Lost Souls Chapter 4
#4 of Lost Souls
I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, my entire reason for the story kinda went downhill. Yes, the story is based around a person, and no, she is not dead. Just gathering my thoughts still and hoping emotional pain stops like physical. Anyways, this is my new years treat for anyone who does actually read my story. Hope you guys like it. I touched up my grammar a bit so it is better than the first few chapters. Hope you like it.
As I walked through the town trying to find an exit I stumbled across a few guards. They looked familiar to me. I gasped a bit realizing they were the guards that had escorted me to Helvas. I quickly hid before they saw me. I jumped into a nearby doorway. Luckily, the family wasn't home.
I searched for an exit, something, anything to get past those guards. They knew what I looked like so i couldn't just hide my somewhat blood stained face. They wouldn't be able to just pass it off as nothing. The house was fairly normal, with wooden chairs and tables that looked hand crafted. The floor was wooden with a red rug covering most of it. I found a window that i could jump out of.
I carefully pulled out the window frame so i could jump out and squeezed through the window. I had done it! I had gotten past them but now I was lost. I ran through the town looking for places that i recognized. I saw something familiar. The sewer gate, I found it! I slipped into the gate without anyone noticing me and found my way back in the area with the scratches and blood but some of it looked fresh.
I heard chatter in the distance and it was getting closer. I had no place to hide in the sewers. I could smell a damp, dead, dusty creature near me. I didn't notice it before. Maybe it was because my mind was on my main mission or because i moved too fast but the smell was strong. I was gagging while trying to stay quiet. My nose was against me at this point and my eyes were watering at the smell to the point of crying just from the smell. I was barely able to hold down my own puke. I looked around after doing my best to get used to the awful smell.
The chattering grew ever closer. I had no way of avoiding it, I had to fight. I reached for my ax and tightly gripped the handle. The handle, now splintered from the hit on Helvas, was at a point of breaking. I could only manage one or two good hits before it breaks. The chattering stopped and I was struck with fear. I had trouble moving but I had managed to turn around to find two guards dragging a blindfolded, handcuffed coyote through the tunnel.
"The guards haven't noticed me yet. I could slip out now while they are preoccupied with the coyote." I tried to convince myself the coyote would be okay but I was unable to.
I snuck behind one of the guards. The low light made it easier to sneak around them. I bashed one of the guards with the blunt side of my ax and it snapped in two. It made a loud "Clunk" on the ground as it fell. The coyote was unmoved by the sound but the guard had instantly placed the coyote on the ground and pulled out his sword. I was out if weapons and ideas by this point.
"I could pull out the brass knuckles but his sword is just too long. I have no other option though." I thought to myself hoping it would work.
I quickly pulled out the brass knuckles and took my fighting stance. I remembered what i had learned about fighting against an armed opponent but never was able to test it out. The guard swung fast. I had almost no time to react to it. I quickly jumped back as the blade just missed me. I went in for a punch and knocked the side of his face. Damn it was hard to see in this light.
I knocked the guards helmet off. I didn't even realize he was wearing a helmet until I hit it. I saw his face and it looked familiar, and then I realized who I had hit. It was the cheetah! He lunged at me and a light came off his blade. He hit me with the side with his handle and knocked me to the ground. I had trouble standing from the force of the hit.
I couldn't hold anything back anymore, I finally threw up. The cheetah backed away. He knew I would be there a while trying to get back up. He picked up the coyote and placed him near the wall. Without a word, he punched the coyote in the face and a loud "Yelp!" was heard. I forced myself back onto my feet and ran towards the cheetah.
I tackled him, and his sword flew out of his hand and across the sewer. I was on top of the cheetah, but he wasn't fighting back.
"Why are you doing this?" I yelled out.
"I'm just following orders!"
"Why? Why would you follow orders like these?!? What if he has a family or friends who rely on him!" I started yelling out as loud as I could while tears of anger were rolling down my face.
"I want my wings, I don't want to deal with being made fun of anymore."
"That's your reason?! You just want to have your stupid wings?"
"You don't understand!" He yelled.
I got off him and walked over to a wall. I sat next to it, no longer angry but now sad. I knew why he was doing it and I knew well. In the past I did something similar to this. I was forced to get into a fight with a promise of being the cool kid in school, I would no longer be made fun of and I would be allowed to eat an entire meal at school without most of it ending on my lap. It never worked, they just used me and tossed me away.
"I know your reason." I said sobbing quietly. " I know your pain well, but this won't solve anything!"
He got up and came over to me, he sighed as he sat down.
"I'm not sure what to say. You seem set on protecting a guy you don't know."
"I don't know him, you're right, but no one deserves this!"
"Our order was to interrogate him then free him, but if he didn't give enough information then we were to kill him. Either way he dies. The mission was my choice to take and I was promised my wings if I killed him."
"What do you mean he dies either way?"
"Those who were offered this mission knew he had no information to give." He held his hands up to his face in shame.
"Is that why you were so nervous earlier?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about what he did to deserve such things but I knew if I said anything that I wouldn't get my wings."
The guard on the ground started to wake.
"You should go before he fully wakes up." He said as he got up.
"Before I go, promise me you will not kill him. Tell him to not move and I will drag him out later."
He nodded in agreement.
"Go now. I have this handled."
"Alright. Oh, what is your name?"
"Hadrian. Most just call me 'Spots'."
I nod and run towards the exit. I leave the sewers and escape the terrible smell. I wait an hour then go back into the sewers and pull out the coyote. Hadrian had kept his word. While pulling the coyote out I heard a small voice.
I turned around to find a figure running towards me. It was Hadrian! He caught up to me in a matter of seconds. He didn't have his wings, which was a great relief to me, or any armor on for that matter. He was wearing a villager tee and villager shorts to match, it showed off more than his armor did. His body matched his spotless face.
"Why are you here?" I said in slight surprise
"I came to help you out." He stated with a smile on his face. He seemed to say that with a child like enthusiasm that was rarely heard in anyone.He grabbed the coyotes arm and put it over his shoulder. The coyote let our a small grunt as Hadrian did this.
"Alright, lets go" I said. We walked out of the sewer with much ease, minus the occasional grunt from the coyote forcing us to stop and make sure the coyote was okay. After we got outside we placed to coyote down and tried to figure out what to do next.