Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:13)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#13 of Stories

You try to live outside, but Bowser doesn't want you to.

(preveously-You grab your gear, and resume your outside life.) *Now* You storm around the castle, knowing Bowser will send minions after you. Sure enough, you see minions spread in the woods. You start shooting them, and would never get caught. You soon go bonkers. You run and jump onto Bowser! You pull out your knife, and howel like a wolf! Bowser struggles to get you off, but he cant! You fall off Bowser, and get in an avatar (blue cat people) position. You grasp your knife, hoping Bowser will stop, you cut from your wrist, to your sholder. Bowser tries to stop you, but you do the same with the other arm! You put your knife away. Bowser cries. You feel the blood dripping, and running down your arms. You want to turn away, but you cant move. You look around. You walk to each minion, retreaving all the arrows. You put them away, and walk toward Bowser. He stares at you, horrified. You put down your wepond, and you and Bowser walk into the castle. You feel dizzy. You cant walk straight. You fall into Bowsers arms. Asleep...(stay tunned for pt:14)