The First To Go
#1 of When It Rains
When it rains do the angels cry? this had been the question all furs have asked when they have been transported to the Institute for the well behaved. They were always brought on a rainy day, just like they always left on a rainy day. It was almost like a tradition, just ask Layla.
It was dark as I was taken from my prison cell. The swaying lights showed the metal bars of other cells, as the thunder roared outside. There were animals in those cells, but then again, we all were animals now. The thunderous roar outside made me wounder if they where bringing another one of us in this prison.
The institute for the well behaved was a prison holding the experiments gone wrong from the academy. There was a handful of us, from the furred to the scaled, and again to the feathered, roughly 20 of us that lived here. Why do we live in caged you ask? Partially because we are afraid to be seen, partially because the institute is afraid of us to be seen. Some of us don't care that we can't leave, some of us do care. I hated being kept in a cage like a pet.
My guards, heavily armored and weaponized human soldiers, led me down the hall solemnly. No chains bound my furred wrists, no weights hindered my speed. The walls were made of ordinary stone, the glass dome coming off the outer walls was just ordinary glass, tinted to warn our fliers to stop and to keep outsiders from seeing them. Our cells where only to keep us at night while the nocturnes played in the yards, day time switched us. It was all a nice and seemingly simple idea.
As they led me into the underbelly of the institute I began to where I would be if I didn't agree to take the serum. Probably still on the streets, a hopeless runaway from a hopeless situation. I closed my eyes briefly remembering the pain of being in a foster home. I was used as a means to get extra money, nothing less...but sometimes a whole lot more...
We descended the stone stairs quietly, even the monstrous furs were quiet this night. They were the ones not allowed outside, the ones hidden away in the dark, never to see daylight again. A cold chill ran down my furred spine, something wasn't right. The monstrous were never quiet, there was always at least one that was clawing on the walls or clicking his or her scales on the wall.
As we entered the lab room I looked around as the guards locked the door and stood at the ready, their guns pointed at my chest. I backed up slowly, "W-what are you doing?" The clicking of the desk lamp made me turn, "My dear sweet Layla. There's been a change of plan." I shook my head, "W-what do you mean Max? What change could possibly stop you from-" The man raised his figure to quiet me his brown hair moving with the shake of his head. "You see, I Have found new evidence that the government would pay a mighty sum in order to peak into my research. Perhaps they would be so kind as to help me find some cures for these side effects you and your packs are enduring."
"You know how it is my dear girl, business as usual." With that my howl of betrayal was silence by the first dart to my neck, my fading vision was ended by the second dart to my heart. With that I died, darts lethal enough to kill, but safe enough not to damage the cell tissue. I grew up as a means to a paycheck and so I ended, not even getting to hear the tears of the angels land on the windows one last time. Yeah, greed is a Bitch.