Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:34)
#34 of Stories
(preveously-"What now?") *Now* Bowser looks in the room. He turns back around. "I dont know." he says. You walk to him. "Oh SHIT!!" you yell. "I forgot about the interview!" Bowser looks at you. He raises one eyebrow.\<-(I can do that! ^__^) "I had an interview with Toadsworth for a job. I was supposed t meet him at 3:00! It
s 3:25!" you scream. You kiss Bowsers cheek, and take off. Toadsworth is a little frusterated. "Sorry I
m late. *pant x3* I lost track of time." you say. "Hmph. Well, lets go." He says. You follow Toadsworth into a huge store. You look around. There are so many toads in there. You go introduce yourself, and answer some questions. After the interview, you head back to the casle. "I
ll mail you the results!" Toadsworth screams to you. You keep walking. When you arrive at the castle, you hear something. You walk in. The koopalings run to you. "Daddys sick. He freaking throwing up!" Roy tell
s you. "Where is he?" you ask. They all point to the bathroom. You thank them, and go to the bathroom. "Bowser? Are you ok?" you ask. "M-my somach hurt, a-and I ran to the bathroom." he says. "Can I come in?" you ask. "Yeah." Bowser responds. You open the door, and walk in. Bowser flushes the toilet. You close the door. Bowser looks at you. "How are you feeling now?" you ask. "Muck better. You walk over to him. You feel his head. "Youre warm. I
ll take your temprature." you tell him. You take his temprature. "100. Come on. You need to rest." you say. You lead Bowser to his room. "Stay here. Im going to go get some medication for you." you tell Bowser. You exit his room and close he door. You meet Iggy on the way out. "Watch your dad for me. I
ll be back." you tell him. He nods. You exit the casle, and head to Toad Town. You meet Toadsworth when you get there. You ignor thim, and go to Toad Store. <-(stupid name) Tey give you the medication, and you leave. Wen you get to the castle, you give Bowser the mediation, and exit the room...(stay tunned for pt:35)@