Burdens - Chapter 95: Ties
#95 of Burdens
Chapter 95: Ties
It was still dark when the fox woke up. The night prior felt like a dream, yet all of the evidence was there. His fur felt sticky.
He was still in the wolf's arms, pressed against him closely, enough that it made him blush for reasons less than proper. He tasted the morning and in his breath was innocence so taken from that of which he held. He felt cold.
He moved an arm to pull the blanket atop the two of them, noting their proximity in his mind. Performing that activity, however, stirred the wolf from his sleep. A glance at the time and he figured that would be about when he woke, anyhow.
"Good morning," the wolf said sleepily. He yawned away from the fox, conscious of his morning breath.
"Morning," the fox replied meekly. He nuzzled into the wolf's shoulder as he said it, muffling his voice, but also hiding his breath for the same reason.
He kept his face there and said, "Did you... enjoy it?"
He could feel the wolf nod, and he even saw out of the corner of his eye the movement of the bed sheets as the wolf had waved his tail back and forth. It made him smile.
He heard a voice, sheepish as it was. "Roger..." it said.
He looked up back at the wolf, and froze when their noses touched. He felt his face begin to flush, and time seemed to slow.
He stared into the wolf's eyes, and the wolf stared back. He felt a warmth spread from his chest throughout his body, gripping him, and he was lost.
He felt a lick on his lips which caused his heart to skip a beat. It soothed him, and indeed it wooed him. He licked back in response.
They shifted, and from merely touching noses and licking they had fallen into a kiss ever so deep.
The world seemed to fall apart around Roger, and none of it mattered anymore. He closed his eyes and his mind was blank, yet in it he swam, an endless sea where naught remained but the two. Had he any doubt of his feelings prior, they were washed away.
He held on tightly to the wolf, for any amount of proximity was too far. His tongue played across the wolf's, he would draw away and nip at the wolf's fur tenderly. He breathed deeply, the intoxication that threatened to consume him, yet to it he gave himself willingly.
He whispered, a voice full of passion, "I love you so much, Hunter. I've been waiting for that for so long."
Everything was muffled, but when the wolf's voice came back in response, it was as clear as the purest waters. He had said, "I love you too, Roger." And then a nip came onto his ear.
It felt perfect to the fox, everything that had transpired. Why had he waited? What had he waited for? If this was the result, then surely he had merely wasted his time in the delay, but perhaps it would not have been so without the proper steps.
It felt as if everything he wanted in life had evaporated, and all that was left was the wolf he held onto. In his head he made all of the decisions he ever thought would ever require his attention, and in his head he decided that no matter what, he would stay with Hunter. He hoped it was reciprocated.
They laid there, idle and waiting, wondering what could be next, though of that he had many ideas. He could not stop smiling, and his tail was ever in motion, as was the wolf's.
He laughed softly at the situation and how silly he must have seemed to an onlooker.
He wanted to say everything in that moment that he could never bring himself to say before. He wanted to tell the wolf just how he had felt every single time he was around, but he felt he would merely be repeating himself.
As he opened his mouth to vocalize his first stream of adulation, there came a knock on the door, and a young voice requesting their presence. There was a game to be played, and he needed them to play it.
Disappointed, but only slightly, Roger said, "I guess it's time to get out of bed."
The fox was still smiling as the wolf nodded. Before they broke their embrace, they kissed again, and then sought out their clothes.
The day went on fairly quickly, to the fox's disappointment. It was only but a date that they had had the previous day, but it had led to so much. In such a short amount of time their relationship had turned into something he had never dreamed of, yet it was all he could hope for now. It was constantly on his mind, and every chance he got when they were alone, he showed the wolf his affection through kisses and licks and hugs. He was smitten, and he knew it.
He could not envision it ever disappearing, his feelings. He almost felt it was one-sided, but the wolf returned every single one of them.
He was happy for this moment, and yet he cursed himself for being so blind to what had been there all along. All that time wasted, he thought to himself. What have I been working for?
Eventually it did come time to depart, yet he strongly expressed his desire to stay. However, he knew he had to go, and so he did, although with quite a fair amount of difficulty.
His departure felt to him as if he was tearing off a piece of himself, but it had to be done, and he knew it would have to be done over and over again. He prepared himself.
He hardly remembered the trip home, or even getting into bed. The image of those eyes that stared back at him was ever present, and he only found grandeur and beauty in it.
All he could do was look forward to the next day, and every day thereafter.