Furry Holmes Chapter 1 ( Part 3 )

Story by 4leksand3r on SoFurry

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#3 of Furry Holmes

Sunshine shone into my room and I awoke at the clanging of metal in the kitchen. I rubbed my bleary eyes and stretched myself. I saw Lestrade bending down, trying to pick the metal cup that fell to the ground.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked, raising his brows.

"Yeah, you are kinda loud," I replied, yawning while going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Squeezing an inch of white fluoride toothpaste onto my toothbrush and gurgling a mouthful of water, Lestrade asked,"Came up with anything yesterday?"

"Nah, still not enough evidence."

"But we already got all evidence!"

Rinsing my mouth and wiping it dry with a towel, "Then let's take a trip to the shop again, shall we?"

Lestrade said nothing, but replied with knitted eyebrows.

"You can stay at home if you want," I said.

"I'll go, okay?"

"Have anything happened lately?" I took a sip of the tea the shopkeeper offered us.

He shook his head.

"See? Nothing!" Lestrade said, a bit annoyed.

I ignored him and opened my mouth to speak again, "Let me look around more."

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Tell me if you need anything."

I went around the shop and looked around carefully but found nothing of great importance. Except for the staff room, I've checked everything else. Now, of course, is to investigate the staff room. Turning to the shopkeeper behind me, I asked for the access to the the staff room.

"What could be of use there?" The shopkeeper looked surprised." But, go ahead. If you can find anything of importance there, then it would be great."

"Why the staff room now?!" Lestrade sounded annoyed," there is nothing of importance there, I bet with you."

"Just cooperate,"I said," please."

He growled and flashed a look of annoyance at me. I proceeded to the staff room and the employees there greeted me. "Do you guys have a similar necklace to the stolen one?"

"Yeah,"one of the employee rushed into the storage room and hurried out with a similar necklace.

"What type of people usually buy them?" I examined the necklace in detail.

"Hmm, newly-weds are the most common buyers, although that some old people also buy them."

"Do you guys have a diamond examiner?"

"Yeah, here it is !"

Placing the diamond under the examiner, I saw that the diamond was one of the heart-shaped pear-cuts, quite intricately cut.

"Why is it cheap?"

"The diamond is not of very good quality and gets dull easily."

"So it's not exactly a pure diamond?"


"Is it harder?"


"Okay, thank you,"I bowed to them and signaled Lestrade to follow me. The shopkeeper saw us and asked,"Found anything?" I nodded.

"Something of extremely great importance."

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Furry Holmes Chapter 1 ( Part 2 )

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Furry Holmes Chapter 1

Detective, is what I am. Solving cases then pocketing my fees is how I get enough, no, more than enough for me to sustain myself. Its 11.45pm and I just returned from my 'work', and by that I mean collecting evidences from the crime scenes. I am...
