The Wolf who fell in love with little red riding hood (Work in progress)

Story by Strudels on SoFurry

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#1 of Works in progress

Added a little bit on it, still needs A LOT more work.

The Wolf who fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood.

~By Ethan Cade Denter

The Tale of little red riding hood and her secret lover, begins like it always had. Miss Red Riding hood was taking a bag of goodies to her grandmother, who lived deep in the large forest filled with many types of trees such as oaks, pines, conifers. Many of the people in the village where Miss Red Riding hood lived, new she was going on this journey and warned her of the creatures that lurked in the forest, but she said to them. "Thank you for caring about me everyone, but I can manage this by myself, I am a knowledgeable girl and I know what I am doing." But she didn't know what was ahead of her in this long journey, and she doesn't even know of the man that she would soon fall in love with.

So begins her journey on a narrow dirt path, its midday and she stands still near the edge of the forest and looks deep with in it, observing and listening to the distant noises and the falling leaves she lets out a soft sigh and walks further. Now this little red riding hood is different than most characters in these stories, she has long and curly brown hair that comes to the middle of her chest, her eyes are a dark brown, but unnaturally they can change to other different colors, her personality is shy, afraid, funny, stubborn but not all the time, she is gentle and caring and sometimes afraid of everything but yet when she sets a goal for herself she has this drive to make that goal accomplished.

As she keeps walking, she loses herself and immerses herself into the forest, and kind of feels at ease for once, she loves the smells of the trees and flowers and other fauna that surround her, but all of a sudden she hears a snap of a twig and makes her come to. "What was that? Who's there." she looks around afraid, but hears nothing and thinks to herself "I'm just imagining things I suppose." and continues further unaware of the figure lurking in the bushes.

The figure in the bushes was actually anthro wolf named Yuuma Nobuyuki, but suprisingly he didnt want to harm the girl that he saw, but he felt that it was love at first sight as he reached out his hand as she walked away, his ears fell down and so did his arm, "Why do they always seem to slide out of my grasp." He thought to himself and then he gets up and decides to follow her and watch her, and if she ever needs it protect her.

At the moment red riding hood is one fourth of the way there to her destination, and Yuuma decided to move on ahead of her to make sure there was nothing that would harm her, but it starts to and as the small glittering flakes of snow fall from the early winter sky it starts to cover the narrow dirt path and Red riding hood heads into a different direction away from the path and gets lost. Meanwhile, Yuuma waits for red riding hood and notices she is taking a long time to pass by, worried and frightened, he goes off and looks for her as he starts to notice the snow covered road and her footsteps. Then out in the distance he hears the scream of a young girl, startled and afraid he runs off looking for her.

As Yuuma looks for the girl he cares about he hears another scream and sees her red cape and hood tattered and in the snow, he picks it up and smells the tattered clothing to get the scent of the girl and he faces north with a stare of anger and rage and regret and pain, as he now knows that the pack of anthro wolves that he was packed with has found her and he remembers the things they did to the people they have held hostage which was the reason he left them, so he gets up and yells at the

top of his lungs "RED RIDING HOOD! I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!" and he presses his hands and forms into a feral wolf and runs towards the saddening screams of the girl named Red Riding Hood.

Yuuma, now worried and almost losing his head, a small tear falls from his eyelids but he is determined to save the very girl that made him into what he is now. A wolf filled with love, regret, sadness, and rage. He rages forward north like a whirlwind and he stops to see her body lying helplessly in the snow covered ground. He looks at the wolves and snarls as he attacks the first one stealthily and rips out his esophagus while the first wolf bleeds out he goes to the next slashing through their bodies and ripping their flesh apart one by one until his deed is done.

After the cruelty of his actions he is glad that little miss red riding hood wasn't awake during all of this so he decided to take her to an old cabin where it was much more pleasant. He saw that the cabin was nice and warm, wondering if someone lived here or is currently living here, but it didn't matter at the time, there was a girl needing his help and almost nearly dying. So he placed her on the couch in the small lounge in the cottage and tended to each of her cuts and bruises, with the medical supplies around the house. After he tended to her needs, Yuuma laid her down on her back and covered her up with a large self-sewn blanket and holds her hand speaking softly into her right ear. "My dear red riding hood, my name is Yuuma Nobuyuki. I am a wolf, but nothing compared to the filth of the other wolves that hurt you. I have been watching your every move and step, making sure nothing ever hurt you. This is my promise my darling...." Without a delay, he slowly moved closer to the sleeping beauty before him and reluctantly kissed her lips firmly but ever so slightly, just in case if she were to wake up he could move away faster so he wouldn't startle her.

A day has passed and he notices that she starts to move again, but he refrains to be seen so he goes to the back door of the cottage, with a note left on the table next to the couch she was laying on. It states:

"To my sweet red riding hood. If you are wondering why you are here in this very place is because I brought you here. I have been watching you, and I will protect you along your journey. I am sorry that I have to leave so soon, but its not my time to reveal myself to you. But that time will come soon. Now when you wake up, you have your basket and your hood on the couch opposite from you, along with that you have a long journey as well. When you get your bearings go back onto the road and stay on the path, if you need anything from this cottage to aid you in your journey please take it but keep moving and be on a hurry. I will be watching you. Don't forget that my dear.

With faith and love, Yuuma Nobuyuki~

He smiled at the girls movement and notices she is regaining health so he decides to move on and wait for her to pass by once more and show himself to her. Meanwhile, Miss Red Riding Hood is now fully awake and healthy, she stretches and makes a soft sigh before noticing where she was. She sees the handwritten note by the man who had saved her from the ravenous pack of uncivilized wolves. She reads it and holds the note close to her heart, as she has never had someone do this for her, no one really helped the young maiden and it felt like a good change for once. After some time she gets her bearings and takes what she needed from the house, and moved on forward hoping to see the man who had helped her soon. When she steps outside she noticed the snow has melted. The seasons change frequently in this small country do to the surrounding environments. She smiles when the sun hits her eyes and gets back on to the same narrow dirt path that she was heading on before, continuing the long journey and now she is driven to meet the man that saved her, cause she now has the same feelings that he does to her...Love, Faith, and Trust.

Yuuma was waiting for Red to pass by, hoping she read the note. After some time Yuuma falls asleep and thinks about Red, and from how much he was blushing, he was probably having lewd dreams about her but that usually happens when you meet a girl who was beautiful such as Red.

Soon after his lewd daydreaming he wakes up and wipes the slober off his muzzle then stands up and leans his back on a large old oak tree, the leaves were a lush bright green and the bark was a dark mahogany brown. The wind had a sweet scent of the grass and fauna located around the area.

(Sorry this is all that I have time for, my heads not in a good writing mood all of a sudden. I need to do some brainstorming. Also if anybody has any Ideas for my story please message me. It's been a while since I worked on this old thing. X.X)