested back on his rear.

Resting back on the ground the hyena smirked as if saying "hah, I won."

"You don't think I will go in there? I will buddy. I'm telling you I will." Lex said rolling up his sleeves as he got up. Marching down the hyena Lex bent over and grabbed a hold of the hyena shorts.

"Wait," Jordan said his legs tensing up as he felt himself grow hard at the very thought of his smaller friend crawling into his shorts, wishing he hadn't gone commando now. . "I was kidding, kidding." He joked wrapping a paw around his friend and setting him gently on the ground to the side.

Rolling onto his other side Jordan fished inside his shorts for the bag. He didn't think Lex would actually do it, then again he did go a little farther than planned. Jordan was always treading over that line it seemed these days. And then there was that one time they got drunk...

"Here," the hyena said dropping the small bag down. "Might be a little musky." He added with a toothy grin the tip of his tongue sticking through the front of his teeth.

"Just adds to the taste." Lex laugh pulling one out and nomming the end of it. He let it dangle from the end of his snout as he watched the hyena delicately turn back over and lay back down, making sure Lex was a good few feet away.

As the dust settled Jordan offered his paw again and as Lex climbed up on it it became apparent to both of them that this paw was the same one he shoved into his shorts not too long ago. Rather hastily Jordan placed him back on his stomach. Jordan brought the paw up, moving his head to the side and sniffed at it embarrassed over the fact. He almost winced at his own smell and knew he should've taken a shower this morning. He had last night so he figured it would be good. Forgetting the distance it took to get here however.

Jordan didn't apologize hoping he could get away with it if he hadn't but as he felt his friend climb back under his shirt and away from the cold night air those thoughts were quickly replaced with others. He bit his lower lips hoping and praying the moving body on his stomach would go back up to his chest than down below where his stiffening member was becoming more and more apparent. The smaller male still had a weight to it as he walked on his chest making the hyena even more aware of his own arousal. He was sure Lex could smell it let alone see his tenting shorts, not in the traditional sense. Sheath's created more of a mound, a rather large bulge before spilling it's contents out. To any fur though you'd know the difference between a bugle and a sheath bulge.

Lex poked his head out of his shirt and turned around only to pull his arms out the same time. He watched the movie as it finally began to play. Jordan sat up a bit allowing his smaller friend to use his arms to hold onto his shirt so he didn't slide down towards his shorts. Moving onto his rear more Jordan hoped to hide his affection for the smaller male. Still Jordan found himself looking down at his friend rather than at the movie beginning to play.

"Oh I love this part." Lex said nudging back at him. Lex's attention soon turned to the buzzing in his pocket and withdrew his phone.

Jordan always thought of his smaller friend as his best friend. Even over his own sized friends most of which had a huge ego to match their size. Lex came out to him and in turn Jordan did as well... well that he was bisexual that is. The two had been close ever since school and even as Lex began college and his job the two stayed in contact. Even when they both were busy they found a way to at least text one another.

"Hey," Lex spoke up. "You mind if Tommy joins us?" He asked turning to look back at the hyena.

Jordan frowned at the name of Lex's boyfriend. The very dog he hated most. He feared that Lex already only saw him as a friend and the fact he wasn't single was in and of itself a slap in the face. Now he was inviting him along to their hang out? Their hang out! They rarely got to do this as it was.

The hyena just grumbled wishing he could just step on the pest. Or, accidentally, sitting on him. Or pick him up and chuck him at the sun. Or eat him... The cocky prick would deserve it. Always taking advantage of his smaller friend; telling him he was coming then never showing up, making dates that he would come to drunk or high and countless other things his friend all but seemed to miss. Jordan was there to pick up the pieces afterwards and still Lex stayed true even after he got cheated on without even being asked first. Asking for a monogamous relationship and sleeping with any dog that hiked up their tail.

The cat was too friendly and accepting of others (reason why he hung out with the giant hyena ironically). He was a push over because of it. Too good of a guy that always ended up dating douchebags that'd take advantage of his good hearted, spirited nature.

"Cool, he'll be here in a bit." Lex said happily looking at his friend once more before quickly snapping his neck back towards the screen as a poorly edited scream played on it. "Oh look, the big boobed, blonde chick got it!" He chuckled. "Who would've known that the county whore would die?" He chuckled at that but Jordan had lost his festive mood.

His ears kept lifting up and turning towards the parking lot every time, any sound, came by. It was a fine sports car that made Jordan's gut drop and jowls rise a bit. He contained himself as, from his vantage point, could see the blue sports car pulling up.

Out of the front seat came stepped out a taller, somewhat thin Jackal that was wearing shades in the middle of the night. He had a leather jacket on as if trying to look like some biker punk. He flipped open his phone to send a text or two, taking his sweet time before finally walking over. He flipped off the beaver behind the counter and just walked inside. Everything about him screamed douche.

"Hey Tommy." Lex said, crawling out of the hyena's shirt. Jordan had half a mind to stuff him back inside and step on the giant cockroach that had walked in.

"It's Tom." The jackal said lowering his shades to look at the large hyena. He wavered in front of those eyes and kept a good distance from him. "Look I just came to borrow some cash. I dented the girl and needed to get it fixed." He thumbed over at his car. "These movies are so lame anyways." Jordan twitched at that. THAT was going too far.

"Well I don't got any cash on me, hun." Lex said hopping down easily and walking over.

"Look you got plastic right?" Lex nodded. "Good. Theirs an ATM around the corner."

"At the gas station?" Lex frowned, Jordan could see the lights still lit up showing Racky Raccoon's Stop and Drop Gas Station a few blocks down. He frowned at that.

"Yeah. It's right around the corner. Look I need it by the morning and I know you got school so it's not like I can see you. Come on, after everything I've done. You owe for this one." And then the jackal did something that really pissed the hyena off. "Sweety, baby pie. Whose my big toof kitty cat." He said as sweetly as a viper would to a helpless bunny. And Lex fell for it every time.

"OK. I'll be right back Jordan." Lex said heading off. He got the amount, two-hundred bucks no less, and began jogging outside.

"You couldn't even let him take your car?" Jordan asked holding in his disdain for the small creature.

"I never let anyone drive my girl!" The jackal said lowering his shades once more to look at him. He turned away opening his phone again to start messaging for, Jordan was sure, another hook up as the Jackal grin lewdly chuckling as he stared at the picture sent to him.

Jordan turned on his side facing the Jackal, looking him up and down slowly. His stomach growled not having eaten most the day. It costed an arm and leg to fill him up. "Hey," Jordan said softly his breath washing over the back of the jackal who turned towards him.

Tommy froze realizing just how close the hyena was now. "Y-yeah?" He asked his voice dropping low, eyes widening as his shades slide down his nose.

"Do you know why Lex broke up with his other boyfriends?" The hyena asked not even bothering to keep his mouth partially closed as he talked. Drool trickled from the side and dripped onto the ground as his tongue curled and rolled forming the words clearly for the jackal to see.

Tommy shook his head.

"Is that natural leather?" Jordan asked raising an eyebrow at his coat. Once more he looked over him. Leather coat, no shoes, some kind of car riding gloves, plastic shades, some linen shirt. Nothing specially. Nothing to worry about.

The jackal didn't even get a chance to nod before the muzzle pressed him against the ground roughly, breathing hotly over him and with a wide broad, pink tongue slathering him in saliva. The canine barely had time to react as head first the muzzle closed around him, the dull teeth holding him without drawing blood before the snout retreated, carrying him along with it.

There was a muffled cry as Jordan tossed his muzzle up, opening it and sending the dog into the air before face first letting him land back into his muzzle. And with a snap closed it around him. The tongue rippled underneath him like a fleshy wave, rolling him back and forth as the dog hung on for dear life.

Jordan sat up and kept his maw securely shut as he licked over the curled up black fur dog. He shoved him up against the rigid roof of his muzzle and slammed him into his closed teeth, rolling him around letting the dog exhaust himself in his feeble struggles.

Kicks and punches in every direction, trying to bite at the tongue slapping him in the face over and over again as he lower body slid down underneath it. Saliva was filling the muzzle, string from the canine body to the roof of the mouth. Every breath Tommy took was that of the hyena, breathing hotly into his maw as he exhaled cheeks puffing outwards with it.

Jordan smacked his lips, using his tongue to lick over his muzzle slowly. The teeth parted and fresh air gushed inside giving the jackal a moment of respite. The dog didn't have the strength to cry out but tried to crawl between the teeth even if they may snap down on him in any second.

The hyena watched as the dog pushed against his tongue, sliding out the front of his maw and trying to escape. Drenched in saliva the dog's already thin coat of fur was matted to his flesh. He lost his shades in the struggle and was panting for breath.

Tommy managed to get half of his body out before those lips closed around him. A moment passed, a slowly agonzing moment where the dog was able to look out and around before staring back at the now grinning hyena. And with a single slurp the dog was sucked back into the hyena's muzzle, feet first sliding over the end of his broad tongue, all the way back into his opening gullet.

Jordan kept his maw open slightly, letting him see his fate. The rigid roof was a light shade of black than his lips were. His tongue was a dark pink, slightly bumping and far longer than it look, broad and was sliding outwards to creating the perfect slope for him. The soft palate was rising and falling with his breaths before it sucked up, tongue lowering down and throat opening as the jackal began the glide smoothly down into the hyena's grumbling belly.

Tommy grabbed at anything he could, trying to hold onto the tongue but slathered, slick as he was there was little surface friction to stop him. He couldn't get a hold on anything and as the hyena grin widened, the jackal saw the last traces of light he ever would before Jordan swallowed.

His throat bulged almost painfully so, but it felt so good at the same time. Closing his eyes Jordan held that object in his throat for a second before, with another powerful gulp, swallowed him whole. The bump slide down his throat, showing through his chest slightly before vanishing forever within.

There was a loud gurgling sound and Jordan rested back patting over his belly with a content sigh. Hyena's were scavengers, eating the things of the wasteland others wouldn't. Taking the nasty things out of this world, even giant cockroaches.

Tommy slid down the slick passageway, feeling the hyena's heart beat, hearing his breath before finally descending into the tight chamber. Pushing at the living walls weakly before shacking as the hyena patted his stomach, the sound echoing around him like a drum. The belly swirled and moved, liquid already at the bottom and rising slowly, seeping from the walls as powerful enzymes began to fill it. The jackal would at least try.

He couldn't see a thing but could feel the tingling numbness on his fingers and toes. The air in here was rank, putrid and he couldn't breath. It made his eyes water. In panic, as there was another loud gurgling from somewhere below, he began pounding on the walls trying to cry for help, pushing and kicking forming small bumps and movements on the hyena's belly.

Jordan giggled at the feel. Inside or outside it made him feel giddy. He licked his lips slowly looking down at it, petting over it and knowing his powerful stomach would take another retched creature from this world.

Knowing things might get a bit complicated, the hyena stood up (the contents of his belly sloshing around as he did so) and stepped over the fence towards the car. He reached down, picked up the over size toy. He eyed the beaver in the stand who just looked the other way. And with another grin, making sure no one else was looking, chucked the car as hard as he could into the wilds of Macro territory.

And with that moved back inside, cozied up back into his spot and let out a loud belch.

As if on clockwork Lex reappeared carrying a large, almost body, sized bag. He looked around. "Where's Tommy?" The sabertooth offered the large bag to the hyena who took it between two fingers.

"Popcorn!" Jordan smiled widely, licking his lips.

"All yours bud!" Lex smiled at his friend before looking around. Not spying the car in the parking lot he figured Tommy had just gone on without him.

"Don't worry about the money." Jordan said already swallowing a large muzzle full of buttery popcorn. He patted his belly afterwards. "Tom couldn't stomach the movie."

"Oh. I thought he'd stick around for the money anyways." Lex said a bit disheartened before a paw was offered to him and smiled at the large muzzle facing down at him. He got on, knowing his friend would never hurt him, and was placed once more on his belly.

Lex sunk into a bit and felt some resistance. Figuring the hyena had been eating far too much Lex was about to crawl under his shirt once more when Jordan stopped him.

"Going to take my shirt off." Jordan smiled before doing just that. Sitting up a bit he ruffled in the back for one of the two liters of mountain dew. Wanting to wash the nasty taste from his muzzle that roaches always left.

"Oh," Lex said a bit disheartened once more. He had slide back onto his friends lap.

"Heh, don't look like that." Jordan chuckled, covering another burp and licked his lips retasting that nasty taste on his lips. "Here," he said lazing back and coaxing the cat up and, undoing the button on his shorts, opened them up for him. "Slide in backwards, It'll keep you warm all night long."

"Hah," Lex chuckled not even hesitating as he did just that. "Like that one time when we got drunk." Jordan smiled broadly at that as his friends put a single leg next to his own and rested slightly on and to the side of his sheath that twitched in response. The musk was strong but so was the warmth and Lex shivered at the contrast to the cold air.

Keeping his whole lower body, his stomach and a little bit of his chest, Lex laid down on his friend using his slightly engorged belly as a pillow and began to watch the movie. Listening to the sound of the gurgling stomach that always soothed him when his boyfriends went missing.