The alpha's light-chapter 1 the beginning of the end

Story by Hikariwolf on SoFurry

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This is meant to be read slowly ...take your time and enjoy

Blue Skye's ....yellow bright flowers....smiles on there faces....everything was perfect until it happened.lets get things straight my name is hikari and I'm in a pack of 5 wolves.Three months ago something big hit us....the human race and all life that existed no one saw it coming not even us ...the wolves ..the world around us and the humans were falling apart we were weak ....and judgmental...most of all traitors...people that grew tired of this ...wanted to start all over they wanted power and only a low amount of people on earth and that's when it happened ....the HRC....I remember it's name like it was yesterday....but before all of that we were having problems of our own.

"Come on people we have to move quick there's a storm upon us" I said

"Hikari bens been hurt we need to hurry up and move"examined Adriana

Adriana was part of my pack followed by Ben,ash,Jackson,and Percy.

We were all rushing through the snow as we were seeking shelter

It all began when we started our lunch hunt ...little did we know we were in for a surprise....

"Hikari I think I see a small entrance up in that mountain "said ash

"Great lets hurry up guys we nearly there " I shouted ....

I turned back while ash,Percy,and Jackson ran past me....I saw Adriana supporting Ben as carefully as she could ...I ran to them

"Adriana iv got this"I mumbled.

"But hikari"silently said Adriana

"Go!!" I shouted.

"Ben you listening to me you old basterd ..don't u die on me now"

"You got that " I said

"Hikari you've always been the basterd around here..we all know that"laughed Ben

"Just hang in there "I explained.

Before the storm we were fearlessly going on a hunt...we managed to find a medium sized fox bravely running around...we had a plan figured out ...we all had a certain role to play........

"Ok this is simple guys ..hikari and Adriana you guys take it from behind when it passes you ...that will give ash and Percy enough time to support you from the front...Jackson you will watch for any other prey while we gone....I'll take it from the top...

(1 minute before the attack)

"Hey psss hikari you think this is gonna work"whispered Adriana

"Hmm this is a piece of cake" I told her

Just then the fox stumbled upon us

Slowly taking one step at a time


"ADRIANA NOW" I shouted.

The fox heard me and decided to run for it

Just then Ben was right there waiting Slowly staring at the fox then again it was quite ...wolf vs fox .....


"BEN another pack is coming this way" shouted Jackson

"What ..never ...everyone get out of here now...

We all had no choice

So we ran

Later on that afternoon.........

We saw our alpha lying in cold blood...his left leg was ...destroyed Adriana being his daughter was devastated and took her father with us

That's when the storm caught us

We had no choice but to take a long route home ...but we wouldn't make it ...we had to find shelter....

That's how we ended up in this mess....

"Hey Ben we here ...." I said

Hey hikari we can rest here for the night it's warm and I'll start a fire"said ash worriedly

"Dad".. "You gonna be alright " Adriana said...

"Let's hope so"said Percy n