Flamechild - Chapter 5: "Accommodations and a Salt Trail"

Story by SylarEnderpaws on SoFurry

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#5 of Flamechild

Mood / Tone: foreboding, passionate, honest

Summary (Contains CHAPTER FOUR Spoilers!):

After being kicked out of the orphanage where he had spent most of his life, Rowen is taken by Kira to her house, and consoled by her and her mother. Rowen and Kira share a bed.

Kira bursts through the door to her house, leading Rowen by his wrist; both cubs had soaked and unhappy faces. Her mom jumped up, about to be angry, but, when she saw their faces, she opened her arms wide hugging both of the cubs.

"What happened?"

"Rowen got kicked out." Kira explained to her mom.

"Kic- but why?"

Rowen spoke up, "My sister caught us kissing and told Madame Kiel."

Kira's mom looked angry, but she restrained herself.

"Ma'am, I apologize that you must find out this way, but, I am in love with your daughter."

She laughed nervously, "But you are only a cub; what do you know about love?"

"I know that when I am with her, she brings me the greatest joy I have ever experienced. She is awesome in the true sense of the word; she is perfect."

Kira was neon red at this point.

Her mom was about to laugh when she noticed the necklace, "Oh my..." she examined it. "How much was this Rowen?"

"Four silver. Well, actually four silver, eighteen pieces. I could only afford four coins."

Kira butted in, "It was the most fantastic surprise at dinner."

Kira's mom saw the emblem, "You... showed him?"

Kira nodded.

"You must really love my daughter," her mom began, "you can call me Mom."

Kira tapped Rowen, "Mom, watch this," giving him a small nod.


The biggest fireball engulfed the room; Rowen clenched his fist in a mixture of anger, rage, and a deep sadness; taking no note of the size of the fireball. He didn't even realize he had extinguished it.

Kira thought to herself, I don't even think he remembered that he was grasping a fireball. It was like he forgot the moment he began.

"That's why?" Kira's mom was wide-eyed, "Amazing." She began again, "You two must be tired. Get to bed. Both of you."

"In the same be-" Kira began, stopping herself.

"He needs you tonight hun. No funny business. We'll work something out in time." The mother kissed both of her cubs on the forehead, "Good night."

Mother would never let me sleep in the same bed; especially not with a boy. She entered her room and sat her boyfriend down in her bed. "Uh... get dressed and get in bed; call me when you are done. I will be standing outside the door." An embarrassed Kira left the room, closing the door behind her.

He stripped out of his clothes in the bright lantern light; putting on loose, comfortable pajama bottoms. Stuffing his clothes into his bag, crawling into bed, he called her in.

She entered blushing, "No peaking,"


She took off her shirt, embarrassed, covering her chest with an arm. She slithered out of her jeans, revealing only tight black panties. She quickly found a bra and put it on.

Rowen couldn't help but stare, "You are... so beautiful." Kira became hot in her face.

She blew out the lantern with a soft puff, and padded softly over to her bed.

They lay facing each other.

She caressed his cheek with a finger, "I am so sorry I caused this; I love you."

"It wasn't your fault." He rubbed her bare back, slipping a paw under her bra strap.

She let out a moan and curled up into his chest. He pulled her closer and continued to rub her upper and lower back. She shivered. Rowen interlaced their fingers and they both say goodnight.