Dylan and Vincent: New Beginnings (Part 1: Together, As One)
#1 of Dylan And Vincent: New Beginnings
Hurray for copy-paste! :D
So, hey, my first submission here. Hope you guys like it. I'll try to get the next part done.
The morning sun shone over the small town of Yorba Linda, peering through windows of nearby houses. In the distance, the sun's rays hit a giant wall. Behind that wall stood a college, waiting for its many halls and classrooms to fill with students, eager to get through the four years that await them inside the very walls they have stepped in. As time passed, more students started running through the corridors, as if the school itself was a grand labyrinth of polished stone and granite. You could hear the laughter of old friends reuniting, the footsteps of confused students looking for their dorm rooms, the chit-chatter of teachers welcoming everyone inside. Outside two giant gates stood open, and everyone walked in, backpacks in hand and tears of never seeing their parents until later. Just outside of those gates, however, stood a particular tiger, marveled by the architecture, as if he had seen it for the first time. His mind rushed with typical first day thoughts. This tiger's name was Dylan Gonzales, a Peruvian native who was born in Ventanilla and stayed there until his mom decided to move to the United States. Up until now, he's been shy and has never really opened up to anyone. The tiger, still deep in thought, decided it be best to move in and not become a roadblock for incoming students. With a confident look on his face, he began to walk in...
"I should be really thankful for this," I thought, a bit nervous, trying to cheer myself up. "At least I'm away from my hectic family for four years."
I was nothing more than any regular student in here, the only difference is that I am from a different country, speak two languages, have no rights to roam the states freely, and, the most important difference in my opinion, am gay.
"This will NEVER work," I thought to myself.
Just walking inside the college made me feel like an ant. It was so big, like a castle that had, to my extent, no end. If it was this big, I wonder how long it would take me to find my dorm room. I groaned at the fact of endlessly walking up and down flights of stairs, but fortunately for me, my welcome card had a map of the entire school and which buildings are which.
At least I saved myself from sore paws in the end.
About ten minutes later, I was at the door of my room, one that I would later share with someone else. Using my key, I opened up the door, slowly and steady. Taking a peek inside, I saw just how empty the room was. As I entered, I realized this wasn't a dorm room, but a hotel. Seriously, the room looked state of the art with a balcony and everything. I could even say it was better than Peru. Then I realized how much money this might have cost and though, "Ouch." There was no money in Peru left for us (the reason we moved to the U.S.) and we had to go through at least a few months, if not years, in the states before either Peru is not as corrupt as now or we just get used to here.
I was seriously hoping the latter would occur. Our nation is basically a trash dump of sorts.
"Ugh, I'm exhausted," I unexpectedly said to myself. I put down my backpack, took off my jacket, and laid down on my bed. I was just so tired after what felt like an eternity walking through the school grounds. After some time, I closed my eyes and let myself drift...
Meanwhile, just outside of the dorm room...
"Wow, I have a job as a hypnotist and I go to college," I thought to myself.
I, Vincent Torres, had started to wonder about being a professional hypnotist since I was very little. It boggled me how such a simple action as moving a watch back and forth could instantly harness one's control. It could also work for some... um... other undisclosed acts.
"You just keep fantasizing," I said to myself. "It will never come true." I smirked.
I actually learned hypnosis from a friend, and after a few years I was winning talent shows all over my town. Of course, I always gave credit to my friend and I even wanted to thank him more now, but I could never find him. The last thing I remember were those blue, entrancing eyes under the midnight moon... that felt like a dream- no, he was the dream. I was always trying to open up to him and tell him my true feelings, but I never got the chance. I regret those neglected opportunities, looking back...
Anyways, as I stepped out of the elevators for what feels like the umptilionth time I went searching for my dorm room number. It should be here somewhere, I always thought, and then I finding myself riding the metal box of patience once again.
But at long last, I found the room. I let out a giant sigh of relief. I reached for the keys in my pocket to open up the door, only to discover...
"It's open. Who could be inside?" I thought. Slowly turning the knob, I quietly stepped inside.
I was quiet for a reason, apparently, because I found someone else had already occupied one of the two beds, lying head down, sleeping. At first I thought, meh, he'll wake up.
Then I remembered him. And that was when my fantasies started generating inside my head.
I was starting to drool at the sleeping tiger. I wanted him, I needed him, so desperately...
"No. I can't," I unexpectedly said. And pretty loud too, because I think I woke up my target. He was shifting on the bed, possibly turning around. I just stayed frozen there. Then, a panic attack. His eyes opened in the general direction of me.
"Ugh..." the striped cat sighed before looking up to me. That was when he saw me and freaked out.
"Wh--? Are you--?!" He looked at me with wide eyes of fear.
"Hey, relax," I tried to keep him calm. "I'm just another student here--"
"But- How are you--??"
"Calm down, dude! Don't make me use--"
"ACK! Okay, okay, okay..." I think that last threat sent him to a state of shock so tense that even if he tried, he still couldn't keep himself relaxed.
Although I was willing to help him with that situation, I let him relax and started backing up to my own bed. I was, after all, a bit tired from walking through neverending halls and whatnot.
I got comfortable in my own bed and laid my backpack down next to me. I stayed awake, though, not because I couldn't trust the tiger, but because I thought about him. He acted very scared around me... I mean, sure, I'm a hypnotist, and a well recognized one, but he took it like I was the president! Perhaps he needed to be mesmerized by me and he'll be fine...
"I gotta stop that," I thought. Chuckling, I glanced over to the tiger, now just barely sleeping, but struggling to keep his eyes open.
I stood up from my bed after what felt like half an hour and approached the subject. He took notice and started to roll away from me, not as scared as before, but with the look of fear remaining in his eyes.
I sighed. Time to start convincing.
"Nonononononono," I thought to myself. "I will not let this surprisingly hot stud entrance me."
Crap. I think he already did.
I actually did find him attractive and handsome beforehand, but seriously, whenever I want to tell him my feelings I always chicken out at the last second. I've always feared that he'd hypnotize me to embarrass myself if I asked him. Now he was standing right in front of me. Guess I better accept my fate.
I rolled around in my bed, slowly, and saw the light blue horse just standing there with a straight face.
"Look, I know how you feel by this..." he began.
"No, you don't," I stated back. "Not my true feelings..."
I think he looked intrigued by my answer. "Oh? And how do you really feel about me?" He proceeded to take a seat next to me, which stressed me even more.
"W-well, I-I-I, uh..." I couldn't help but stutter.
He just smirked. "Tell you what, free session, right now. Maybe your true feelings can be expressed this way."
It was scary, but after a few seconds, I decided it was best for me. I accepted and got ready.
"Now, don't worry," he reassuringly proclaimed. "This will only take a while. I'll be gentle. Promise." He chuckled, as if he already knew what I was hiding.
"... Let's just get this over with," I muttered. As I stood up on my bed, the equestrian told me to look deep into his eyes. As he instructed to not look anywhere else, I was almost ready to just tell him straight up my feelings, none of this hypnosis stuff or whatnot. I really wanted to tell him that I loved him, that I wanted him more than anything in the world.
But as those thoughts circulated in my head, I felt my body start floating, as if it had started to lose weight little by little. It was a dreamy feeling, a blissful one. I started to lose vision, and probably consciousness, but it didn't matter. Even as he was still telling me what to do, I paid no attention, I just wanted to stay the way I was right now.
I started to close my eyes, and eventually, fell into a deep slumber.
"Now, can you tell me your name?" I coyly said to the mesmerized tiger, a bit joyful to have him under my control, but remembering that I couldn't take advantage of him just yet.
"Dylan," he replied, still keeping his eyes closed. I kept thinking, "Why do they always look hotter when they're zonked?"
I proceeded with my session. "Alright, Dylan, since this is your first time, I'm not going to pressure you, but whenever I ask a question, I want you to respond with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Understood?"
"Okay, then," I sighed. I started with a few simple questions.
"So, I haven't seen you around here before. Have you recently moved here?"
"No, that was about two years ago," he replied. Where has he been all this time?
"I see... from where did you come from?"
I was actually a bit shocked here. Now how did he learn English so fast...? "Mm? And how are you liking it here, have you gotten used to the, erm, "exotic" customs we have here?" Seriously, if I had to criticize the States, it would be the amount of crazy shit it has.
"Yes, very," he almost said sarcastically.
"Heh... okay. It almost feels like you just moved here recently, do you not like being around other people?"
"Honestly, I'm very shy. I don't like a ton of people around me, just a small clique that I like to call friends," he explained.
"So what does it take to be part of that small clique?" I quietly thought to myself. "Obviously, I'm not just going to ask him straight up, and I already promised myself not to take advantage of--"
"Which is why I was trying to look for you everywhere," he abruptly admitted. I slowly turned my head towards him. He was looking... for me?
"I knew you were a hypno therapist," Dylan continued, "and so I needed something to calm me down, to open up just a bit more and become sociable, but that wasn't the only reason I was looking for you..."
"Wait, there's more to this?" I thought. "Continue..." I was eager to know more.
"Well, I..." A bit of hesitation was in his voice, probably shaking with fear.
"It's fine, you can tell me. Don't worry." I kept comforting him.
After a few seconds, Dylan finally gave up the goods. "I've had... a crush on you... from the moment I first laid eyes on you..." A tear shed down his face as he kept revealing the truth. I, too, wanted to cry with him. "But whenever I found you, those feelings came back to me, pestering me, and then I thought, no, he'll just make fun of me, they always do..." By this point he was sobbing, almost uncontrollably.
I couldn't believe it. All this time we've been hiding the same secret, felt the same love for each other. It was almost an instant connection. And, man, was I glad that was done with.
It was then that decided to do something with Dylan. After I got him to calm down, I gave him the order to wake up with one thing in mind: At the exact moment he saw me once he woke up, if he really did love me like I loved him, he would hug me, no regrets.
I was scared to death doing it, but eventually, it was time. "Count backwards from three to one, slowly. When you get to one, you will wake up. Now... go."
The tiger did as complied. "Three... Two... One."
I suddenly woke up from what felt like the most relaxing nap I've ever taken in my life. I was pretty relaxed and felt great. I couldn't have thanked Vincent any more for that. Exactly what I needed.
But when I looked up to him, about to tell him how great it felt, something inside me started to compel me to hug him. I didn't know if it was for the dying love I had for him, or because of the therapy, but I just needed to do it.
So, with the slightest hint of hesitation, I leaned over and just wrapped my arms around him. It almost felt... right. Like this was necessary from the very beginning.
"Wait... what?" I quickly snapped back to reality and realized what I was doing. "Oh, no..."
"Sorry," I started. "I-I didn't mean to do that..." I started to break out of the hug, but Vince stopped me.
"No, it's completely fine, just don't hesitate." A pretty calming response, but I wasn't sure whether to be scared or calm. But then Vincent started speaking up with a response that would almost left me speechless.
"Dylan, ever since you saw me, you've had a raging love for me. You could never get around to telling it to me, and you just left it behind. And you know something?"
Vince looked down to me. "I've actually known you've been there. You were just hesitating to tell me, struggling very hard not to let it out. But I had no clue it would be this deep. It was today, however, when I saw you, and I realized, damn, why am I hiding it? I loved you, and it was a nice feeling to have.
"Now that we both revealed our own truths, there's nothing else we can do but just smile about it. If we love each other, then heck, let's be lovers! Or maybe we can find it in other people." Then Vince pulled me closer than before, almost wanting to whisper into my ear. "But you want us to be together, and so do I. It would only be logical, don't you think?"
I looked up at him. He was right. It was only logical. The only reason I was pulled into this in the first place.
I was starting to cry. I just hugged him tighter than before, rubbing my face on his chest. "It's okay. You don't need to cry..." Vince started. This was the moment I've been dreaming about. Now, it's finally come true.
In between sobs, I only said one thing. "Let's always be together."
"Don't worry," Vince replied. "I'm not going anywhere."
It was already dawning outside, but this new love was only the beginning of an endless night.
I woke up in the middle of the night. Vince and I were sharing the same bed. I just looked at him and smiled.
But it was there where new thoughts of rejection came up. This was going to be a family matter, and a huge one. How will they even try to accept me? Worse, could they just not accept the fact? I was scared stiff. I didn't know what to do...
"Don't worry about it," someone said inside my head. I remembered the sweet words of Vince just a few hours ago. "That would all be for later."
And it was true. No matter who you share it with, love was an unbreakable bond that could not be altered in any way, even if the entire universe was against it. I would, eventually, get around to telling my family about it...
But that would be for later. For now, all that mattered was the affection I had for my new boyfriend.
Because we were, after all these months of hiding our passion, finally...
As one.