Love Ensemble, Part 5
Hi there! I've got another read for you. The long and awaited date is finally here. But just how are things gonna go? You'll have to read! :D
Warning: This story contains romantic/sexual interaction between two underage male furs. If this is something that bothers you, please feel free to leave the page at this time. Otherwise, enjoy the read.
"Band! Ten hut!"
"Hut!" replied the entire band as they all stood at attention in their basics block.
Shawn, the lead drum major, started their usual stretches and warmup for the marching rehearsal. Arms first. The whole band crossed an arm in front of their body and pushed down with their other to stretch out the upper arm. Blake and Jordan just so happened to be next to each other in the front of the block.
"How was your day?" Jordan asked quietly.
"Not too bad, I guess. Boring, but nothing bad happened," Blake responded.
"No volleyballs in the face today?" the wolf asked as he stuck out his tongue playfully.
"Not funny!" Blake said, but smiled anyway.
"Good. I'd hate for your cute face to get damaged."
The fox blushed and kept stretching his body. They've now moved on to legs.
"Now stretching your..."
"Hip flexor!"
"I still don't get that," Blake commented.
Jordan just shrugged.
"Alright, guys. Let's listen to Mr. B for our practice schedule,"Shawn said loudly as he turned and knelt down on the podium. The director was at the top of the grandstands, wearing a headset for the loudspeakers so everyone could hear him.
"Check check. Can everyone hear me? Backfield, can you hear me?" He received some thumbs up and continued. "Alright, so today we're gonna go over the drill we learned for our Opener, and then if it goes well we'll go on and, hopefully, learn the rest of the drill. I hope everyone's been practicing their parts. Especially trumpets after what we all heard on Tuesday." He and a lot of the band let out chuckles. "Don't worry, guys. You're not the only ones. But you need to fix it. If you haven't already, section leaders, make sure you've handed out the new drill sheets to your section. It is their responsibility to keep it and replace it if they lose it. Take five minutes and let's form arcs and warm up."
The band moved to form their concert arcs in front of the middle podium. Flutes and piccolos and a few clarinets in the front row, rest of the clarinets and a few horns and saxes in the second row, the rest of the horns and low brass and the trumpets in the third row, and the sousaphones and drumline covering the back row.
Blake went to his spot as second alto, next to the section leader Lizzy, a cougar. On his other side was Oliver, a red dragon.
"Everyone know their part?" Lizzy asked down the line of saxophones.
"I do," Blake said.
"Oh I know you do, Blake, it's everyone else I'm worried about," she laughed. A few of other altos grumbled. "If you need your sheet music, use it. I'd rather you use it than not have it memorized and play the wrong thing. Blake and I can't carry all of you."
Blake just withdrew from the conversation, wishing the cougar would speak for herself and not for him as well. He decided to pay his attention back to Mr. B.
"Concert F to tune. 1, 2, 3," he conducted and then held both paws in front.
The whole band played concert pitch F on their horns, each individual adjusting their tune to the person next to them for about a minute or two.
"Sounds good, guys. Clarinets and trombones could be a little louder. Let's do a B Flat scale following me." The director started conducting again, making a slightly different paw gesture as the band ascended up te scale note by note. As they held concert A, Mr. B shouted over the band. "Adjust, adjust! Listen to the guy or girl next to you." After a few moments, he finally let the band get to the top note and then back down to the root note. "Great sound, guys. Good balance. Keep this up and I might let you go home early today."
Several cheers came out.
"Alright, let's get a run of the Opener and see what needs work. Horns up." The band played through the song, some parts noticeably needing a little bit of work. "Trumpets start at part C and go to D."
Blake just listened and waited for more instructions, his eyes slowly wandering over to Jordan every now and then. The fox smiled as they made eye contact, and the wolf smiled back.
He's so perfect. I can't believe he likes me.
"Hey Blake," came a quiet voice.
"Huh?" The fox was slightly dazed, but turned his head to Oliver.
"What are you looking at?" he asked.
"Oh, nothing. Just... someone."
"Cute guy?"
"Shush!", Blake said and blushed, wanting the dragon to stop.
The dragon laughed. "Hey Adam, Blake's crushing on some guy in the band."
"Dude, that isn't news. It's Jordan in the clarinet section," replied Adam, an otter.
"What? Blake, Jordan is straight, man," said Oliver.
"Says you..." Blake said quietly. "I've been talking to him. We have a date tonight."
Oliver just guffawed. "That's rich. Listen, Blake, you're a good guy. I don't want you to get all worked up over nothing. Jordan was just going out with some girl in the Honors Society like a month ago. He's gonna leave you heartbroken because he's playing a game with you. He's straight."
Jordan didn't reply; he didn't even look at the dragon. He didn't want to start yelling in the middle of rehearsal, but it was hard to stop the feeling of his blood starting to boil deep down in his belly from the anger he felt from the dragon's harsh words.
Jordan couldn't be straight, could he? No. He wouldn't have asked me out if he was. And even if he did, go out with this girl they obviously must've broken up. I have nothing to worry about. Oliver was just being a jerk.
The fox looked over to the opposite side of the arc to see Jordan playing his part with the rest of the clarinets like Mr. B had asked. Blake suddenly felt very sad and alone on the other side of the field. He wished that the wolf could come over and hug him.
The rest of the rehearsal seemed to drag.
Back in the locker room, Blake put his sax away and sighed quietly. He was nervous about later tonight, but he was much more worried about the words that Oliver had said. They seemed to haunt him.
"Gah!" Blake slammed his paws against his locker hard enough to make it clang and almost echo. "Why am I so worried?! Oliver's just... an idiot."
"Who are you talking to?" came a female voice that caused the fox to jump. It was Caitlin. "And why are you hitting the locker? Did it look at you funny?" She snickered and took a swig from her water bottle.
"N-No one, Caitlin... I-I'm just really nervous about the date tonight," Blake responded as he shook one of his paws from hitting the locker just a bit too hard.
The feline rolled her eyes and stepped closer to her friend. "Well stop it. How many times must I tell you that Jordan really likes you? Like really, really likes you. You have absolutely nothing to worry about."
Blake sighed. "But what if I say something stupid? What if it turns out I'm not he kind of guy he thinks I am and ends up not interested in me?"
"Blake, you say stupid stuff all the time," she laughed, reaching to pat him on the shoulder. "You're thinking too much. Remember what Josh told you last night? Just be yourself and have fun."
Blake looked to the ground. The lioness was right, as usual. She might be a little crazy sometimes, but she was just like her brother; always knowing exactly what to say. The red fox looked up towards his friend again, finally a small smile on his face. "You're right, Caitlin. Thanks."
She grinned. "Yeah, I know. Now get out there. Your man is waiting for you out in front of the parking lot. And remember, just text me if you need help with something."
The fox rolled his eyes and walked out of the band room and into the hallway. He took a quick stop at the bathroom before walking to the doors that led outside. He took a deep breath as if it would help him be brave and walked outside. There was Jordan, standing by the curb.
"Hey! There you are. I was starting to think that you ditched me," the arctic wolf said with a big smile as he was approached.
Damn wolf. Such a sexy smile.
"I just... wanted to make sure I had everything," the fox said with a blush. He looked over the wolf's body again, admiring his physique. His suspicions were true. The wolf's fur really did seen brighter in the pale moonlight. Blake couldn't stop himself from giggling quietly as the wolf looked back at him with his brilliant blue eyes.
"God, you're so cute," the wolf said before giving the other male a quick hug. "C'mon, the movie will start soon."
The two started walking. "So what movie are we going to see anyway?" Blake asked.
The wolf gave yet another sky smirk. "You'll just have to wait and see!"
The two of them got to the theater, Jordan insisting that he'd pay for tickets and snacks. He walked up the booth. "Two tickets for 'A Grizzle in the Night' please!"
Blake's heart dropped, but he said nothing. Not yet anyway. He watched the wolf exchange money for the tickets and they both walked into the lobby. The fox was still quiet.
"You okay, bud?" Jordan asked, gently nudging his lover's arm.
"Yeah, just... a horror movie on our first date? Really?"
"What? You told me last night that you liked horror movies. You even said you really wanted to see this one specifically," the wolf responded with a laugh.
"I did not..."
"Did so," Jordan said as they approached the snack counter. He ordered a big bowl of popcorn before pulling out his phone to prove it in one of their random texting conversations. "See? Right there."
And sure enough, there it was in text. Blake had sent a message to Jordan about their date:
"So what kind of movies do you like?"
"I really like horror movies. I really wanna go see A Grizzle in the Night. Looks great :D"
Blake was quiet for a while and then looked up at the wolf who had a triumphant smirk on his face. "Well I... I didn't think you'd actually take me to see it..."
"And why not? You're adorable and cute and I want to make you happy. Plus a horror movie gives me just the perfect reason to grab and hold you close whenever you jump." The white wolf grinned almost devilishly in a way. Blake found it totally sexy.
The two of them entered the theater and picked two seats. The movie started not even five minutes later.
"Looks like we got here just in time," the wolf whispered over, trying not to disturb anyone else nearby. The theater was only half-packed.
Blake just nodded and took a small bite of popcorn. His body slowly curled in in a shy sense. He couldn't help but feel this enormous sense of déjà vou.
Jordan lifted up the armrest between the two seats and made it one giant seat for the both of them. "You're not scared already, are you?" he asked gently.
"N-No..." Blake responded.
"Come here."
Blake couldn't help but be drawed closer. He scooted over to the larger male and accepted the offer, now using his chest as a pillow. He felt the wolf's arm go onto his shoulder. They were now cuddling, and the movie hadn't even gone through it's introductory scene yet. But after a while, Blake didn't care. He felt safe. He felt happy and wanted. His nervousness slowly melted into happiness and content.
Jordan gently nuzzled against the fox's pointy ear and whispered, "You alright?"
"I'm perfect," Blake replied dreamily.
The movie was not what the two canine's had expected. It was probably more humorous than scary; of course it still had those points that would cause the small fox to jump and seek shelter into his soon-to-be boyfriend, but in the overall view of things it was like a badly written middle school play. After the first half hour in, the two males were far more interested in their own conversation with each other than what they had actually come for.
"Tough rehearsal tonight, huh?" Jordan asked.
Blake looked up at the wolf whom he was leaning against. "Eh, not the worst. But it is a little annoying that so many other people still don't have their parts memorized."
"Hey. I don't have my part memorized either," Jordan replied.
"I... I-I didn't..." Blake stammered, but he received a grin and a squeeze of the paw to reassure that the wolf was just teasing him.
"I'm not mad, bud. I'm just kidding," he said before gently pressing noses with the smaller male. "I hope one day you'll recognize that most of the time I'm just playful. Trust me, you'll know when I'm serious about something."
Blake could hardly respond as their noses were held together like that. "O-Okay..."
"By the way," Jordan said as they parted and stuck his tongue out. "This movie is awful."
"Yeah," Blake snickered. "It's not at all what I expected."
"The bear isn't even that scary. I'm almost certain that the only reason you've jumped is because he appears during a quiet moment and he's all 'Rawr! Grr!'" He made a really goofy looking impression of the antagonist, getting a laugh from the fox but also a few "Shhh!"s from the others in the theater.
"Jordan, you're gonna get us kicked out of here," Blake said back while still laughing a little. He pulled out his phone and texted Caitlin. He couldn't believe how much fun he was having.
The movie finally ended and there was absolutely no applause. The two could hear grumbles and groans of the others in the theater as they started walking out.
"That was horrible," said a lady. "There wasn't even a real ending."
"Yeah, I can't stand it when they just show a bloodied 'To Be Continued?' on the screen. So cliche. I really hope there isn't gonna be a sequel to this," said the man the lady was with.
Jordan leaned over and nuzzled Blake's cheek. "I agree. But then again, if there is a sequel, it might be worth the pay just to see how ridiculous it is."
Blake blushed and laughed at the comments. "If there is I'm not going with you."
"You still had a good time, didn't you?" Jordan asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
"Of course I did," Blake said back and then was taken by surprise as his paw was grabbed by the wolf. The two stepped out of the theater and down the hall, Blake blushing the whole time. He was in a moment of bliss, but was shortly knocked out as he suddenly felt multiple pairs of eyes on him. The fox became reserved and started walking slower. Jordan noticed.
"Are you alright, Blake?" the wolf asked as they got outside.
"People are s-staring..." Blake said quietly. This was all new to him.
Jordan let go of the fox's paw to give him a little bit of space. He didn't want to make the fox uncomfortable. "Well it's not every day they see a cute gay couple, bud. Don't worry. People just don't understand how we feel."
Blake didn't respond. He looked around and could see people whispering to each other and laughing.
Are they talking about me? What are they saying? Did I do something wrong?
Jordan grabbed the fox's paw and pulled him away from the theater. "C'mon. I promised you a walk in the park."
Thankfully, the park was much less crowded. The moon was now fully in the sky and there were no clouds in sight. The temperature had gone down a little, but the two males didn't mind since they were covered in fur. Blake was feeling a little chilly, but the wolf's paw in his made that better.
"I'm sorry for freaking out earlier..." Blake said quietly as they walked.
"It's okay, I understand. I used to be like that too; afraid of people looking at me and judging me just by what they saw and not what they knew," Jordan said back. "But then I realized that I shouldn't worry about what people think of me. I can't change who I am, and if someone doesn't like me for me then they aren't worth my time."
Blake sighed quietly. "You're so much braver than me..."
Jordan squeezed the fox's paw. "Even if I am, it takes a lot of guts to hold another male's paw in public, Blake."
"But I..." He just sighed.
Jordan pulled his fox to the nearest park bench and sat, holding him close. He could feel the fox's slow breathing. He rubbed at the fox's side in all attempts to cheer him up, but it seemed useless. After a while, he decided to talk. "Blake, are you sure you're alright?"
"I saw someone at the theater I recognized. He's a big rhino in our gym class and I saw him make a disgusted look at us..."
"Are you worried he'll make fun of you?" Jordan said with a gentle nuzzle against Blake's ear.
"I'm worried he's gonna tell everyone in the world about us."
Jordan used his free hand to lift up Blake's chin so they could see eye to eye. "And so what if he does? I'm having a great time with you and that's all that matters, isn't it?"
Blake looked into the wolf's eyes. They were so bright and truthful. So protective. So kind. So... loving. The fox started blushing again, but couldn't look away. He could feel his heart racing like a mad rabbit as the two just locked eyes. "Your eyes are... so beautiful, Jordan..."
The wolf smiled and leaned a little closer. "I really like you, Blake. I like everything about you. You're cute, smart, funny, sensetive, honest... I don't care if this is just a first date. I feel like we belong together. I feel like I've known you for so long. You're so perfect."
"I... I am?" Blake said back quietly. He didn't know what else to do.
As the two males' faces got closer, time felt like it was slowing down. Blake was motionless.
Is he going to kiss me? What do I do? Do I lean in too? Or do I just wait? What if I'm not a good kisser? I can't do this, I can't do this!
But before Blake could pull away, he felt the wolf's hot lips against his own in their first kiss. The fox closed his eyes and felt himself move closer to the wolf. The wolf's paws wrapped around the fox's small frame and brought their bodies closer together. The kiss was very simple, but very passionate. It lasted for several minutes, or at least that's what it felt like to Blake. The two of them were in pure bliss. Nothing was going to separate them now.
"Blake, Jordan is straight, man," came a voice.
Blake gasped and backed out of the kiss, leaving a confused Jordan. The fox's body started shaking.
"Huh? Blake, what's wrong?" the wolf asked.
Blake didn't reply. He could only look around in a panicked state.
"He's gonna leave you heartbroken because he's playing a game with you. He's straight."
The fox jumped up and backed away, his body shivering.
"Blake, talk to me. What happened?" Jordan asked, still very confused.
"I... I'm sorry, I have to go..." Blake asked and ran, now crying.
I can already hear all the hate from you guys for making an ending like that. But don't worry, everything will get resolved. What will the result be? Well you'll just have to wait for that.
Thanks for reading! As always, leave your thoughts below :)