The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 12: Runaway

Story by Mkananoja on SoFurry

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#12 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past

Chapter 12 - Runaway

"You're not going anywhere!" Edgard groaned eyes narrowed as Spyro, Cynder and Ranger prepared to the worst. Both Spyro and Cynder understood they would escape rather easily by just flying off but ranger would not last a minute against orcs by himself so they both decided to fight their way out.

"We can't just fight against them, there are too many of them and by doing so we risk ranger as well." Spyro said to Cynder.

"Then what you would suggest?" Cynder asked looking left and right. Few orcs began to approach them but they halted as Edgard rose his hand.

"No... they're mine..." Edgard groaned quietly before he brought his sword before him.

"Take this as a honour you prats. When you fall by my hand, chief gives me whole battalion of orcs to my command and I get back what is rightfully ours. SOMETHING YOU CYNDER STOLE FROM US AND GAVE TO PATHETIC APES!" Edgard Groaned loudly and began to ran towards her. Cynder leaped sideways when Edgard swung his sword with such rage you could actually hear sharp blade cutting trough air.

"Spyro! Get ranger out from here! I'll hold this Berserk!" Cynder shouted as she tried to keep distance from raging Edgard. Spyro looked surrounding orcs and realised all the fighting sounds made more and more curious orcs gather around. 'No good... if we wont go out from here at once we might not have a change later.' Spyro thought for himself. Ranger swept surrounding orcs slowly with his eyes trying to find easiest way out. His eyes locked up into small hole in orc circle and he tapped Spyro carefully to top of his head. Spyro looked up at Ranger and turned his eyes where Ranger where staring at. At the same time Cynder unleashed her shadowy firebreath on Edgard which Edgard barely dodged, recovered almost at instant Edgard continued swung his huge sword on Cynder. Cynder saw opening on Edgards defence and she took advance of it as she shoved Edgard's legs with her tail and made Edgard fell on ground.

"Hurry up!" She shouted to Spyro before she turned her head back on Edgard. Cynder eyes shot wide as she saw Edgard up again and already swinging his sword down on her. She barely dodged it by leaping right. Edgard hit the sword hard on ground and sword embed over two feets into ground and he tried to pull it out. Cynder saw her opportunity and lanced towards Edgard to deliver headpunch. Unluckily Edgard noticed Cynder's doings and hit her hard with his strong fist to her cheek. Cynder groaned from pain briefly as she crashed on ground few meters away from Edgard.

"CYNDER!" Spyro shouted as he saw Cynder being hit. Just as he where about to step into their fight Cynder got up, shook her head and glanced on Spyro briefly.

"I'm fine. You must leave NOW!" She shouted before she turned against Edgard once again who just pulled his sword out from ground. Spyro puzzled for a moment should he help Cynder out or do what she told. He didn't think that long as Ranger pulled his knife to his left arm and threw it on one of the orcs in circle and brief second later orc groaned in pain as knife has hit to orc's chest and emped all the way to tilt. Spyro alerted from ranger action and decided to help him get away from camp but in deep himself he was worried would Cynder hold out long enough. Spyro unleashed fireball on group next to fallen orc while Ranger took his short sword on his right hand and began to ran towards where fireball where flying into. First row's orcs ducked on ground as they saw fireball incoming but few unlucky behind them didn't see upcoming in time and their eyes shot wide just the moment fireball hit them, causing big explosion and sending tight group of orcs flying to different directions. Before other orcs realised what happened ranger have already ran trough from just formed hole and swung his short sword cutting one orc's troth who where just recovering from blast and ranger continued his run.

"FOOLS! DONT LET THAT CREATURE GET AWAY! GO AFTER IT!" Edgard shouted furiously and tried to run after ranger too but Cynder stepped on his way halting him. Spyro ran trough hole as well just before over half the camp run after him and the creature.

"RUN!" Spyro shouted to ranger. Ranger looked over his shoulder while running and gasped as he saw over 70 orcs running after him, or what he thought he saw.

"En pysty hätistämään heitä!" Ranger shouted back and ran like wind, his ropes fluttering. Spyro lifted himself on air. 'Oh no... we're running to wrong direction. Swamp is behind us!' Spyro thought as he saw nothing but plains ahead and he flew next to ranger.

"Keep running! I'll slow them down!" Spyro shouted to ranger and circled around towards chasing orcs and breath fire on ground creating small firewall on their path. orcs halted for a moment before they began to circle around firewall. Thinking he has bought enough time to go check on Cynder he flew fast as he could to Cynder who where busy keeping Edgard off from chase.

"You incompetent fool! Who you're working for!?" Edgard groaned loudly as he swung his sword horizontally.

"For No-one!" Cynder shouted after she have dodged Edgard's attack by jumping backwards.

"Hah! You think I believe you? You work for Dark Master!" Edgard groaned before he raised his sword above his head. Just at the moment he swung his sword downwards, large fireball hit him directly to his chest. Edgard groaned in pain as he flew on his tent's remains. Cynder turned her head where fireball had came and she smiled when she saw Spyro coming.

"Time to go Cynder! Ranger needs our help!" Spyro shouted before he turned around and flew after ranger and chasing orcs. Cynder flapped her wings and lunged towards Edgard who where recovering from blast and slashed him to his head with her tail, causing long cutwound going across his face. Edgard groaned from pain as he hold his face. Cynder didn't wait to see results of her attack, instead she flew after Spyro.

"This is not over yet Cynder! Mark my words... It's far from it." Edgard groaned when he saw Cynder leaving.

Spyro Flew as fast as he could and after a moment he saw ranger still running for his life and several dozen orcs gaining him. Ranger breathed heavily as he ran on his limits, legs becoming more numb and more unresponsive every passing second.

"Olisi vain pitäny harjoitella kun siihen oli vielä mahdollisuus..." Ranger whispered to himself while his speed where decreasing because of exhaust. Spyro Bombarded chasing orcs from above with fireballs, sending small groups of orcs fly around randomly with yells but even if bombardment slowed them down a bit they where still gaining on ranger. Seeing that ranger where running on his very limits and he could collapse any second now Spyro unleashed his last fireball on leading group of orcs and lunged over ranger. Not giving much thought what to do Spyro tried to grab ranger from his shoulders and tried to lift him up but he couldn't lift him on air more than few feets before he lost his grip. Ranger fell on ground on his knees gasping for lack of air, unable to run any further. orcs where just few dozen meters away and you could see their murderous expressions against twin moon's light and how moonslight reflected from their helmets and swords which few of them had. Cynder flew across orcs' path and breathed her poisonous mist creating green thick poisonous cloud between ranger and orcs. Few orcs tried to come trough the mist but they coughed violently and turned back. Cynder landed next to Spyro.

"That mist stays there only few seconds before wind blows it away. We need get going!" Cynder said.

"I cant lift him up alone, he's too heavy!" Spyro said quickly.

"Then we need to carry him together!" Cynder responded and glanced behind her briefly noticing poison mist where already becoming thinner.

"You take left arm, I take this one!" Cynder continued and Spyro nodded. Cynder grasped ranger from his right arm with both of her pawns tightly. Ranger hissed from pain as Cynder's claws went trough ranger's clothes and embed slightly trough his skin as well. Spyro took ranger's left arm tightly as well but more gently, causing no wounds.

"One, two, three!" Cynder counted and they flapped their wings fast and lifted ranger above ground rising slowly. First orcs has managed to run trough thin mist and tried to hit ranger with their clubs and swords but missed his legs few inches as he was already too high. Lifting ranger turn out to be more difficult as both Spyro and Cynder thought as they didn't have much room for their wings as they collided with eachother with almost every flap, but they managed to fly higher.

"Where to? Back to swamp?" Cynder asked.

"I don't think so. To get there we should go over their camp and I think we have seen Edgard too much already and going around it takes too much time. No, we need gain distance from orcs and fast." Spyro said while looking down on growing group of orcs who where roaring loudly and waving their weapons.

"Ok. If I remember right there is a river few miles away. If we fly over it it buys us more time as they need to get over it somehow. There we can lose them. This way!" Cynder answered and two dragons began carry ranger towards river. orcs began to follow them from below and where keeping up with them. Ranger face where twisted from pain Cynder where causing to him but he where still too exhausted and too aware from fact that they had saved him so he didn't complain about it and tried to manage with it as best he could.

"Kiitos..." Ranger said quietly.