Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:28 9 Months Pregnant

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#28 of Bowser

Bowser and Jewelia were in the throne room. Jewelia was sitting on her throne. Bowser was walking around. Jewelia was just watching him. He looked at her a couple times, but continued walking around. "Will you quit walking around. Youre making me dizzy." Bowser stops walking around. "Im nervous." "So am I." Bowser walks to Jewelia. He pickes her up. "H-hey..I think..." Bowser know what was comming. He took her to the hospital. About 20 minutes later, their babys born. Shes a human, and looks just like her mother. Bowser smiles at his new daughter. Jewelia lays back on her bed. She pants a little bit. Bowser just is as happy as hell ever be. Jewelia just fell asleep. Until Next Chapter!!! Sry if it`s short...Lazy