The Corporate: Part 4 of 8
#5 of Writing
Fourth installment of the Corporate. The story will be updated daily until Christmas when part 8 will be released.
The Winter Chronicles
December of 2013
The Corporate: Part 4 of 8
Once again was Harold traveling through the winter slop. And while his coat was warm enough,
it did little to stop the icy wind. As Harold continued to make his way thought the mess, he
realized that he no longer recognized his surroundings. But that was impossible as he knew the city
like the back of his hand. Determined to find his whereabouts, Harold walked on in search of a
As he continued, Harold noticed something rather peculiar. Coming to a corner, his suspicion
was confirmed. Neither in front, nor behind him was a single soul to be spotted. This case was true
for both of the intersecting streets as well. Harold looked up to the street sign to find where he
was. The sign was blank.
At the sight of this, Harold became chill. It wasn't the cold air or the freezing winds that
chilled him, but rather something much deeper inside him. Harold began to run. He ran, and ran in a
desperate attempt to find the place he had come from. He came to an intersection and froze in his
tracks. It was the same intersection he had just ran from.
Harold's heart was racing now. Where was he? What is this cursed place? He turned to run
away again, then jumped back in a startled shock.
A small child stood before him. Where had he come from? Where were his parents? But more
importantly, where had he come from? Harold knelt down to a knee and asked the child, in the calmest voice he could
muster, what this place was. The child stood silent, and Harold asked again. This time, the child
raised his hand towards Harold. In it, he held a large and unwrapped chocolate bar.
Harold did not want candy, he wanted answers. He asked the boy once more but the child extended
his hand farther as if to insist Harold take it. After several more attempts, Harold gave in and took
hold of the bar. As he touched it, a bright light erupted and Harold was blinded.